scanners are fun


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
except for bob jobinsky

can anyone recommend a good one for a low price (less than 200 bucks), or tlel me what specs to look for?

I was at frys and the scanners on display have lying stats. like things not fitting where they're supposed to be, things not making sense, and misuse of the anagram "dpi"

so, I trust your opinions once again
(btw we got an olympus digital camera for 100 bucks less than the canon one, its a shame though for there are less options. oh well. not like we're trying to do professional crap)
Hmm wrong forum?

I thought you were going to start a discussion on the 'scanners' in HL2 (those floating, flying machines that watch you)
Oo, wrong forum, but thats okay, honest mistake.

I would just ditch your printer and get a new scanner/printer/fax/copier in one... they're great
I thought he was talking about flying scanners in the game :-/
I have a Canon Multipass F20, and it has yet to fail me. It's a great device.