Scared of Death???

Do you fear the inevitable

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 38.0%
  • No

    Votes: 62 62.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I won't lie, death is something that scares the **** out of me and I try not to dwell on. Some sort of eternal, dreamless sleep would be ideal, but the idea of immortality (assuming it exists) just gives me the willies.
Immortatlity is the opposite of death :/ Unless you were just mentining two different subjects that scare you.
It's stupid (and almost impossible) not to fear the unknown, so if you've voted NO you're either stupid or an emonut.
Immortatlity is the opposite of death :/ Unless you were just mentining two different subjects that scare you.

That's my point. Immortality= never dying, and the concept of that is just as freaky to me as the concept of death.
Not scared of dieing. Simply to say I take a deep understanding of the sub-atomic\atomic world and apply it to life and death being illusions. For example, i'm just a bunch of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Every thought that goes through my head is just a bunch of chemical reactions between these atoms. Everything that happens is just a bunch of chemical reactions.

Therefor I don't particularly see dieing the same as everyone else. It isn't some black void, simply to say I cannot define death based on the illusion of life. It isn't a black void, it isn't nothingness, it isn't hell, it isn't heaven, it isn't a reincarnation. It is just chemical reactions. I can't define life or death.
Some of us evidently can't accept that we're all emotionally isolated and need not understand each other's fears (or lack thereof).
Not now, no. When I get older, as death gets closer, I probably will. But right now I have other important things to think about.
I am by no means a religious person. I have a very final view of life, and when it's over, it's over. My mind cannot comprehend its own cessation of existence, and neither can anyone else (not in any absolute fashion anyway, we just aren't programmed that way).

Of course, the human fears what the human cannot comprehend.

Rationally, I shouldnt fear death, because once I get there, I wont exist to be upset about it. I like being alive however, and the idea of that ending scares me.
Bliink said everything I would've said.

I'll add that the only things that make me feel less scared of death are accomplishing the things in life I want to get done. It makes it less scary somehow by hoping my life will be complete at the end.
I'm not particuarly scared of it. I am, however, a bit nervous about what comes after.....
I personally don't fear death. In fact, after surviving cantcer, I don't really fear anything. I've been on the brink of death and looked over the edge without blinking.

There are only three things innevitable in life: change, death, and taxes.

Seasons don't fear the reaper, nor do the wind the sun or the rain.
It scares the living shit out of more than anything else in the world. I don't like to dwell on religious thoughts too long as it always leads me down the path of thinking of my own non-existance. *listens to Thoughts of a Dieing Athiest*
yea death scares me to a degree but if there was no afterlife, i'd imagine death to be something like when you're out cold during surgery.

But as someone said before the thought about "forever" or immortality is just insane. I mean seriouly, i want you(whoever is reading this post) to take a minute and actually try and think about "forever"....i mean just NEVER ENDS.

You thought 10 sextillion, quadrillion, googleplex whatever years was long? TRY FOREVER!!! IT'S MIND BOGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE WTF!?!

sorry..but imagine if there was hell and you were there FOREVER?! Why does a lifetime of "bad deeds" equal to an ETERNITY of torture and suffering??
Ask yourself this, why would god create mankind knowing that even one person would spend enternity in hell??? i would rather not humans not exist all together.
I have questioned death many times. But when I think of my religion, then I'm not bothered. When I think if religion is wrong, I think that most of the people who survived World War 2 are dead. Sometimes I fear it, mostly I don't.
Sometimes. Then I think of a story or movie about a character who fears death and comes to accept it. Then I don't feel so scared anymore.

What scares me is that I'll be right and there is no afterlife, whether it be some kind of paradise or reincarnation.
I am not really scared of it that bad but I voted yes. Most of the time I do not think about death but it is times like this where I will just sit and think to myself, what happens after you pass away? Do you become an ghost and roam the earth? Or do you go to heaven or hell? That is the only thing that scares me about it is the unknown about what happens after you pass. Not the pain.
I don't mind. I'd like to see what happens next. But I would also like to see what happens after... on this side of the shroud, anyway.

What makes me afraid is how I die. I don't want to die writhing on the ground pumped full on sarin gas. Nor do I want to die in a bed. And I don't want to die with a bullet to the head, because you won't be able to say anything dramatic. :p
What really scares me, is if the person I love dies before I do.

If I had it my way, we would both live long, healthy lives, then somewhere around the age of 75 we get t-boned by a semi and it kills both of us instantly. Romantic huh? I would rather die with my loved one, than live alone.
I'm not scare of dying.

I'm scared of how i'm GOING to die D:
Anyone who says they don't fear death is lying - once you come face-to-face with death, you'll fear it.
But we aren't face to face with death, are we?

I'd rather I died at the age of 50 something blasted by automatic gunfire.
I'm not afraid of dying, it just depends on how painful my death is.
The only thing I fear in the world is spiders. I don't fear death in the slightest, simply the before life and after. Like Raziaar and Bliink, the going worries me not, but the before and after. What is out there? An infinity of black? A new life? I don't know man. I'm not trying to make this a first RvB episode but, why are we here? What's the point to existance? But yea, most importantly, what happens when we die? As for the death of a relative or close friend, the only person who I don't care about is dad. Damn his soul. I'm Jedi so my belife is that the "Afterlife" is co-existance with the force. Still, I sometimes even doubt that. The christains have heaven and hell and limbo, the budists have reincarnation and (I think) a heaven if you lead the perfect life. I dunno.
Death does not concern me as I know there is a afterlife. What this afterlife is remains a mystery to me but I know the spirit goes on.

/Plays Celine Dion
Not really.

When I'm old and senile, i suppose that will change, but except for the pain involved I see nothing scary about death. Life is overrated anyways.
Im not scared of death, just the way you exeperience it D:
Don't be scared of the fire, dance in the flame, let your soul break free from these earthly chains, this life we lead will drive you insane, so fear not death because its nothing but change, and so if life so their one in the same, so we return to the earth from where we came.
Ask yourself this, why would god create mankind knowing that even one person would spend enternity in hell??? i would rather not humans not exist all together.
There are a number of problems with that theory
  1. Read the Old Testament, God is insane and wants you dead for wearing clothes made of more than 1 type of fabric (which many of us wear every day)
  2. I'm an athiest

Death does not concern me as I know there is a afterlife.
A better answer would be to go "Well, you may know there is an afterlife: Prove it", Riomhaire. : P

But your way is good too!
A better answer would be to go "Well, you may know there is an afterlife: Prove it", Riomhaire. : P

But your way is good too!
My origianl response was going to be something like this


HOLY SHIT! You ****ing KNOW there is an afterlife?! JESUS H CHRIST ON A POGO STICK SHOW ME THE ****ING PROOF NOW, YOU MUST BE THE SMARTEST ****ING PERSON IN THE WORLD!!1111!!!11!!oneoneonef*ckingone!

It's got more sarcasm and is probably funnier but when I opened by bookmarked pics I saw the bullshit meter and thought, "I never used that, might aswell"
I personally like this image


it has dual use: religious crazies and as a descriptive for our very own krazy Korean: Numbers
I am sure that everyone fears leaving this earth before they are ready to go, but depending on if you think there is something else waiting for you will actually determine weither or not you are scared to die. I personally think there is a heaven, but Ikerous on the other hand does not. He feels that when we die we die, thats it, nothing more and noting less. Is he scared? I dont know, you will have to ask him. As far as me being scared, no. I know that I am going to die, one day, I hope no time soon, but God has already planned that out for me, so if I die tomorrow I die, being scared of it is not going to help me live longer.