
Ok ...

Well anyway I might as well throw it out there that it's a shockingly good game. Considering the premise and that it was a movie tie-in I pretty much hated it before I even played it, but it definitely surprised me. Don't expect anything plotwise (it completely trashes the Scarface story) but the gameplay is very good. It's basically Drug Wars on a huge scale and obviously a lot deeper.
I've heard other people say that it has a relatively good story. And from what I have experienced it is decent enough. As I've never played such a free-roaming game before (along GTA lines), I do find the game somewhat disorienting and frustrating though, but I suppose that's my fault.

Hmm...I wonder if Sierra will make another iteration of Scarface, as the game itself "continues" the story, rather than re-live the original. Or maybe next time around they will model the game after the movie.
*spoilers for anyone who's never watched the movie, I guess... :|*
*although, then why would you be playing the game?*

Doesn't the game apparently rewind time in the game, and lets you prevent Tony from getting riddled at the end?
*spoilers for anyone who's never watched the movie, I guess... :|*
*although, then why would you be playing the game?*

Doesn't the game apparently rewind time in the game, and lets you prevent Tony from getting riddled at the end?
Yes, you take control of Tony soon before the guy with the shotgun comes in from behind so you can kill him.
Hmm, that sounds more interesting than I had at first thought. As long as the gameplay is solid, this migth be one for me to pick up...used.
How do you mean it trashes the Scarface story?

Um ... the whole point of the movie gets thrown out the window just so the game can justify its' existence. It just doesn't line up with the movie at all, one second he's snorted enough cocaine to kill a horse, kills his best friend and loses his sister ... then in the game he's level headed and shoots his way out with hardly a passing thought to the deaths of the only people in his life. The game has no story, other than your typical revenge plotline. It would have been better if they had just interpreted the movie instead of this terrible sequel idea.

Still, I got past how much I hate the premise for it and found that it's a pretty damn good game.
ign gave it a 8.7 which is pretty good, i did take into account their dodgy rating system though but thatsa good score nonetheless, i thought it'd be another enter the matrix...

8.5 Presentation
Great story/setting, nice phone system that lets you manage your empire and lots of little touches here and there that add to the experience.

8.0 Graphics
Not amazing, but extremely competent. Tony himself looks fantastic and everything runs quite well, but nothing will blow you away.

9.0 Sound
Absolutely fantastic voice acting for Tony. Weapon and other sound effects are very solid if not great. Soundtrack is really damn good, as well.

8.5 Gameplay
Nice shooting mechanic, the Balls meter is fresh (if not perfect), and there's a LOT of stuff to do. It's the deepest open world game we've seen yet.

8.0 Lasting Appeal
Lengthy single-player storyline and the open world means you can $#&@ around for a long, long time.
**** you, you ****ing cockaroach!!!

one of the taunts in game ..I picked up the pc version on a whim (along with Just cause) ..the action is quite good and the taunts are pretty funny "you talking to me you ****ing cockroach"

the storyline is good so far (I've just got his mansion back after bribing some pig faced cops) ..the gameplay is pretty good's not exactly like GTA wild driving (it'll get you arrested) and the shooting aspect is much better than most sandbox games but man do the graphics ever suck ..I'm by no means a graphics whore but the pc version looks horrible looks far worse than GTA3 that came out years ago ..the streets are pretty barren, there's not a heck of a lot of detail and the textures are just extremely bad in a lot of the areas ..I wont even get into characters ...suffice it to say that tony looks like he's been raised from the dead

ok game so far but I gotta play more to make a final judgement ..btw you actually have something called a Balls meter get Balls meter points from taunting a victem after you've killed them "howdda ya like that you ****ing cockaroach!!!" ..when it fills you go into a sort of bullet time where you can kill by the dozen without taking damage ..and you'll definately be killing a lot
Is anyone else having trouble with the Pedro's Pawnshop mission (ie, dropping the crates off). I managed to drop the first one off, but I always run out of time trying to deliver the second. I come really close to delivering it, but there seems to be no way to drop it off (all the areas to the marked spot are blocked). I HATE timed missions, even if they do present some realism.
just another crappy port.
when it comes to the pc version that is.
besides the good storyline and dialogue,it pretty much stinks.
from the graphics down to the gameplay.
not to mention the difficulty of actually surviving in the game.
kill somebody and the cops/gangs will be right on your ass without any escaping ala're pretty much ****ed,unless you have enough money to bribe the cops ingame.which is hard to cpme by the way.
this is just another poorly developed gta clone if u ask me.
saints row might be a clone but they at least stuck to the same gameplay elements and added even more to its game world.
Is anyone else having trouble with the Pedro's Pawnshop mission (ie, dropping the crates off). I managed to drop the first one off, but I always run out of time trying to deliver the second. I come really close to delivering it, but there seems to be no way to drop it off (all the areas to the marked spot are blocked). I HATE timed missions, even if they do present some realism.

I finished that mission with a lot of time to spare, doesn't matter though because the cops come early anyway. I don't know what your talking about though, none of the crates were blocked off. Just try and find another way in.

EDIT: Oh and the graphics look fine on PS2. Definitely better than GTA3 at least.