Scariest game you've ever played?

Silent Hill-series & Alone In The Dark-series. :)
Resident Evil series...i dont thiunk they are scary anymore...but when i played it the first time i shat my pants :)
System Shock 2
Doom 3 Alpha

Oh and Sin. Going for more than 5 minutse without the Blue Screen was an achivement in itself.
oh i forgot to mention doom3 alpha even though its not even a full game. :eek:
definitly silent hill the beginning where your walking threw a pitch black hallway, with a flash light that pretty much makes 1 square foot of light, you cant see anything...but the sound..thats how they get you. you hear things, things to scary to explain, things you have nightmares about...unnatural things.

When i first played doom....... which was when i was about 10... It was ONLY scary when playing on my own, and with no cheats on, and in the dark.

UNfortunately i dont get scared with games any more or with films :(
Playing Silent Hill 2 at like 1 AM with no sound in the house and no other lights on scares me so much. Also, the Ichy's in the HL series scare me a lot.
I hardely visit this section of the forums, but i will grace you with my presence today.
Silent Hill 2 was gad blum scary!
Silent Hill 2 was decently scarey.

I'll tell you one thing though, Aliens VS Predator 2 had my heart racing at almost every second I played through single player. Seriously guys, go pick up the gold pack, its a GREAT game.