Scariest HL experience

My most scary moment was in Blue Shift (My first HL game) when you get in an elevator and then ride up one floor and then to the right there is a headcrab and when i was on my way out of the elevator it jumped out, i was so scared that when it jumped out from its hiding place i jumped in my chair and found myself pulling my mouse so the guy you are looked up in the roof of the elevator.
My personal scrariest bit was when i heard tap tap tap..FOOTSTEPS! i spun round, then realised it was my own footsteps. Then i saw was my gun jiggling. Then the roof collapsed raining headcrabs. I pissed myself (metaphorically).
But if you want a moment of in game pathology and not just me being silly, then i say....
"ooh, a silo." BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! "erk! whats that? Hey, mr dying scientist, what is that?" Scientist: "arg, got to kill...Bllarrgh"
Me: "erk. Okay." BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! " sounds like something banging..." "in fact it almost sounds like something's trying to get to me" BOOM BOOM BOOM!turns corner..
SPLAT! "hmm"
Yes, the only thing was left out was me clopping coconuts together for hooves.
haha, classic

I have a few bad expierences, the spies (like what Spud said) and the part were your running through the pipe and you fall through (i think thats after the sewage place with all the barrels. Then there was on the cliff with the damn headcrab, I ran over to the pipe at the end of the cliff and looked in to find a headcrab jumping at me. I have my mp5 out, the headcrab made me jump causing me to spray my mp5 at it, but in the process I accedently click the right mouse button. By that time he was just at my face and BOOM I flew off the cliff in pieces.
The headcrabs outta nowhere made me jump sometimes. Other than that, I think when the grunt chucks a satchel into the pipe you're crawling thru, and you have to escape the explosion b4 it gets you. That was tight. The grunts shooting thru the vent in that garage caught me by surprise too.
The part with the Female Assasins, when there running around on the top and there footsteps go really fast, it reminds me of signs.
it was really scary when the thing jumped out from behind that other thing, and then killed that thing.