Scariest Sound?


Jul 26, 2005
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I was told by my friend and also read somewhere that the movie "The Village" had a sound effect that was so scary, it alone would have been responsible for an R rating. However, it was removed because the film was intended to be PG-13. The individual responsible for this sound (Phillup Glass?) never told anyone what the sound was. Curious, could any of you find this sound or noise?
The sound of people screaming from torture or burning in hell is pretty chilling. Might have been somthing like that.
if you look through the original half-life sound files there are 3 .wavs labelled something along the lines of thehorror 1 2 and 3. They are pretty bone chilling. I don't think they were used in the game ever.
I had a dream that I was running from something making the manhack sound...

I never saw if it was manhacks or what, I woke up in a cold sweat.
When I was younger I went to see a movie called "The Relic". I had to walk out of the theater because it freaked me out so much. Something about the breathing of the creature was just so unnerving. Check out the movie if you're interested. Good movie and good creature design.
Dan said:
if you look through the original half-life sound files there are 3 .wavs labelled something along the lines of thehorror 1 2 and 3. They are pretty bone chilling. I don't think they were used in the game ever.

Pretty sure I heard those in Xen, namely at the big portal thing that you enter right before being teleported to the Nihilanth...
aphex twin - ventolin

he claims the song was inspired by his asthma attacks.. so, yeah. aureal terror
I hate exorcisms! *shudders* I'd hate to be the poor priest doing it.
Scariest sound from a movie?
The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose, both of the recordings in the movies gave me the chills... in Emily Rose when she just starts doing that "One...! Two...! Three...! Four...! Five...! Six!" crap, it's just creepy.
Dan said:
if you look through the original half-life sound files there are 3 .wavs labelled something along the lines of thehorror 1 2 and 3. They are pretty bone chilling. I don't think they were used in the game ever.

One was used in "On a rail" at the start.
This is really bugging me. There's a game I have (PC, I'm pretty sure) that had this one thing that made me just sit down and shut the game off. I'm pretty sure it was a sound, like a blood-curdling scream, but whatever it was, it was so awful that I physically could not play any more. I have to figure this out! :frown:
Omg at that excorcism, scary scary stuff.
The sound of those monsters at the end of FEAR warping out of thin air was pretty disturbing.
Scariest noise i've ever heard was the sound of a bobcat screaming,they used to sit outside my window and eat food scraps my mom threw out the door. At 8 years old that was traumatizing lol.
CrazyHarij said:
aphex twin - ventolin

he claims the song was inspired by his asthma attacks.. so, yeah. aureal terror

That song rocks. Got it on right now :)
the sound of a clown crying whilst engaging in sordid acts of self-abuse.
kirovman said:
the sound of a clown crying whilst engaging in sordid acts of self-abuse.
Oh you've been to that site too? Isn't the free trial lovely :)
Ever wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a woman screaming in anguish?

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Ever wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of a woman screaming in anguish?

-Angry Lawyer
Only when I'm having bad gas :|
JNightshade said:
This is really bugging me. There's a game I have (PC, I'm pretty sure) that had this one thing that made me just sit down and shut the game off. I'm pretty sure it was a sound, like a blood-curdling scream, but whatever it was, it was so awful that I physically could not play any more. I have to figure this out! :frown:
What was the game?

Satch919: I think I understand what you mean about the "Kathoga's" breathing in The Relic. It has this noise of a man breathing violently as if gasping for air if you listen closely, since I think it was a human at some point in the movie.

And a sound so ****ing freaky it got taken out? WE MUST FIND EET! ADO EET ANOW ARAGHHH ARRAGHHHH! [/Arnold Schwarzenegger voice]
Scariest sound to me would have to be the Slayers in The Suffering and we havethese god damn cats in my 'hood that make these noises like they are teh possessed by demons.
I have the scariest sound on my computer, if i was to upload and link the .wav you'd probably commit suicide, i'm not going to upload it.