Scariest Video game moments (the remix x27!)

The most frightening thing I've ever found happen to me in a computer game is getting chased by something really fast and indestructable. Like, in old top-down shooters, where they'd use them to enforce a time limit on the map. You'd be, like walking down a corridor really slowly, but you know you've taken too long. And then there's this goddamn huge metallic black thing running past mega fast on the other side of the wall - and you know it's gaining on you, and that you can't actually kill it.

How I miss those days of gaming.

-Angry Lawyer

You just reminded me of something: the grizzly in Ski Free.
You just reminded me of something: the grizzly in Ski Free.
Good old Grizzly, used to play for ages when I was younger trying to beat it, but it always won :(.
Also first time I met it I jumped.

Uuhm I don't play many scary games. Round an old friends house with that Dinosaur game made by the resi-evil guys though. That was scary. When they smashed out of windows and from cieling grates was very unnerving.
I can't believe I didn't mention Silent Hill. That game probably terrified me the most. I couldn't even play it by myself. The ambient sounds really did a number on me. Plus Pyramid Head was always stalking the character. Freaky!
Definetly when I played Doom 3 with my friend in his basement with the lights off.

Also when I played Silent Hill 3 alone with the lights off. I was trying to make myself really scared. It worked.
Also, the HL mod "Afraid of Monsters" is paralyzingly scary. The first time I heard a zombie scream, I had to mute my computer, shut off the monitor, and take a walk outside.
Yeah, thanks a lot. I went and downloaded it.... you know that first time when the power goes out? I was out of bullets, only a knife, and the flikery falshlight, then the two zombies... AAAAAAAAH.
Condemned scared me, and I only played up till when you lose your gun...

It was still scary on the lowest settings, 480x620, running at 17 FPS, and it still scared me. (PC version).

I would've kept playing it, but I couldn't deal with my crappy-ass computer anymore..
Games are definitly scarier the better the graphics are.
Uuhm I don't play many scary games. Round an old friends house with that Dinosaur game made by the resi-evil guys though. That was scary. When they smashed out of windows and from cieling grates was very unnerving.
Dino Crisis.
Me = Capcom nut.

Scariestgame I've ever played was Resident Evil 2 on N64. The biggest shit I ever took was kinda early in the game when a licker crashes through a window.
That's all I remember at the moment.
I jumped a few times in the FEAR demo, but I didn't know those things couldn't touch you. I tried to blast them to high hell.
CS:S is the only game that has me jumping on a regular basis. Damn foos popping out of nowhere.
Never played System Shock or some of the others mentioned. Never played Silent Hill, though I should.
The most frightening thing I've ever found happen to me in a computer game is getting chased by something really fast and indestructable. Like, in old top-down shooters, where they'd use them to enforce a time limit on the map. You'd be, like walking down a corridor really slowly, but you know you've taken too long. And then there's this goddamn huge metallic black thing running past mega fast on the other side of the wall - and you know it's gaining on you, and that you can't actually kill it.

How I miss those days of gaming.

-Angry Lawyer

I remember those.. Usually I start running constantly thinking "OH SHHHIIIT!", It really gets you moving.
When i'm being chased by scary things in a game and I can't see them...(trying to run for cover or something)... I panic and go "oh shit oh shit!" as they chase me. I fear they're going to gobble me up.
I suggest everyone plays the Shalebridge Cradle level in Thief. Play in the dark, turn your sound up, and know fear.
Those times in ofp when i think i am safe and then suddenly i hear a couple of bullets whizzing and im dead. Or when im trying to crawl through enemy infested areas hoping that they dont see me.
Apart from that, i dont think a game has ever scared me. The horror genre (games and movies) is a joke.
ravenholm scared my like hell the poison zombie were enogh to scare me,even th e poison headcrabs scared me,they were disgusting.....bleah
Yeah, the poison headcrabs creep me out. First time I played through HL2 I tried to avoid them like the plague and would always try kill them from a distance with the physics or something :P
Hmm, what the hell is this place? A cabin in the middle of the forest, and Barry is warning me about some indestructable bullshit that supposedly lives out here. Ah, nothing that my newly found magnum won't fix...

Let's see, seems there is life in here...well whatever it is it must be humanoid and civilised (pssh, not scary). Ah, a diary of a little girl...perhaps the daughter of the inhabitants of this dump (well, least this dump has a typewriter and some ink ribbons). Oh well, time for me to depart with my newly found crank. OH SNAP! A small cutscene with the door closing...must be one of those red bastards again. I'll show it my magnum for good measure...oh damn...another cutscene.

And now here's Jill waking up, that thing must have... *shambling and the sound of chains* WHAT THE **** IS THAT THING?!?!
*Continuous shooting, and soon Jill falls to the floor*
*Quickly throws the controller at the screen and runs out the room*

In short: Lisa Trevor
i have lots of scary and/or creepy freaky moments from games:
Spoilers i guess

Thief 3
- Shalebridge Cradle

the game did an awesome job of building this level up, you found lotsa notes and heard conversations around the city before you entered the cradle. once you enter the grounds you begin to explore but find no signs of life at all, the entire 1st level/basement has no enemies at all but the atmosphere still freaks you out.

lauryl's portrait and ghost were pretty chilling but then you find the puppets, ugh, those things scared the shit outta me, i remember i had thought i killed one, he was out flat on the floor and i was walking by him when he suddenly jumped up screaming at me...i nearly fell out of my seat..
worth reading this pcgamer article about the cradle:

widow Moira's mansion also had a spooky atmosphere to it particularly Moira herself

Silent Hill 3

i read so much about the sh series that when i decided to buy one i was literally scared to move my charater when i started playing, literally, at the start of the amusement park i got freaked when the camera changed angle, the alternate brookhaven hospital was one of the scariest things i'ver seen, the mirror room anyone? valtiel your 'guardian angel', the wheelchairs, alternate dark office building, stanley coleman, the chapel, alessa's room, the crying child and bloody footsteps, alessa's sick-room(cant remember its name tbh, the one they locked her in) with the drip and blood soaked bed...

sh is famous for its unexplained creepy moments, for example in the contruction site when you reach the 5th floor you will hear the muffled sound of the ground level's door shutting and footsteps coming up the stairs growing louder before they stop at the top, i kept expecting someone to enter the room...

The mannequin room: examine all the mannequins, especially the one with the head. As you try to leave, you hear a girl scream, and when you look at the mannequin with head, the head has been chopped off and there's blood

the games music was terrifying too, the contant clattering of pipes, the music that accompanied the nurses in the hospital inparticular freaked me out, that heavy male breathing/rapid heartbeat :(

Doom 3 - random scariness, the imp in the cryo tank who jumps at you when you get close, the cherubs, the maggot's introduction...
One thing that just made me jump was in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I found a zombie in a crypt, but it wasn't moving. I looked at it, it wasn't doing anything. Then I though "hey, why is the music building up?" Then the zombie lunged and grabbed me around the legs. I screamed my head off and emptied the Sten into its head. Then the damn gun overheated and I drew my knife and stabbed it. It died, then I remembered that I have to scatter its bones, and so I kicked it into dust. Somehow the Nazi troops upstairs didn't hear me.
The zombies in Ocarina of Time TO THIS DAY still scare the bejesus out of me. They did when I was nine years old, and even six years later they still weird me out.

And tell me you didn't get a jump from those giant troll things guarding the Forest Temple!
And by the way, Wolfenstein 3D=Scariest game ever. Nothing compares to how tense it was going around the corner not knowing what was there.
Ah, Zelda: OoT had loooaddds of scary things. Then again, I first played it... well, I forget, but the year it was released.

The Skalchildren in Hyrule Field had me running (or rolling. This day, my continuous tapping of the roll button in any Zelda game overtakes my finger movements for anything else... probably) as fast as I could back to the entrance of Kokiri Forest.

The Redead in the dungeon where you get the Sun Song. I don't even know what that room looks like, I just know its full of moaning Redead. I ran through it and out of it as quick as I could.

The Well in Kakariko (sp?) Village. Christ, man. That place was scary. There was so much of it I didn't explore, too. I remember all these tunnels and sewer canals leading off in other directions. Must go back there sometime. Another mention goes to the creature at the end of The Well. You know the one I mean. Got loads of hands that spring out the ground and the creature wobbles over to you, its eyes goggling and its jaw open wide with crooked teeth, whenever you get caught by the hands. It also appears in the Shadow Temple later on, maybe as the first Dungeon Minion enemy. The Shadow Temple itself was hella creepy, with its blood stained walls and floors.

Like Siacker said, the guards outside the Forest Temple scared me aswell, just because I found it so hard to kill them. Hell, could you kill them? Also, that hand that drops down in the upside down rooms in the Forest Temple. Eurgh.
1998 was when the game was relesed ;).

And yeah, it's honestly a scarier game than people give it credit for. Majora's Mask had some spooky parts too, I just can't put my finger on them.

But honestly? OoT gave me the creeps more than RE4 did *shrug*
Yeah, I thought it was 1998. I was about 9 or something then. Although thinkin back on it, I rented the game out 2 times, so I think I probably brought it in 1999. Who knows.

Marjoras Mask did have some creepy bits, like the Gibbo's in Ikana Canyon, and the half Gibbo, half human operator of the Music Box in the basement of the house. That was pretty creepy.
I get scared quite easily but the only ones that i can remember properly scaring me is Silent Hill (i was a year 7 or 8 (13, 14)at the time) and i was playing it with some mates in the dark. Never loaded a Silent Hill game since in all honesty and i'm 21 now:O

FEAR is the most recent scary game i've played. If its during the day i can play for quite long periods but at night time i literally can't play for more than one showing of Alma, it just freaks the shit out of me. There was this one part where you're with 2 team mates in an office and it's just empty but Alma is above you on the balcony underneath a glass triangle roof..i can remember saving there and wouldn't go into the elevator for about 3 or 4 days. I've never actually got to the end of the game but i've heard its really scary :P
HL2 : Anytime I had to fight a poison headcrab or zombie. The sounds they make just scare me for some reason. In episode 1 when I went into that spot where the poison hc's were coming down the stairs I pushed alyx into the doorway to fight them. And when I was alone fighting them I turned off the sound before fighting them. Yeah I'm a wuss I know, but the funny thing is, I don't find the fast zombies scary at all, only the poison ones.

Doom 3: the only time I actually got scared in doom 3 is when I was about to go through a door and a pinky demon busted through the door right in front of me. the 'scare tactics' that they tried to use were scary at first but then soon became repetitive and annoying.

Deus ex: "ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!" (DX players know what I'm talking about, nothing further needs to be said)
Ocarina of Time... man, that was the first game I ever played that really scared the bejesus out of me. The Redead used to scare me so bad... D:
So again, its time to wet our pants and rethink the best scary moments in our video game history, so name the top Scariets in game moments you can remember! savvy...

Here are mine:

Shalebridge Cradle (Theif: Deadly Shadows): possibly one of the best levels i have ever played in a game. It really used ambient sounds and atmosphere perfectly to scare the crap outta me.

F.E.A.R.: The ending, the last split second gave me quite a jump, also there are some moments in the game that had me going.

Of course, System Shock 2: What wasn't scary? Shodan's voice is still being heard in my head.

Resident Evil 2: I used to watch my brother play it all the time, i wasn't very good with console games, and i was pretty young still, and i remember jumping when hands pop outta the window barricades to grab you.

Doom 3: I just like the way hell looks.

Post yours!

Shalebridge didn't really scare me that much, but the atmoshpere was somewhat scary.

The golem things were scarier.
