School food... Bad or Good?

Nov 25, 2003
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Was just thinking about it today, that our school food that we get now in our high school is very good if you compare it to our groundschool... So i'm very pleased with it =)

Soo... if you're studying in your current scool and have oppinions about your food, feel free to post them =)
Well i'm in the UK, so we have junior and secondary schools. In my junior school we brought in money once a week for a standard dinner every day. Everyone got the same, and TS if you didn't like it. I much prefer my secondary school's method, which is: bring in money and choose what you want, just like a 'grown-up' cafeteria, only you don't have to be as polite... :cheese:
Originally posted by |SwE|FishStick
Was just thinking about it today, that our school food that we get now in our high school is very good if you compare it to our groundschool... So i'm very pleased with it =)

Soo... if you're studying in your current scool and have oppinions about your food, feel free to post them =)

Note that there is not many countries that have the same luxury with free food in school that sweden have. In most countries you have to take food with u from home or buy it in school.. Im pretty pleased with the food i get in school now..get free soda too ;)
At my school we get fast food to sell stuff. So one day KFC will be there, pizza another day, etc. It's overpriced but a lot of people still buy it. I don't know if a lot of people eat the actual school food since I don't eat lunch in the cafeteria, and I've never bought it, so no comments on that.
My schools food was shit and colledges food is shit and overpriced, I just buy my food from a shop.
so far, its been pretty good. although we always get the same stuff on the same day, its so predictable.

(no this is not spam you nazi devils you)
i used to go chippy most of the time. developed a taste for battered sausages *drools homer style*.

now i'm at uni the alcohol takes the place of food.
You drink alcahol in the middle of the day?

I only do that at weekends, if I do it at colledge then I end up falling to sleep in lessons.
I miss elementary school breakfasts.... those sausage and cheese buns... OMG I miss those so bad they were so good.
Originally posted by mrchimp
You drink alcahol in the middle of the day?

I only do that at weekends, if I do it at colledge then I end up falling to sleep in lessons.

of course i do. i take it as an offense that you'd consider me not to drink during the day. when alcohol is this cheap take it while you can. i'm not a heavy drinker most of the time though. might pop into the student union for a couple of pints and a game of pool between lectures or might go afterwards and have a few shots and listen to some of the comedy talent etc. it helps you forget how miserable you are.

if you want to stop falling asleep after alcohol then follow it up with a red bull and vodka. you'll be wide awake.
I live in Sweden to, and I also get the swedish school lunches. Don't like them though, my school has this strange ability to mess up pretty much all food they get their hands on =(
Re: Re: School food... Bad or Good?

Originally posted by h00dlum
Note that there is not many countries that have the same luxury with free food in school that sweden have. In most countries you have to take food with u from home or buy it in school.. Im pretty pleased with the food i get in school now..get free soda too ;)

In my school in Sweden we have free food but not free soda ;(
But the school food isnt that good in my school...
Re: Re: Re: School food... Bad or Good?

Originally posted by Login_Here
In my school in Sweden we have free food but not free soda ;(
But the school food isnt that good in my school...

Free soda would be nice =)))
Bleuch, my school "import" their food from another school:dozey:
Student union food tastes like shit, I wish i was back at school for the food.
school food in US is terrible. It's like McDonalds, but you have to substitute soda with milk, and not heat the fries.

Who would have though milk was a perfect companion to food like pizza and cheeseburgers. :dozey: :x
At school we didnt get food because it was only a small private school which didnt take much money.
When we got to ear 10 though, we were allowed to go out into the town and get stuff. We did have a small tuck shop thought, which was ok i suppose but there wasn't ever much stuff.

Collage is expensive, but some of the food tastes alright.

Work is...sorry, was great until they brought in the new list of stuff were were allowed.

Before the list, we could have anything we wanted and get it on the staff discount ( :D)(of course the new list doesnt apply to managers who can get thier food elsewhere for free...expletive's now we only have a few choices of food. I can still get curry which is the nicest thing anyway...however, we are limited to walkers crisps only and nno other drinks than Coca Cola brand...thankfully Sprite is made by the Coca Cola company and i can still get that. I really dont like Cola, it tastes bad, makes my throat sticky, destroys my teeth and has no nutritional value. I've sometimes said its like liquid cigarettes, because you get about as much out of it...

We used to get free milk at school, and that was great!. Tameside counsil was one of the last to do it, but eventually they stopped :(
A lot of my school food is good, but some is not so good. Much better then Gradeschool. We use to get these square pieces of Pizza with only 1 pepporoni. They tasted like cardboard. -Probably Were-