school map

Looks neat. Does your school really have computers in every room? Try adding a more variety of rooms, cafeteria, theatre etc..
looking good. I was going to do my school... but, a) i couldn't get the dimensions right, and b) i get bored after a few hours of placing entities. :(
Thats pretty nice. I tried to map my school in CS but I couldent find any materials or textures for lockers and I couldent find any colors that matched the walls.
I've wanted to make my school, but then I remembered the whole colombine incident, where supposedly one of the kids make his school in doom before. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea, you know?
Still it looks nice
i ahte to say it, but it probably doesnt run on lower end systems that can normally run HL2...
Limpet said:
I've wanted to make my school, but then I remembered the whole colombine incident, where supposedly one of the kids make his school in doom before. Didn't want people to get the wrong idea, you know?
Still it looks nice
You do know that the media just blamed that incident on videogames because it was convienient and more beliveable than saying that the kids had just lost their minds and had literally gone mad. Thats what bullying can do to some peoples minds.
But to get back on topic I agree that all those computers and desks would slow up alot of peoples systems.
Looks like fun, just slow up on too many models .. you want good performance for online play. use a bit more static stuffs..

Nice job
Hm, I think everyone does the my school/house/whatever map at some point. I did my house in Quake years ago and got the proportions wrong and it ended up looking like a Padmod map :LOL:

Wa-a-ay too many models for an MP (or even SP), and the BSP geometry looks too blocky, like it's a UT2K4 map or something. Besides, if it's being used for CS, it should be abandoned and a total mess. As it is, it just looks like the caretaker's gonna come in at any moment.