Schwarzenegger declares war...


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
...on green house gases.

Pretty great article and it is great to see that at least one high powered politician in America is trying to do something about the environment, even if it imeans going against Bush.

It is amazing to see though that he is trying to save the environment and create a better state for the people, yet there are still protests against him by some woman with a dog and what looks like a cross dresser :frown:.

Anyone know what Arnie's plans are for after he stops being Governer, or can he stay governer indefinately?
More than a little bit hypocritical considering what he drives.
jonbob said:
More than a little bit hypocritical considering what he drives.

And he is persoanlly responsible for tha fact that it got on the market.
jonbob said:
More than a little bit hypocritical considering what he drives.

True... but at least he's doing it, which is more than I can say for many other politicians. I'd rather have him fighting for the environment while being a hypocrite than have him not fighting at all.
Isn't he just setting targets? Sounds url=]familiar[/url].
He'll pretend to work on the problem and Bush will continue ignoring it, and they'll both come out of it with more votes and more appeal to the people for doing little to nothing.
A US politician is doing good things.... and he's European :LOL:
i love the Governator and i love him even more after this news, i always said, inside he is a secrete tree-hugging-hippy, like me
Hes not actually doing anything, just getting some good press.

He's a sexist nazi.
solaris152000 said:
Hes not actually doing anything, just getting some good press.

He's a sexist nazi.
And you're not actually saying anything, just running your mouth.

Besides, we already had that discussion in another thread.
I live in CA so i am glad this stuff MAY happen. It is about time we started looking for alternative fuels, we have been dependant on fossil fuels for too long. Even if he keeps his Hummer and does something i will be happier than if he gets a Prius and does nothing.
I won't praise him until something is actually accomplished. Actions speak louder than words.

Alternative fuel sources are out there. They have been there for a long time.
shadow6899 said:
yea and it's true (possibly)^ and he is saying something, running his mouth would more be like, ay! that ****er is a ****tard cuz he played a mechanical thing from the future! how can something that's programed to kill run the gov't!? that's running his mouth :/

Speaking of running one's mouth...
Astalavista, green house gasses.