Scientist superhero

Forau said:
Howabout this, he had a suit that protects him against the hazardous(sp?) environment which may be a lot more stressfull than bullet impacts, so that would give him armour. And more than the soldiers.
In addition to this this armour is able to recharge itsself and gordon can patch himself up on one of those recharge things on the wall.
Thereby he is desperate, the marines have no idea of what the place is and are confronted with aliens, just as gordon.
So, the suit and its recharges, the environment, the despair, and hell who knows what hobby's Gordon has, but it could be darts too. ;)

Ahh, but if you've played OpFor, you know that the soldiers all had "power armor" as well, that could interface with the rechargers at black mesa. So they didn't have HEV suits, but they had hyper super mega armor just like Gordon. ;)

Personally, I didn't even think about it. This is a game formula that has existed since the beginning. The unlikely hero saves the day. It's called fantasy, fiction, what have you. It's fun!
Gotter said:
Ahh, but if you've played OpFor, you know that the soldiers all had "power armor" as well, that could interface with the rechargers at black mesa. So they didn't have HEV suits, but they had hyper super mega armor just like Gordon. ;)

Personally, I didn't even think about it. This is a game formula that has existed since the beginning. The unlikely hero saves the day. It's called fantasy, fiction, what have you. It's fun!

Yeah, you are right, but hey it beats reading the "Gold date!" threads ;)

I believe that(oh shit, I just make this up at the moment) Shepperd is member of a special team that has those harnasses. See, his team has different suits and no helmets, can do stuff the normal soldiers can not, so they are like the elite force. The rest is just grunts cleaning stuff up the dumb way.
Adrian Shephard is the OPPOSING FORCE!!! (Charlies Angels music plays)
Kiss the ring, turdlings....
Exactly- Freeman is a guy with luck and superior technology on his side. Think how often you died only to come back thanks to quicksave- in a real world equivalent, that's action-movie style "luck", i.e., making all the right decisions with rather convenient forethought :naughty:

Plus, being encased in an amazingly tough suit that no living member of the facility seems to own will help matters- for all we know, it helps repel bullets even at 0 power, hence why Gordon doesn't get splattered by 9mm rounds. Plus, I'm inclined to agree that not every grunt would boast Shephard's PCV- besides, it only covers the chest and Valve clearly had no intention of letting something like the PCV cross the barriers between Mesa-esque prototypes and the technology readily available to the outside world (namely the US Marines); it was something that Gearbox added to their interpretation of the game world.
Sometimes I think people tend to assume Valve has a three-foot-thick document concerning Half-Life's storyline and world.
By the time they started developing it the best thing around was quake.
Imo, getting the game to work was far more important than making it as super realistic as possible.
It might seem pale with todays combat sims, but HL1 was never designed to be 'real', it had to be fun, and the storyline was a nice touch.
Now, they make HL2, the sequel. If they'd make it realistic it wouldn't be much of a sequel, would it?
Example: Resident Evil 2 having no zombies. There were zombies in RE1, but now we know zombies dont exist so in RE2 we left them out!