Scorpions on a Plane


Jul 26, 2005
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Sullivan, a 46-year-old builder from Stowe, was aboard the United Airlines flight on the second leg of his trip home from San Francisco, where he and his wife Helena had been visiting their sons. He awoke from a nap shortly before landing and noticed something strange.

"My right leg felt like it was asleep, but that was isolated to one spot, and it felt like it was being jabbed with a sharp piece of plastic or something."

The second sting came after the plane had landed and the Sullivans were waiting for their bags at the luggage carousel. Sullivan rolled up his cuff to investigate, and the scorpion fell out.

"It felt like a shock, a tingly thing. Someone screamed, 'It's a scorpion,"' Sullivan recalled. Another passenger stepped on the two-inch arachnid, and someone suggested Sullivan seek medical help.
Yeah, I heard about that.

At least with scorpions, they are aggressive unlike most snakes.
"Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother****ing scorpions on this mother****ing plane!"

Someone had to say it.
I'd take a scorpion stinger to the face as long as I got to say that
Unless you're crushing them or actively doing something to provoke as sting, such as pokeing it, or putting aomething inside the loop of its tale, scorpians should leave you alone.
That would drive me nuts...I'd probably be paranoid of Scorpions from then on. :(
If only the plane had done a barrel roll. Maybe the scorpion would have fallen out then.
"My penis felt like it was asleep, but that was isolated to one spot, and it felt like it was being jabbed with a sharp piece of plastic or something."

I hate creepety things.
Good thing the second sting came after they had landed. Scorpions actually create two types of venom, one that causes extreme pain for threats, and the other, deadlier type of venom when it's aiming to kill. I don't know if the second sting this guy got was the killing venom, but the first sting on the plane would've been the prevenom.
lol... "would you like an after dinner mint sir? Completmentary of our cabin crew?"

"No thanks, i'm fine with scorpion."
