scrap artwork for sourceworld

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
SOURCEWORLD: Scrap artwork (as seen in the Artwork section :p)


This was going to be a poster for Sourceworld, but...

a) it took too long

b) I just don't like how it turned out

c) I got bored with it.

So I'd say its just scrap concept now, thrown to the wolves of to be ripped apart :E
my tattoo is better :p

Other than that, I think it's fantastic. You also suck for hating your own work so much.
PiMuRho said:
my tattoo is better :p

Other than that, I think it's fantastic. You also suck for hating your own work so much.
hehe I'd have used your tattoo but you weren't around at that moment. So I just had to come up with a regular kind, which is offcenter i think lol damn i hate this pic so much now hehe.

and yeah I do suck :)
theGreenBunny said:
Can't go wrong with scantily clad women.
It was gonna be the teaser poster, try get the attention of the teens to come to SW. Would have had a male version at some point. But meh at that idea now. We'll just go back to the bully tactic instead, less work involved on our part :D
I like the poster but the gal looks like shes out of Legend of Mir - and that SUCKS.

I thought Sourceworld was more of a ancient-roman-village type atmosphere with blacksmiths n village folk in rags etc.

obviously not :|
Pobz said:
I like the poster but the gal looks like shes out of Legend of Mir - and that SUCKS.

I thought Sourceworld was more of a ancient-roman-village type atmosphere with blacksmiths n village folk in rags etc.

obviously not :|
Don't assume anything with regards that image, when I do a teaser it doesn't actually give anything away, and will more often than not put people on entirely the wrong track, just for fun ;)
Brian Damage said:
Them's some painful lookin' pants...

Awesome as always, Fenric...
those are made of rubber, their rubber pants... well thong ;)
Sure. Never seen rubber that looks like it'd rust up in the first good downpour before, though :p.
Yeah, better remove those parts.
Hey Fen - might I suggest that you take that "2" out of there? I mean, Sourceworld is indeed based off of the HL2 engine, but two things:

1.) People might think it's Sourceworld 2
2.) Just the orange is a good enough nod to HL2.
Yeah that's a point, Sourceworld is built on Source, not Half-Life 2 ;)
are you working on more artwork like that Fenric? That was really sweet, if you didn't like it, I'd love to see the stuff you do like :D
Pobz said:
are you working on more artwork like that Fenric? That was really sweet, if you didn't like it, I'd love to see the stuff you do like :D
I never like my own stuff :) I do have another I was doing weeks back as a sort of tutorial, but got bored and left it, tried doing some more with it tonight but I dunno I don't like the look of that one atall now.. She's another with little clothing btw :D
HA! I comment in both threads!

So, if you hate all your work, how'd you get so damn good? I mean, I hate all the crap that I make, so I give up. That's why I'm mediocre at everything I do. ;(
theagentsmith said:
HA! I comment in both threads!

So, if you hate all your work, how'd you get so damn good? I mean, I hate all the crap that I make, so I give up. That's why I'm mediocre at everything I do. ;(
You shouldn't give up, just keep trying, thats what I do.
Well, lets see who yells at me for this.

(Hint: Check the Sourceworld Forum)

Fenric said:
You shouldn't give up, just keep trying, thats what I do.

Yeah. Everybody tells me that. Stupid not-getting-good-without-practice. Who invented that stupid idea anyway?
theagentsmith said:
Yeah. Everybody tells me that. Stupid not-getting-good-without-practice. Who invented that stupid idea anyway?
Not sure, but I believe it was after plenty of practice :p
I should just start practicing the ability to practice something...

Anyway, what medium did you use to make this? Do you draw, or use paintshop only, or what?
theagentsmith said:
I should just start practicing the ability to practice something...

Anyway, what medium did you use to make this? Do you draw, or use paintshop only, or what?
all digital with that one, didn't scan any sketches in, though sometimes I do do that if im in the mood.
Pobz said:
I like the poster but the gal looks like shes out of Legend of Mir - and that SUCKS.

I thought Sourceworld was more of a ancient-roman-village type atmosphere with blacksmiths n village folk in rags etc.

obviously not :|

i know nothing about scourceworld, but i thought it was a big house with basketball courts and a painball centre.. obviosly not :|
ok... i just read the "everything you need to know" thread about scourceworld, and i am SO CONFUSED.

so.. its a MMORPG with weapons and hunting.
no, wait... its an irc channel.
no, wait... it a website...
no, wait... you change it yourself by doing polls.
no, wait... you choose the style...
no, wait... hey, what the hell is it? its so confusing... how can you have servers if the game is constantly changing? i dont understand... AARRRGGGHHH

i need sleep. :|
lol suicide !

Ermm Fenric what tablet do u have ?
Im just saving money for one and it would interest me wich on u got :)
Hey Fenric, weird avatar.....

but nice chick. As Brian put it - painful looking thonge!
Sprafa - yeah, finally got bored with my old one, messing about with it now.


Vahn, a cheap one, nothing fancy atall though I'm toying with the idea to buy a top of the line Wacom at christmas, treat myself since I'm wearing the nib down on this one :D


Pobz, this is a part of that one I mentioned earlier, the unfinished one. She did have a face but me being me messed it up and then tried to get away with it by sticking a weird mask on her. I think its safe to say this one will never be finished cause too much was ruined.

yeah ... i was thinkin about a wacom intuos2 A4 size...but its very expensive :)

What program did u use to paint these ?
Vahn said:
yeah ... i was thinkin about a wacom intuos2 A4 size...but its very expensive :)

What program did u use to paint these ?
photoshop and painter

and yeah expensive, get a cheap one though to begin with, so long as its not really cheap and crap. Make sure it has pressure sensitivity, you should be fine. Even the most expensive wont improve someone's work (a trap a lot of people fall into when they get one and realise they still can't draw) If you can draw with a pencil you should be fine. Though for painting n all that, already having traditional experience is a good idea.
ill show u some of my work next week ;)

I saw some affordable tablets on ebay alrdy .... only thing im not sure about is....A5 tablets - even new and good ones from wacom - are a lot cheaper than A4 ... but i want space when i draw ! :D so im fixed on A4
Vahn said:
ill show u some of my work next week ;)

I saw some affordable tablets on ebay alrdy .... only thing im not sure about is....A5 tablets - even new and good ones from wacom - are a lot cheaper than A4 ... but i want space when i draw ! :D so im fixed on A4
I wanted a big tablet at first too. But I found the smaller ones aren't as bad as they first seem. Mine is smaller than A4 (the actual drawing area anyway) and can sit on my lap while I draw, never had an issue thus far with its size. The larger ones are better suited for CAD I think.

Though from a "hey look at this" point of view, a really large one is pretty cool to have I guess :)
Fen, you should definately finish that one! And make her half-naked, with Pokémon all around her! In a cloud!

:sniper: :dork:

So you have a tablet. I had always thought these were done with click and drag with the mouse, and I was oh so very confused. I suppose that its much more like drawing, then, and maybe I'll try it. How much do these things run?
You can find a Graphire2 for under 100 bucks. That's the best bet for a beginner. I have a 9x12 and it was 500 bones, 4 years ago. I also have a Graphire2, (4x6?) and it is almost easier to draw with because of the smaller size. Check ebay.