screen & comrade vs [LEGEND]

:D Congrats. Looks like fun. I wish OpFor Source was real. :(
congrats! sounds like lots o fun. Reminds me of my rtcw ET clan days (btw I'm sure you'd love the spy satchel in rtcw ET ..give it a try online game I've played in years) ...good times had by all
GG :).. We've got to arrange some more action. It's so long time since I last played the game that I had forgotten the great feeling already.

Even I got few frags with my pentiumIII 800mhz :cool:
I'll be playing with SAFT tomorrow night against the famous eP in HL2DM

I don't think I'll do as well as this - but hey, it's all fun :)
One word - Latency :P. They have 200+ pings.

I guess screen is "scr" who's been posting.
Stardog - pings like that are pretty common for Euro players, and with correctly set cmdrates etc it isn't a huge difference, but yes, that was a disadvantage..

Disturbed, screen (scr) is flight's brother - he's old school.