Screen Shots of water bugs

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Nice, I guess they need to do a little bit more work on the engine.
However, they haven't touched the engine for over a year. So, I don't know.

First one, I think I was in shallow water. (2004_09_02.jpg)

Second one, I WAS in shallow water using my knife at a low angle. (2004_09_02-3.jpg)

Third one can be repeated, but it takes awhile. I don't know the best way to repeat the third one. (2004_09_02-a.jpg)
Edit: Oh, the third bug is that the shadow is in the wrong spot for the tree. I can move my mouse around and put the shadow anywhere in the water I want. I just can't move or I loose the bug.

The last one happens when you are planting the bomb right after it says T wins. Well, when it is going to a new round. It can be repeated.


  • 2004_09_02.jpg
    54.5 KB · Views: 373
  • 2004_09_02-3.jpg
    58.4 KB · Views: 373
  • 2004_09_02-a.jpg
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  • 2004_08_31.jpg
    57.4 KB · Views: 310
Heh, bitching about a bug in an illegal map, priceless

Ok well the original poster PM'd me claiming this wasn't an illegal map

emailisgood said:
So, you would rather wait until the game comes out to have people point this out?
Prove that this was an illegal map. Prove that someone used stolen code to make this map. Can you? Didn't think so.

This is what Chris_D and Rick Ellis had to say about it.

It's illegal. The only compile tools capable of compiling maps for Source right now are the ones that were in the stolen build, therefore those tools and any work that's a bi-product of these tools is also illegal, along with the making, distribution and use of the maps.

I hope that answered your question emailisgood
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