Screenshots of new CRYTEK engine

I started FarCry too late to complete it by the time half-life 2 came out, i got up to the huge stairs just after the boat section where loads of people come out and raped me... damn fun battles though, p50 rocks :)
Plus the Makers of FarCry don't know when to lay off the HDR, this is what happens with HDR on in FarCry when I look at the sky:
mortiz said:
Plus the Makers of FarCry don't know when to lay off the HDR, this is what happens with HDR on in FarCry when I look at the sky:
Nice fake :)
BTW HDR was only implemented as a beta gimmick.
schoppi said:
Nice fake :)
BTW HDR was only implemented as a beta gimmick.

Honestly, it's not fake, that's actually what happens!
Well, they seem to have the graphics things down pat. Still, as the first Far Cry proved, great graphics don't mean shit if you don't have great gameplay.
nvidia's hdr is pretty useless they should have waited with that and use the old way wich is bit more acurate probaly.
and supports aa
the new hdr from nvidia does't support aa because it killz performance.
I think the hand impressed me the most, except for the thumb on the hand.