Screenshots(! ! !)

and if you have no friends, you may very well make some with impressive screenshots.
Glass tower I made with the free online play.

My mine shaft I dug.

Lava falls at night

Raziaar's tree farm
This is the area I've been working in for the past week or so on the server. EnigmaToad helped me with a lot of this.

Corrupt chunk becomes tree farm (stairs wrap around the outside behind the solid sheet of waterfall):

The courtyard of our fortress:

Our yacht club (going to build a big ass pirate ship next to it at some point):

Floating grass pyramid with a 64x64 base (tedious as hell):

My first sphere (and the NIN logo-from-space, seen from the wrong side):
Great stuff guys. That's a beautiful courtyard Ennui.

Anyway. Here's the before and after screenshots of carving the mountain to make my pyramid.

Not the greatest comparison shots, but I didn't know where best to take them... so meh. Everything is still very much a WIP.

Many thanks to Ennui, Tacoeaterguy and Dinnesch for helping me carve off the mountaintop. I will devote a shrine room to you guys!








Shit Raz, Looks awesome. The inside is very similar to my Lava temple though.

I also came across this, thought you might like it.

Yeah. I did the inside before I ever saw the way you did your inside. Other than the central pillar. But I wasn't thinking of yours when I had the idea come up. I imagined it tapping a magma source... like a volcano or something.

That bender is awesome!

Here's my newly created lake. Can't wait to see it on the obligue-angled.

Go for a swim some time, bring the family.



Was an absolute bitch getting that entire lake with flat, non turbulent lava. Tomorrow(today?) I plan on removing the dirt a few tiles back away from the lava and replacing it all with smooth stone. Maybe gravel. Grass can't grow next to that lava lake, looks stupid!

EDIT: Hokey, you are absolutely ****ing nuts. the border looks awesome at night though in the oblique angled.

:O wow I need to get a bit more creative than just making ugly stone buildings and tall arse grass towers!!
what I've done there isn't so much "creative" as "****ing gaudy as shit"
Hey now.

It takes a certain sort of creativity to make something so utterly offensive to the eyes.
Hey now.

It takes a certain sort of creativity to make something so utterly offensive to the eyes.

True, I managed a box with windows.
Only a true genius would create a BURNING box with windows!!!!!
Once I'm done with my Roman vila I'm going to go find some crazy looking valy and mountain range and turn the whole thing into some crazy temple/city place.
The tree, as seen from castle Ravioli at dusk.


Also wat

****ing corrupted chunks.


There's a mountain/cliff on my island with an extremely flat side. Wonder if it's "corrupted" or natural. I don't like it, either way.
There's a mountain/cliff on my island with an extremely flat side. Wonder if it's "corrupted" or natural. I don't like it, either way.

Most likely corrupted.

Anyway. I ringed my lava island with gravel, to make it look nicer and more realistic without grass growing right next to it.

Oh and yes, that obsidian obelisk type thing. Made that too. ****ING OBSIDIAN TAKES FOREVER TO MINE OH MY GOD!

Found this on my island. Ancient diving board, much?

haha. awesome.

Ignorre those burning trees in the background... Dinnesch did that... and hasn't cleaned them up yet. I already cleaned up a bunch. Annoying as shit. He was clearing the trees from an area he wanted to work in, but it's a bad decision. CHopping it is best.

So this is what I've been working on since I first joined.

The exterior,

My Waterfall




I have a forge and small storage area on the bottom right, and the river comes from a small aqueduct that juts off it.


Here is a view of the staircase up to the watchtower.


And a picture of the Lavafall and watchtower.


The interior as of now is just this temple I despised making. Lava is not fun at all. The entrance is through the waterfall.





So this is what I've been working on since I first joined.

The exterior,

My Waterfall




I have a forge and small storage area on the bottom right, and the river comes from a small aqueduct that juts off it.


Here is a view of the staircase up to the watchtower.


And a picture of the Lavafall and watchtower.


The interior as of now is just this temple I despised making. Lava is not fun at all. The entrance is through the waterfall.






You sir, are an artist with minecraft.
Delusional... Your place has been one of my favorites since near the beginning of the server. Before your tetrahedron magma temple.

Speaking of magma... the Magma Behemoth wishes for you to join him.

Ignore all the crappy blocks you see... those are an artifact of having maximum view distance(just for the second screenshots)


New World upload please? I'm dying to see the before and after of this project. I'm going to need an assload of gravel to gravel out the edges of this latest river. It's so freaking long.

Also.. my area has a surprising number of ugly corrupted clifffaces.
You sir, are an artist with minecraft.

Delusional... Your place has been one of my favorites since near the beginning of the server. Before your tetrahedron magma temple

Aw, I'm flattered. I've attempted making maps in Hammer, but I've always got bogged down in the mechanics of it. Here I'm just placing blocks, so its easier to create what I see in my head. Guess it is more suited for me.

Oh, and I looked it up Raziaar. It's a Octahedron, or an 8 sided bi-pyramid. ;)
Oh right. Sorry. Geometry fail. I don't know why I was calling it a tetrahedron. I guess I'm just stupid!

Fuuuuck I can't sleeeeeeeep. Maybe minecraft will make me drows... that's a bad idea.
Ignorre those burning trees in the background... Dinnesch did that... and hasn't cleaned them up yet. I already cleaned up a bunch. Annoying as shit. He was clearing the trees from an area he wanted to work in, but it's a bad decision. CHopping it is best.

Sorry about that, forgot them. I can as well take them away later today. Can you teleport me without me being on?(at midweeks I usually can't game while you're up/playing)
time for some excavation...

clearly I'm not too great at this yet, judging from the pyramid damage

many, many hours later....

I'm going to be building something special in there once I finish excavating
Sorry about that, forgot them. I can as well take them away later today. Can you teleport me without me being on?(at midweeks I usually can't game while you're up/playing)

Don't worry about it bro... I can take care of them. And no I can't teleport you when you're not on.
Seeing these buildings makes me despair that I'll never rise to this greatness.
i wish i had tnt to dig with right now, my quarry is taking forever to dig out.

all the dirt and stone (grey blocks? rock? i don't know) a man can need if they volunteer to dig downwards with me! enlist today, dig the good dig.
He's using an inventory editor (like INVedit) to give himself all that TNT. You can give yourself placeable water and lava blocks this way.
no, just server commands actually. If you're an op you can use:

/give player 46 64

(46 is the item code for tnt and 64 is how much you want)

I was using the water to seal off lava at the bottom.

The bad thing about using tnt to mine is that it destroys most of the blocks which I was planning to use.
Oh right, I thought that was a singleplayer map. Also isn't it /give item number player not /give player item number?
Ah. No wonder. But that's ... cheating! I am slightly less impressed with people's creations now. Not to say that the constructions aren't creative, visionary even ... that makes a lot more sense when you see solid obsidian buildings and giant lava fortresses. Can't imagine someone bucketed all that.
On the server we only allow water and lava to be spawned because buckets are broken in SMP right now.
the command I wrote definitely works, I've typed that thing countless times haha. I'm not sure if the other one works as well though.

I don't feel so bad doing the cheating I'm doing since it's stuff that's bugged in mp. You can't make tnt because you can't kill creepers to get gunpowder since nothing takes damage and you can't make the water spawners because buckets don't work.
You can get gunpowder from dungeon chests. I have a whole 8! :>
Ah. No wonder. But that's ... cheating! I am slightly less impressed with people's creations now. Not to say that the constructions aren't creative, visionary even ... that makes a lot more sense when you see solid obsidian buildings and giant lava fortresses. Can't imagine someone bucketed all that.

The only thing people are being given is water and lava(and I suppose if they really wanted it, wool... for color variation in buildings). Everything done at my magma pyramid was done by hand... over the course of this last weekend. about 30 hours worth of work.

Ennui, Tacoeaterguy and Dinnesch had helped me do a bunch of the work clearing out the mountaintop for my pyramid. And that took hours and hours alone.

And viper's amount of digging is impressive... with him and his... three friends I think. Massive amounts of material being displaced.