Screwed up achievement on 360

Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah so I was playing TF2 with my buddies and we decided to boost some achievements off eachother. When it came to my turn the only ones I needed where grey matter (get 20 headshots with sniper) and hardcore (get 1000 kills). So I picked sniper my buddie picked scout so I blew his head off but when I checked the progress it said i hadn't got the headshot (the servers were awful that night). So i continued to blow his head off untill we got bored then I got on the next morning and I had the achievement. Heres where it gets ghey when I bring up the main menu I go to achievements and it says I have 100% of all TF2 achievements, but when I go to the Xbox guide and go to games and go to Orange Box and check those achievements it says I dont have it!! It's really pissing me off I have the achievement but then I don't have it, anyone know anything?
My "World Traveler" achievement status says I've played on all 6 official maps, but doesn't actually register as me having the achievement.

Long story short, the achievements are buggy as hell.
My "World Traveler" achievement status says I've played on all 6 official maps, but doesn't actually register as me having the achievement.

Long story short, the achievements are buggy as hell.

I sure as hell hope they fix them.
Mah fix[pc]:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\%accname%\half-life 2 episode two\ep2
move somewhere tf_gamestats.dat and do achv.
seriously man i wouldn't waste your time figuring this out. its just an achievement....also commonly called bragging rights which results in being called a douche.
But on x-box you can buy something for points from achvmts. you cant

Also, I feel that Tf2 is lacking alot on the 360, I bought it last night and it is not nearly as good as the PC version. Controls are more sluggish, the game lags with very little players, certain classes are terrible on 360.

I tryed my hand at Spying yesterday, I found an enemy spy disguised as an engineer and decided to stab him, everytime I stabbed he moved slightly away and the controls were too slow to keep up and spin round to kill him...

Hl2 is good though, in about a day I'm gona post a thread called 'A review...' on the Episode two forum, itll include a full comparision of Portal, TF2 and Hl2 on the xbox and the PC
No :(? I fought that shitty x-box points are for something.
ive never heard of the achievements getting you something in return. have any sources???
They don't, achievements are purely asthetical awards that everyone has and don't mean anything. Nice little gimmicks, but under no circumstances would I play the game aiming to get them, I play for fun doing my own thing.