Scribblenauts (DS)

Interesting, but I bet I can still find some obscure character or object that isn't in the game.:laugh:
What the ****!?

Why does Tifa(seeing as she's wearing her FF7 outfit) not have obscenely large breasts!?
That probably proves that "HEV Suit" is in there.
Damn it. I saw Barrett without noting the other characters and thought he was Mr. T at a glance. Now I am rather disapointed.
Click for Edge scribblenauts competition winners vids!


Does anyone know if Scribblenauts will feature female genitalia?
Does anyone know if Scribblenauts will feature female genitalia?

Yes, and dildo's, anal buttsechs, bestiality and bukkake amongst other things.

Of course not, it's a DS game. What would you expect?
These pics are by an artist working on Scribblenauts and the same one who did the time machine-dinosaur-robot zombie response pic.


Who is the person in the top row, 4th from left supposed to be?

it sort of looks like an imperial commissar
It depends where you come from. Most call him M.Bison, some Vega. Those who know him best call him Dictator :)
Yes, and dildo's, anal buttsechs, bestiality and bukkake amongst other things.

Of course not, it's a DS game. What would you expect?

ESRB rating:

Rating summary: This is a puzzle game in which players navigate a series of traps, puzzles, and enemies to collect stars scattered throughout the colorful levels. Players have the ability to summon different objects by writing/typing in the word (e.g., bike, spaceship, lion) and watching it come to life. If multiple words are entered in a sequence, different whimsical scenarios can be triggered: a bicycle can be used to jump over a baby; a bulldozer can clear away a shark; and cabbage can be fed to dinosaurs. Players can elect to summon "cartoony" versions of bats, bombs, guns, and flamethrowers. These types of items can be used to destroy objects or even other summoned items (e.g., a club can be used to hit an animal; steak can be attached to a baby to attract lions; rockets can be lobbed at a man). These triggered animations are minimally depicted and are usually accompanied by popping, musical sound effects; bright, star-shaped flashes; or small puffs of smoke. If players wish to, they may type in the word vomit, which causes a beige-colored lump to appear on the screen.

Also more scribblenauted characters:


So like do they get permission to use these characters?
Eh, I'm not sure I like the various pop-culture and meme references.

If it has a hugely comprehensive cast of characters you can use then it's alright. If you can summon Francis from L4D but not, say, Hector, Jean Valjean, Flashman, or Winston Churchill then I'll be disappointed.
Same with the retarded Giant Enemy Crab. If I can use that but not Worgs, Ettins, Grendel, et al well then pffffft!
Eh, I'm not sure I like the various pop-culture and meme references.

If it has a hugely comprehensive cast of characters you can use then it's alright. If you can summon Francis from L4D but not, say, Hector, Jean Valjean, Flashman, or Winston Churchill then I'll be disappointed.
Same with the retarded Giant Enemy Crab. If I can use that but not Worgs, Ettins, Grendel, et al well then pffffft!

Obscure/stupid pop culture references only make up like .01% of the game anyway, broseph.
I hope this game works with my No$GBA emu on release.
First thing I'm going to do is spawn God, give him a mecha suit, and make him fight along Richard Nixon with a minigun against a army of ninja-zombie-robot-hippie's, granted you can make that combination. Either way, Game of Existance.
Looks like I'm buying a DS just to play this game! lol.
Take a look at the precedent the following US case set.

Bleem! software emulation allowed people to play Playstation games on their Dreamcast or PC.
Sony lawsuit

Two days after Bleem! started taking preorders for their emulator, Sony filed suit against them alleging that they were violating their rights and that providing access for PlayStation games to run on non-Sony hardware constituted unfair competition.

Ultimately Bleem! won in court and a protective order was issued to "protect David from Goliath".[1] Sony lost on all counts, including Bleem!'s use of screenshots of PlayStation games on its packaging. The court noted that Bleem!'s use of copyrighted screenshots was considered fair use and should be allowed to continue.

Despite the legal victories, the legal fees allegedly forced the company out of business. eBay auctions of some of the company's possessions were held soon after - including a huge library of worldwide game releases apparently used for compatibility testing.
So, at least in the US, Gargantou is within the law. Sweeden is probably more laxed to be honest.
Anyway, are there Black DS's available out there?

You see I prefer to take things black, like my men.
I've been looking to buy one for a while but it still feels so expensive, I already own a PSP so, I mainly want the DS for this game and Infinite Space.
A guy at work had a h4x3d copy of this and just had to have a go when everyone was going mad about it.

We where doing the pub having a few pints sitting round a DS trying our best to work out how to get through crazy puzzles in the most interesting ways. At first it sounded simple but once you get going it can be really quite challenging.

There was one puzzle where you had to rescue a penguin on an iceberg with out it getting eaten by a killer wale but you where also not aloud to harm the killer wale. We tryed all sorts like trying to detract the wale with a girl wale or dropping something heavy on it, or tieing it down. Finaly just pushed the iceberg with a massive boat =D
I'm playing it right now, very very fun! Great game so far!

It does feel a bit weird though, having to control movement with the touchscreen and moving the camera with the either directional pad or the joypad buttons.