SDK Before E3


Sep 6, 2003
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I read PC Gamer at my local Barnes and Noble and at the end of the article there is a side column about mods and TF2. At the end of this column it says valve will realease the SDK before E3. Anyone with the magazine can check for proof.
I thought they were releasing it at the Mod expo (I just assumed this, however) that was to be held in Seattle before the release of HL2, in like June.... would make more sense.
LilBoy0626 said:
I read PC Gamer at my local Barnes and Noble and at the end of the article there is a side column about mods and TF2. At the end of this column it says valve will realease the SDK before E3. Anyone with the magazine can check for proof.

while this is good news, dont get your hopes up too much, as Valve also said they were "releasing the SDK in a couple of weeks" and thats was months ago...
As much as I hope that the sdk is released before e3 I seriously can't see it happening.

Why oh why do valve lie?
LilBoy0626 said:
I read PC Gamer at my local Barnes and Noble and at the end of the article there is a side column about mods and TF2. At the end of this column it says valve will realease the SDK before E3. Anyone with the magazine can check for proof.

/me prays so.
as we probably all know by now, you shouldn't put too much into game developers saying "soon", "in a couple of days/months", "holidays" or the like.... and with Valve's track record, I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to twist the term "before E3"
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
as we probably all know by now, you shouldn't put too much into game developers saying "soon", "in a couple of days/months", "holidays" or the like.... and with Valve's track record, I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to twist the term "before E3"

yeah we didnt specify, we meant E3 2005

*cough*maybe 2006*cough*
Whether or not they make this deadline should be a good sign of whether to worry about a late summer release (optimistically) or later (bad).
As far as Valve is concerned, they've already released "part" of the SDK: the SoftImage program and tutorial site. However, they know that's not what we or the magazines mean by releasing the SDK.

The PCGamer mag does indeed say that the SDK will be out before E3. Of course, that info is at least a month old at this point, so even if it was realistic back then, things could have changed since then.
The PCZone article isn't clear about when it comes out, but it does imply that it'll be out BEFORE the mod expo, which currently looks to be happening in July. Of course, they most likely had access to the same info as PCGamer, so...
We know that Valve's current answer on the benchmark (which is not the SDK, but you'd think they'd be somewhat related) is "ask Doug after E3."
And as to the SDK, Valve has been mostly tight-lipped, though always implying that it's soon.

That's about all the information I think we have. So really, we still don't seem to know much.
Good nice :)

We're still working on the toolkit, and I expect it to be out soon (yeah I know that's what I told you before but I don't have any better date right now). It definitely won't be another 2 months.


that was on march 10th.
They said the expo would be either April or June (obviously not April) also they said they may consider doing a similar event in europe after the games released around ECTS (which is in august) so if august is after hl2 and june is before ... lol crazy whacked out speculation on standby.
if anyone plans to email them, say so in this topic, that way valve doesn't get 1000 emails about this.
Well, I would say that they would do really well to release it right before, during, or immediately after, E3. It would really make fans believe in them again: that they can get stuff done when it counts.
hiln said:
if anyone plans to email them, say so in this topic, that way valve doesn't get 1000 emails about this.

I just emailed Rick. I hope I will get a reply.

Now I'm off to bed, 2.47 AM here
Considering Valve's track record, I'd put the SDK release around June of 2005.
manny_c44 said:
Considering Valve's track record, I'd put the SDK release around June of 2005.

[SARCASM]That was the funniest thing I've read all day[/SARCASM]
Well its not that funny. And I think Shuzer is being sarcastic.
According to the PC Zone info, Valve will run an 'SDK Weekend' for big name mod developers ina Hotel next door to their offices in Seattle. It also said this would be just prior to the release of HL2, not before E3.

It was also questioned if a similar thing would come to the UK, but Gabe simply replied with "maybe around the time of ECTS"..
With all the blahblah going on, I don't know what to believe. :eek:
I'm just happy with what I have for HL1. :D
the SDK weekend doesn't mean they will release it at that weekend, the SDK could have been released a month ago, i'v always said it (SDK will be coming around E3, and i still believe it will!, this news just made my point even stronger :p )
Reading all these messages of people who are eagerly awaiting for the SDK makes me wonder how many of them will actually use it, producing something to share with the community. The number of users who downloaded Softimage|XSI is impressive, but most of them just gave it a quick look before deleting the whole package from their hard drives.

Maybe "what are you going to do with the HL2 SDK?" could be an interesting topic. Personally I'm gonna build the most accurate reproduction of the office where I work with my colleagues; at the end of the average day, we'll get lots of satisfaction from its (virtual) destruction in deathmatches... :LOL:
I'll make maps aplenty...

Also have a serious mod planned :)
dys-Fuzzy said:
Why oh why do valve lie?

Maybe they're sick of all the whining.

It's like some guy emailing Valve: "When is Hl2 coming out?"
Gabe: "Tomorrow 10.17 PM Pacific Time"
i hope there is a serious dedicated and unified hl2 community... unreal 2k4 is kind of all over the place.
brokenjago said:
E3 is in 15 days. so they'd better hurry their asses up......

13 days.


today is the 30th.
I downloaded XSI just to take a look but it was kind of daunting since I've never used a 3D modeling program before. The tutorial videos weren't really tutorial videos either... it was more just two goofy guys goofing around and explaining absolutely nothing. Perhaps after the SDK is released and I have a whole weekend to myself, I'll sit down and try to learn this stuff. God knows I have plenty of creative energy to burn. ;-)
SMT: Try using the tutorial PDF files. They actually teach you something.
What can you do with SDK? Is it like something you can build maps with or what
The SDK is the software developer's kit, so it will at least have the map editors and so on. Plus fiddling with the code for enemies, vehicles etc is fun. Except you won't be able to see if it works til they release the game.
I am glad they are hoping to give us a release date at E3. Then I can calm down til that date. I really hope it isn't July, I know it's pretty soon, but I will go insane over the next 2 months...
Well since I don't really no that much C++ I personally can't wait for the map maker! I plan to build my school, and trust me; my school is perfect for DM. Also considering making the street I live on..

A few other things come to mind..but I think I will just wait and see.

I hope hammer is better than unreal ed...