SDK Soon...

Adrien C said:
A lot of really good mods will come out for HL2.
Woulden't be surprised if Valve baugt some of them.

they will just license the Source engine to the developers, and get royalties, as well.
I hope they put it out soon, because playing CS:S has made me want to get back into mapping. I used to make maps for the UT games, but it was just the same old, same old. But with the physics there are so many cool/new ideas to be played with!
Adrien C said:
A lot of really good mods will come out for HL2.
Woulden't be surprised if Valve baugt some of them.

Like CS and DOD. :)

Sorry for the double post.
cadaveca said:
here's one mod team: from the steam website:

the second is troika, with vampire: the masquerade - bloodlines

Those arn't mods. They have nothing to do with HL2 beyond using the same engine. The companies making those games licensed the Source engine from Valve.

I REALLY hope NS is being ported to Source... How sweet would a Fade look with a higher poly model and normal mapping? Very. modding to the source engine with a mmorpg, and bloodlines. none at all.:upstare:
He pointed out that what you posted has absolutely nothing to do with mod's (game modifications), you're talking about engine licenses. These aren't mod teams, they are developers who have purchased licenses for the Source engine. Unless ofcourse for some reason you think the mmorpg and Bloodlines are both mods?
duke2 got to it before me.

Those teams aren't just "mod teams" who get a measley SDK.... They get the full source code to the engine, tools, etc etc.... They get MORE than the SDK (well they probably don't have the HL2 related portion of the SDK, like sample models and such as I'm sure VALVe knows Troika knows how to make a model)

Although it does make sense since we know of 2 dev teams using Source.... But they can't really be considered mod teams...

*Technical* Well actually anybody who creates a game for an engine is a mod team. Even VALVe is a mod team for the engine. What is a Mod? It changes the way the engine works to produce the desired gameplay :) So HL2 is a mod. Now we use HL2 as a base for our mods, and we go from there, which is what 99% of people consider "modding"... *end technical*
Keva said:
In a recent email i sent to gabe he said.

"We're testing it with two MOD teams now"

So expect a release very soon :naughty:

Did he specify if 'soon' is based on Lombardi time units?
KagePrototype said:
Hasn't it been "soon" for over a year now? :)

You've got a point there... to Valve, "soon" is a subjective term.

It could mean anywhere from a couple days to a couple years.


jet jaguar said:
Did he specify if 'soon' is based on Lombardi time units?

ive been waiting for the sdk since i saw the first E3 video, and saw what was possible with physics within the level.

Hmm. Wonder who actually has access to the SDK? Unless Gabe meant big name retail modifications (meh, even DoD is still a mod to some degree, despite being available standalone). Everyone seems to think Sven Co-op has some sort of special relationship with Valve, but as Sven said we still lack the SDK, just like everyone else. Mores the pity...

...unless there's something they're not telling me! GABE IS SVEN, OMG!
I'm sorry, but Flayra doesn't have the SDK, so no, NS is not one of those mods.

As for NS: Source, it was stated by NemesisZero that if everyone moves to HL2 it would be stupid NOT porting it, on the other hand, if everyone stays with HL1 (we're talking about the players here), then we would continue development there.

Sounds like Sven is definatly one of the mods that has the SDK, not confirmed, though... :P
Mendasp said:
I'm sorry, but Flayra doesn't have the SDK, so no, NS is not one of those mods.

As for NS: Source, it was stated by NemesisZero that if everyone moves to HL2 it would be stupid NOT porting it, on the other hand, if everyone stays with HL1 (we're talking about the players here), then we would continue development there.

Sounds like Sven is definatly one of the mods that has the SDK, not confirmed, though... :P

No he is not, he confirmed this to me.
i am looking forward to the sdk to make my "Action Blue Opossing Natural Counter Fortress Co-op Life of Defeat Classic Slayer and Industry"-Mod.

It will be cool.
Mr.Spock said:
i am looking forward to the sdk to make my "Action Blue Opossing Natural Counter Fortress Co-op Life of Defeat Classic Slayer and Industry"-Mod.

It will be cool.

SAH---WHEAT! Keep us posted! :thumbs:
Mr.Spock said:
i am looking forward to the sdk to make my "Action Blue Opossing Natural Counter Fortress Co-op Life of Defeat Classic Slayer and Industry"-Mod.

It will be cool.

Hey... That was my idea! Gee, If I had a patent, I'd be rich!

Mr.Spock said:
i am looking forward to the sdk to make my "Action Blue Opossing Natural Counter Fortress Co-op Life of Defeat Classic Slayer and Industry"-Mod.

It will be cool.

specialist edition.

(cant leave out the best mod ever)
Front-Line Action Blue Opposing Natural Counter Fortress Co-op Life of Defeat Classic Slayer and Industry Specialist edition: Source!

With the zany Rocket Surprise! mod in the works following the first edition of FLABONCFCLoDCSaISe:S. Looks like I just punched some keys there actually...

As soon as the SDK appears, I'm going to start modelling again, and maybe try my hand at mapping. I want something that isn't subject to a trial period :flame:
Edcrab said:
As soon as the SDK appears, I'm going to start modelling again, and maybe try my hand at mapping. I want something that isn't subject to a trial period :flame:

I said the exact same thing last year. I stopped model, texturing and uvwmapping...
I was thinking "hell hl2 is so close, I might as well just wait a bit and model my ideas for the Hl2 engine"

heh, needless to say I havent opened max (besides a couple favors for friends) in a year.
KagePrototype said:
Heh, I remember when it was "within a few weeks" early this year. Try not to get your hopes up. :)

They said "In the coming weeks." That doesn't mean anything. The third week of the year 1283904 would still technically be the coming weeks. If they had come out and said it would be out in a "few" weeks, after about 5 I would get ticked.
Maybe Valve are holding back Halflife2 until the mod developers have finished their mods to compensate for lack of multiplayer (excluding remakes).
So have we summarily proved that no mod teams that we know of have the SDK?
err just to clear things up: the DOD guys already have access to the SDK since they sit right next door to the source coders!

am I right?
Yes but isn't DOD Valves anyway? Does that count?!
Gergor said:
They said "In the coming weeks." That doesn't mean anything. The third week of the year 1283904 would still technically be the coming weeks. If they had come out and said it would be out in a "few" weeks, after about 5 I would get ticked.

Oh shush, you know just as well as I do that they didn't mean that. :p If it wasn't coming out within a few weeks when they announced it in January, they would say "later this year" or "within the coming months", not weeks. :)
Well, name a mod besides sven co-op that's said they're working with valve...
Will be working with Valve. They still don't have the SDK yet, but god knows which two mods actually do... I'm starting to confuse myself here.
Since he says Mod Teams, he surely could mean in house teams. DoD and TF2?
Ultimately it's all blind guess work.
one of the teams is sven co-op, who is already working with Valve & the HL2 SDK.
|Jz| said:
Sadly I just got the confirmation mail by Sven Viking (the leader of the Sven Co-OP team) that they are not part of the SDK testing.. too bad :/

Maybe you're right.