sdk update (was bored)



Source SDK Update Released
January 19, 2005, 5:03 pm · cliffe
A Source SDK update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:

Source SDK

* Added XSI addon for importing and exporting SMDs
* Added simple SDK bot sample code for adding bots to your mod
* Added source files for six Half-Life 2 single player maps
* Added interface plugin to add bots to mods
* Fixed resource leak in the SDK launcher and vconfig utiity
* Added bspzip tool -- allows you to compile custom content directly into a .bsp
why can't i just put the team part of the CS: source FDG into HL2: DM - is there any reason why that won't work?
lol, it doesn't exactly work that way ;) Nothing is ever that simple. If only there was a world where simple logic always worked.. That would be interesting.
That's not simple logic. The FGD is simply a list that Hammer uses to reference the entities that are in the mod. The mod doesn't look at it at all.

You can create a Hammer level without a FGD.

Angry Lawyer
simple logic does always work. the problem is when you have 10 million simple logics together, than you have a hard logic. thats hl2. lol :thumbs:
I better start learning XSI, or maybe just import stuff from Max then export from XSI would be easier.
you know the thing thats begining to annoy me about this lack of teamspawn is that it is sooooo obvious that the're will be a teamspawn at some point ¬¬