SEASONS Info,(as per Valve speaking about release)


Oct 6, 2003
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Right, Me starting this tread might be as dumb as anything, I think I need to point out something interesting,

July, August is Summer in the USA (Note I Live in New Zelaland my season is Spring)
September is Fall 2004 in USA

Note: I remember VALVe saying that HL2 will be out summer 2004,
and BS from Vendi saying Fall 2004,
All PLL stop winding each other up,
HL2 will be out by the end of September if anything,
If the game is out in September, Vendi's Assumptions are correct,
If VALVe are true to there word on when the planned to release HL2 it will be ether next month (July) or in August. :)
Yeah, that's great. I don't think it will go to September, July or August is more likely.

I don't understand those who don't believe anything Valve says anymore. They have made only one mistake, which would be the Semptember 30th insidence. After that they've been quiet about release date because they didn't know when the game woud be finished.

Now when they finally give some clue about the date of release, some people just can't trust Valve, because "they always lie about release dates" and "they are only liers who betray their customerrs and try to get their money and who knows yeah they sux0r".
yeah see summer 2004 is before september, so really i am looking forward to next month or August for HL2
Worrying about the relase date will achieve nothing. Just forget about it until it's on Steam for preloading.
Varsity said:
Worrying about the relase date will achieve nothing. Just forget about it until it's on Steam for preloading.

were not worring, i was merely pointing out that pll get to hyped up about dates,
considering if it was fall, it would be ok to have then,
pll on other topics were worring, think it could be december or next year, but some of those pll get to far feached :sleep:

The Terminator said:
Nah man, last day of summer is September 21st. Seasons are 3 months long.

no 2 months acually, december and january are summer in New Zealand
and fall is febuary.
Kylebn said:
were not worring, i was merely pointing out that pll get to hyped up about dates,
considering if it was fall, it would be ok to have then,
pll on other topics were worring, think it could be december or next year, but some of those pll get to far feached :sleep:

Yay for Half-Life 2.

Kylebn, me and you are New Zealand buddies :).
Kylebn said:
were not worring, i was merely pointing out that pll get to hyped up about dates,
considering if it was fall, it would be ok to have then,
pll on other topics were worring, think it could be december or next year, but some of those pll get to far feached :sleep:

no 2 months acually, december and january are summer in New Zealand
and fall is febuary.
So wait theres 6 seasons in a year?
Parasite said:
So wait theres 6 seasons in a year?

New Zealand is like on the totally other side of the globe than USA...or Europe. So I think he's reffering to that fact. When we have summer, they have winter etc... :)
Kylebn said:
no 2 months acually, december and january are summer in New Zealand and fall is febuary.

But in the US (where Valve is located) Summer is from June 21st to September 22...that's 3 months.

And if they release the game Sept 21 they STILL would be in summer and that would be just what valve said. No lies, or mis-information :)

In 2004, summer in the Northern Hemisphere will last from June 20th 7.57 PM (EST) to September 22nd 11.30 AM (EST).

You people should realise by now that what Valve says is never a lie or the truth, it is an estimate at best. So what if it doesn't hit summer? You'll probably only have to wait a couple of months at the most. What Valve says is not set in stone, ever. Stop focusing on the release date, get some patience, and beleive me, the time will just fly by.
Well if it does come in August, that would be awesome to me, since my birthday is in August too :D
But honestly, do you seriously think Valve would do something like releasing the game in September 22nd 11.29 AM adn be like "yeah well, it's still a minute untill the summer ends so technically, TECHNICALLY, we didn't lie"

That's kinda stupid. I think what they mean with summer is what people NORMALLY do. So that would be from June to August. Seriously, who in real life thinks summer is from June 21st to September 22nd... and yeah, to be specific ends 11.30 AM EST, don't forget that. JESUS! Who actually spends his time defining these things :)
What's this shit about 21st June to 22nd Sept.? Summer is from 1st June till 31st Aug. and nothing else!
Kouler said:
Well if it does come in August, that would be awesome to me, since my birthday is in August too :D

Same here.

Don't be stupid people, If they say thier shooting for summer, all it means is they think they can finish it by then. Same with the September release date, at the time they thought they could make it, that was a long long time ago. They never once said "It WILL be out at this time." Not once.
RogueShadow said:
Same here.

Don't be stupid people, If they say thier shooting for summer, all it means is they think they can finish it by then. Same with the September release date, at the time they thought they could make it, that was a long long time ago. They never once said "It WILL be out at this time." Not once.

erm, you will find they said it WILL BE out on sept 30th 2003

Its really not good for Valve to mess the summer release
I posted this in a different thread but it remains true. Valve said they're aiming for a mid-summer release.

Solstice summer is June 21st to September 21st. Mid-summer is July 21st to August 21st.

The calender summer is June, July and August. Mid-summer would be July.

This means that if Valve keep to their word, the game will be released any time between July 1st to August 21st.

No need to discuss this anymore so THREAD CLOSED!!
RoguePsi said:
No need to discuss this anymore so THREAD CLOSED!!

Somebody wishes he were a moderator. :rolling:
maybe it will be on steam in jusy, but companies like vivendi have to keep up with schedules and shit and financial quarters and whatnot. hl2 wont be on store shelves before the 3rd quater stars and thats in september.
I don't think I could have ever imagined how much people could debate the start/end of summer until I came to this website.
SMT said:
Somebody wishes he were a moderator. :rolling:

I dont wish to be a moderator. *BANNED* seriously, why keep a thread open when the all the questions are answered and all the possibilities are covered. Not wishing to sound arrogant, but my answer was probably one of the best sumations you will get on the topic, hence, no need to keep it open. *loving myself* :bounce:
Because if it stays open someone may reveal answers to the eternal mysteries of the universe. Although the chance of that happening is quite small, we can't risk missing out on that info by closing the thread!
valve said that they didnt say/know anything about the fall release date thing..take a look at the valve info thread
Mr-Fusion said:
Because if it stays open someone may reveal answers to the eternal mysteries of the universe. Although the chance of that happening is quite small, we can't risk missing out on that info by closing the thread!

The Universe is indeed, a flat 2 dimensional square! mwhaha, your life is flater then a fourty year old coke!

Wow, this thread was pointless from the beginning.. it should be now closed..
it seems to be coming out in time for me to get a super duper computer, sorry guys, it is my fault.
I've never in my life seen a forum where the moderators were forced, or felt the need to, close so many threads. Normally when a discussion is complete it simply fizzles out - there's nothing more to be said.

If people are still posting opinions or information or anything for that matter, the discussion is not finished. If you've lost interest in it, simply stop posting. Don't post about how the topic should be closed because you have nothing left to say and feel that all bases have been covered.

It's absolutely absurd.
Wildhound said:
I've never in my life seen a forum where the moderators were forced, or felt the need to, close so many threads. Normally when a discussion is complete it simply fizzles out - there's nothing more to be said.

If people are still posting opinions or information or anything for that matter, the discussion is not finished. If you've lost interest in it, simply stop posting. Don't post about how the topic should be closed because you have nothing left to say and feel that all bases have been covered.

It's absolutely absurd.

i agree, it does seem rather hipocritical that there are a lot of people that like to POST about how pissed off they are that people continue to POST in a particular thread.
lonefox said:
The Universe is indeed, a flat 2 dimensional square! mwhaha, your life is flater then a fourty year old coke!

Wow, this thread was pointless from the beginning.. it should be now closed..

:imu: This bunny represents my whole-hearted agreement.
Days until release... 42... always 42. The answer to life, the universe and everything. Including 'when will the game be released'. Maybe if we stop asking the question, then the latest answer of '42' will actually occur.

Dangit valve... realse the freakin game already...
Get it through your thick skulls.
You may have thier word they will aim for a summer release date.
But that is not the same as "We solumnly swear, this game WILL BE OUT THIS SUMMER SO HELP US GOD"
honestly though how realistic do you think it is that it's coming out THIS summer.. I can't conprehend it for some reason.. it seems more distant.. (hasn't gone gold, no date, no news or videos from valve) honestly FALL or later seems much more reasonable.. why does valve say things like "IT WILL BE HERE THIS SUMMER" when really they have no fsecking clue... god this is an annoying cycle. When will valve realize everything they say WILL be blown out of preportion not matter what... ESPECIALLY if they announce a release date.. or season..

oh well at least we know it cant be far away (being tested, "content" finished, box art decided) etc. and knowing Valve the title will be worth the hype :D
It really is. In a way i can see them being like out of know where "game goes gold tomorrow" and say all of these details and etc...but then again it seems sooooooo far away because of so much we dont know. I really dont think they will make the summer date. I mean they gotta get so much stuff ready, bandwith for steam....all the mods ready (doubt their done)...hl2 finished up...and just all of these little details and things they have to do.
i got it wrong sorry pll

yep i got the seasons wrong,i feel like such a d!ck, still baseing on what valve said end on septemeber if valve are true to word, and october is vendi are true to word. :cheers:
i never thought this tread would be so popular lol,
can someone tell me when fall ends in the usa, cheers.

Arc. KiLL
Everytime I think about a July release date, I get this warm fuzzy feeling in my pants and piss a little. Not a lot. But, enough to get that warm fuzzy feeling.