Second Sight


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I just recently got this game from a friend of mine. It looked like a good game so I asked him if I could borrow it to play it. He just gave it to me.

Anyway, I am a bit confused as to what to do on the first level, Isolation. I wake up use my physic powers to pick stuff up then suddenly drop it. I do not understand my objective. I mean I know you have to go down the elevator, but what exactly do I have to do? Is there any possible way for me to walk around without being noticed? It is cool how I can pick stuff up, but what can I do with it? As of right now it seems like I can just pick it up and thats it. I need help as you can tell. Thanks.
You get more powers as you progress through the levels (some VERY funs ones), though you'll have to sneak around people the old fashioned way. The story is also revealed to you as you progress, through flashbacks. The levels are pretty linear, so it shouldn't be hard to find your way around.

And your objective is to find out what the hell is going on. :p
This is the third thread we have had on this in the past month. :|

Theis game deserves the attention though.

*fires up game and flings bodies around*
After I read the person's thread on this game, I decided I must try it.

Can anyone tell me exactly what I am supposed to do at the beginning of the Isolation level?
I'm pretty sure you need to access a computer to activate a door or elevator or something. I seem to remember the first level literally steering you to your objective.
You can get the code to the elevator from a computer somewhere.
Just finished this game yesterday, really a good game!!!!
Great story too!!!!