Secret Santa Discussion 2013 - Merry Everyone!

Got the Stanley Parable, and XCOM: Enemy Within. Freaking perfect, as I've been itching to play more xcom and was holding off just in case I got the expansion here, and my friend has been bugging me for like a month to play Stanley Parable. Many thanks to mister [Redacted].
Carpe Fulgur collection and Papers, Please. Thanks person! We've revealed ourselves in the past after things have been sent, is that no longer the case?
All Hail Redacted!

Carpe Fulgur collection and Papers, Please. Thanks person! We've revealed ourselves in the past after things have been sent, is that no longer the case?

Sure, you can reveal yourself. I don't see a reason not to.
Metro: Last Light and Bioshock Infinite. NOICE.
I got the Wolf Among Us, Stanley Parable and DEUS ****IN EX: Human Revolution Director's Cut! Real nice stuff here, very much appreciated Secret Santa Person!
Awesome! I got Limbo and Dead Space 2, both of which I had been meaning to try out for a while. I'm a fan of this secret benefactor of mine.

My gratitude, whoever you are.
Shortly, we're sorting out what to do about the people who have signed up and not contributed gifts (apart from castration)
Shortly, we're sorting out what to do about the people who have signed up and not contributed gifts (apart from castration)

BURN THEIR HOUSES AND TAKE THEIR WOMEN... or men, i don't want to sound sexist here
So I was about to send out the second batch there and I discovered someone is apparently DDOSing Valve and the Steam Community is down and I can't access my inventory.
Ooh Sci fi game stuff! FTL and HR Directors Cut!

Thank you Redanta Claus

Edit : oh and Monaco, sweet. Showed up when I logged into steam. :-)
Everything should finally be gone out. Check your emails guys.
Thanks to my Secret Santa for Braid, Puzzle Agent, 2 BL2 skin packs and the BL2 Creature Slaughterdome. Can't wait to give them a go. Cheers!
riomhaire was everyones secret santa....and we were all his......