Secret Santa Sign Up & Wishlists - Closes Friday 17th

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Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score

Welcome to the second Secret Santa! In this thread you will be able to sign up to participate. Sign up's close on Friday 17th.

Please do not post if you are not taking part.

This is only for veteran and trusted members of, everyone who participated last year can join in. Anyone who isn't sure, can post in the discussion thread, we will confirm if you can sign up in this thread.

Details you must provide in this thread:

1. By posting you are agreeing to take part in the secret santa, meaning you must buy a gift for the name you are given, you will also receive a gift from a different anonymous member
2. A link to your wishlist with options of potential gifts for your for secret santa to purchase. You must give them the option of a gift which around the agreed price (see below). Example of wishlist link (public profile required) -

Buying your gift

The agreed price is $10 minimum - you may spend any extra you wish. If a game is in a Steam sale - reduced below or always below $10 you'd be expected to make up the difference (with 2 gifts = $10 minimum).

See the buying guide here -

Thanks to Valve Software for providing us the details on this process. You will not need to do this until the 17th when you receive your forum gift receiver.

Final note

If you decide to enter, please please please follow through with your commitment to purchase a game for someone. If you disappear you'll be leaving someone without a gift and there will be a gift specifically bought just for you which I cannot give to you if you haven't bought one for someone else. Therefore, I am trusting the long-time members to be good sports and not ruin your fellow forumites from having a good time. Anyone who doesn't purchase a gift after entering will have their name released to the forum with several other nasty consequences.

Thank ya'll!

Please ask any questions in this thread:

Please use this thread to sign up only.

For those who are prompt and are easy to communicate with throughout this event, I will put their names into a hat for a special xmas draw to win more games which the staff have purchased & Valve have provided!
I'm in, yay

Loaded it up with indie and/or old games so hopefully that makes things easy :).
May add a couple of pricier things just in case they go on sale or something.

Anything not on the list is fair game too. Mostly I'd be happiest with something entertaining and not-so-serious.
Just to make this clear to you clearly dyslexic bunch of fools - THIS THREAD, the one we're in right now, is the sign-up thread. THIS THREAD is for any other discussion.
Count me in! :D

I had a lot of fun last year (really enjoyed my gift), look forward to it again.

EDIT: I'm hoping the sale will mark down at least one of those games in the wishlist since they are more than $10, feel free to buy something else if that doesnt happen :)
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