secret spots in compound


Nov 28, 2004
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i have found 2 so far that are worth mentioning one probobly the prefect sniper spot look at the pictures

second pretty much allows you to hide and most likely never be seen

the rest coming in next post

lol messed up order first pics are the hiding spots and non sniper perfect spot


  • sniper 1.jpg
    sniper 1.jpg
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  • sniper step 2.jpg
    sniper step 2.jpg
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    sniper step 3.jpg
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  • sniper step 4.jpg
    sniper step 4.jpg
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  • sniper step 5.jpg
    sniper step 5.jpg
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here is the last part


  • sniper step 6.jpg
    sniper step 6.jpg
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  • sniper complete.jpg
    sniper complete.jpg
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sry are step 2 and 3 linked as step 2 is indoors and step 3 is outdoors a fair bit away,r am i just :rolling:
ok i ****ed up sniper 1 and step 2 they arent part of getting to the sniper spot the rest are on the way to get there
so it pretty much starts at step 3 which would really be step 1
theyr just another spot right?

nice one man, the one thing I didnt like about compound was lack of spots that wernt completly open or #### for camping!
yeah unfortunatly ct dont have to many spots to hide worth mentioning map is kinda stacked that way **** i guess t are suppost to camp and protect hosties
btw to let you know you can go ontop of the warehouse roof near ct spawn, you just need to boost with one friend(will post screenies)
Uni-Ball said:
btw to let you know you can go ontop of the warehouse roof near ct spawn, you just need to boost with one friend(will post screenies)

Aww ace! gonna try that one
There is also some trash and tall grass to the left of the Hostie house (looking toward the CT spawn) and i hid there w/scout after not being able to make the roof in time and i got 5 people before they saw me. After i died i heard "wow i didn't even see you man... nice!" and "quality dude." and of course "OMG you es a h/-\xxorz. I pwn j00 wif ashotty if yuo t0rn 0ff yourz haxz!!!111"

Oh well, IMHO the roof of the Hostie house is the best place to be (crouched). You can also camp the hosties from up there, just have to have a teammate cover the truck.
there are many ways to get to that roof but i think the way i did it was the easyest

if you jump on the protruding wheel on the wagon it makes it easier
I've had some good runs in the grass... I am guessing that it was hard to see me there.

I've shot, and been shot by, people in the places you are showing.

T's really have the advantage on that map.
the roof one is kinda bad (my pc's mobo fried) but the roof is alright cause everyone can see the ct (red on black=bad)
well this isnt really a cheat but if your a ct and like to go to the right at the start(where the containers are),move outside the ct spwn pt and move to the side of the ct spwn pt behind the railing as far back as possible,you'll notice that the first container ahead becomes transparent,you can know see the ts,i got sniped 3 times in a row so i watched the guy who killed me and thats how i noticed it
Yeh, i noticed that while on the map, their are various other spots where u can stand to make this happen aswell.
I've never noticed, but I guess this map won't be in any leagues if there is problems like that. Anybody know why this happens? I'm pretty sure vavle wouldn't release a map with that big of a bug in it.
So thats why I always see people sitting way back there....the basterds :imu:

EDIT: Now that I took a closer look it seems that all of the containers are transparent, you can see all the way back?
that's one of the reasons i dislike compound. There are too many camping spots and there aren't many ways you can go, especially if youre a terrorist. I hate camping, but i don't want to rush by myself and die, so i just wander around moving from spot to spot. On the counter terrorist side, all the terrorists are camping, with the addition to all of the places posted, there are about 10 others, at least, so it's a little one sided. It's a lot like assualt, which was a lot of fun, but compound is different. I have to be in the mood for it, but yeah, ON TOPIC, those are nice camping spaces.
Ths maps good. its good range and midrange shooting practice. i like it.
theres a lot of places in this map where u can see shadows thru walls.. really helps u when you are thinking "where will he pop up his little head?"
yeah shadows through walls i see that alot particurly at the gate the cts come through,you can see their shadows underneath,theres also a bug in the hostages shack,if you look towards the roof theres a few slates missing and you can see the blue sky but if a ct jumps on the roof the t spwn building and chimneys will load up and you can see them,a nice way of knowing if a ct has hopped onto the roof