Sectioning of a wall in a room...



Hi Guys,
Just got into the HL2 editing scene :) I know this question is probably fairly basic but it'd really get me going....
So I've created a room by hollowing out a block. Now I want to create an opening into another hollowed out block (room) that is adjacent to the first. How can I selectively delete a portion of one wall to allow my player through? Or do I have to create each room wall by wall?

Any answers are appreciated!

You will want to use the clipping tool. This essentially slices through a brush at the points you specify. Click on the tool's button multiple times to change what part of the brush you want to keep.

Also, try to not make rooms by using the hollow option. Just make each wall seperately.
I thought it may have been easier to use the other method but I don't mind making each wall. It will certainly save some hassle!
Or, since you used the hollow tool, you could ungroup your room delete the side you want the door at and use smaller brushes. Depends on what you're more comfortable with.

Hammer has many different ways to do one thing, usually.
i have a question...why is it better to make each wall seperately?
Can you name one good map that consists entirely of interconnected hollowed-out rooms?
Spam said:
i have a question...why is it better to make each wall seperately?
I assume that directed at me.
I'm not saying its better, but it's what I prefer doing. It feels like you go through too many steps to get a hole in a wall if I have to go over and click on the clipper tool a couple times.
oh ok thanks guys, i will keep that in mind as i have always used hollowed brushes.