see the freedon of the USA!

CyberPitz said:
Oh...I know that. I'm just stating that since it's so easy to offend people, simply by an article of clothing...why not exploit that?

that makes sense. if you can offend people, and its legal, you should definately take the oppurtunity. afterall, what more important goal is there for society than to offend everyone else in any way possible without getting in trouble! what a happy world we'd live in if everyone had this glorious mindset.
I think all would have turned out so much better of the airlines had just given a replacement shirt to wear over hers.
poseyjmac said:
that makes sense. if you can offend people, and its legal, you should definately take the oppurtunity. afterall, what more important goal is there for society than to offend everyone else in any way possible without getting in trouble!

funny but you seem to have made that a goal for yourself here at
poseyjmac said:
that makes sense. if you can offend people, and its legal, you should definately take the oppurtunity. afterall, what more important goal is there for society than to offend everyone else in any way possible without getting in trouble! what a happy world we'd live in if everyone had this glorious mindset.
Yes, because I expend so much energy wearing a damned T-shirt.
CptStern said:
funny but you seem to have made that a goal for yourself here at

theres a difference between wearing a shirt that says 'eat shit' and saying the truth that incidentally offends those who don't want to hear it. not to mention many including you have directly flamed me on, so no need to point fingers.

CyberPitz said:
Yes, because I expend so much energy wearing a damned T-shirt.

thats what happens when someone spends too much time on the computer. exercise is good! :cheers:
Such utter, ludicrous, bullshit.

So people complained. Fock them. The airline had no policy against political shirts or against 'offensive' shirts - and if they did, they needed to say beforehand. It's ridiculous that they'd bow to the complaints of a few idiots. Every time I'm on a plane I complain about how FOCKING DISGUSTING their food smells when they're cooking it - it disturbs me and I can't concentrate. But they take no action (and rightly so).

So it was 'offensive'. Well fock you. Fock isn't a swear word. Focker is the name of a WW1 German aerospace manufacturer spelt badly. It's the name of a focking movie, for fock's sake - how can anyone claim it's offensive or that it in any way validates this?

Maybe I'm being a bit violent in my reaction - after all, they did give her the option to stay on the plane - but fock it.

poseyjmac said:
thats what happens when someone spends too much time on the computer. exercise is good!

Don't start with the insulting implications again. Seriously, don't. I know you're going to just deny that you meant any harm with that remark, but nobody is that stupid. Leave that shit out of the argument for once.
poseyjmac said:
theres a difference between wearing a shirt that says 'eat shit' and saying the truth that incidentally offends those who don't want to hear it.

the truth? you call insulting my wife the truth? wtf do you know about the "truth" .. dont play the victem here posey, you're quite good at it but it wont work this time round

poseyjmac said:
not to mention many including you have directly flamed me on, so no need to point fingers.

flame you? that's the least you deserve
CptStern said:
the truth? you call insulting my wife the truth? wtf do you know about the "truth" .. dont play the victem here posey, you're quite good at it but it wont work this time round

flame you? that's the least you deserve

what you think i deserve is against forum rules. so my advice to you stern, is that you be careful of what you say. also, how is your lovely wife doing? :imu:

Sulkdodds said:
Don't start with the insulting implications again. Seriously, don't. I know you're going to just deny that you meant any harm with that remark, but nobody is that stupid. Leave that shit out of the argument for once.

its called a joke, man. you know those things that everyone else but poseyjmac can tell without being reamed by mods for? :/
its called a joke, man. you know those things that everyone else but poseyjmac can tell without being reamed by mods for? :/

Just thought Cyberpitz might take it offensively but if he's going to I guess I'll leave it to him.
Anyway, the argument - I think she's entirely justified in sueing the airline.


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poseyjmac said:
what you think i deserve is against forum rules. so my advice to you stern, is that you be careful of what you say. also, how is your lovely wife doing? :imu:

I implied you should have been banned

btw..your infantile attempt at trying to rile me up hasnt worked.
Spicy Tuna said:
I laughed :D

Stern and poesy take it to PMs or something please, reading you two bitch at each other is becoming tiresome!
why shouldnt I? my family has been directly insulted a number of times am I supposed to just bite my tongue? ..your post is just as spamerific as mine is so you're just as guilty
CptStern said:
why shouldnt I? my family has been directly insulted a number of times am I supposed to just bite my tongue? ..your post is just as spamerific as mine is so you're just as guilty
Yes, because the Internet is serious business!

Last reply I'll bother wasting on you, cheers :)
@ Poseyjmac: Didn't take offense...the emoticon at the end made me giggle...and really, if I get offended over some intraweb text, I need to grow up :D

I still find it rediculous people complained :P