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Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
just wanted to say bye before i get locked up ;(

rather not tell u whats going on in, but i may get locked up in a few week's and may go away for some time, just wanted to say bye.

LOL i actually dreamt that someone on this forum would go to prison and anounce a psycic :D
deception... you mean, you aren't really in Valve's basement? ;(
but the location says valve's basement....
Thats what you get for being so god damned trigger happy. It was just a matter of time before someone got hurt.
nothing really... some dude scammed something to my aunties.. i was lookin after the kids, and i signed for it, left it outside, cuz i didnt know what to do with it (kinda big) left it on side of house, asked cousins if it was their's they denied... so i left it here.. weeks later, it got stolen :s

and now they r tryna stitch me up, they think i work for someone, they want me to grass them up, and if i do, i only get a CAUTION.. i dont belivem :P
don't see how that equates to jailtime.unfortunally i on the other hand am not so lucky. when my courtdate comes on dec 16th. i'll be going buh bye :(
NeverstilL said:
don't see how that equates to jailtime.unfortunally i on the other hand am not so lucky. when my courtdate comes on dec 16th. i'll be going buh bye :(
what did u do?
it's not that simple of an answer. in order for you to understand i'd have to start from the begining and that would take entirely way too long. but to make a long story short ...a shitty set of circumstances caused me to violate a court order which puts me in contempt. basicly the law did something to me which made it impossible for me to comply with the court order they gave me which leaves me ****ed
kingthebadger said:
pff... u gonna close thread for what reason :p
dont use the modcp to close threads, use it to snoop on your details :p

We use a much more simplified method to deal with threads and banning ;)
The Dark Elf said:
dont use the modcp to close threads, use it to snoop on your details :p

We use a much more simplified method to deal with threads and banning ;)
haha nice script.. who made it ... lol
The Dark Elf said:
dont use the modcp to close threads, use it to snoop on your details :p

We use a much more simplified method to deal with threads and banning ;)
he he ,nice
Enjoy the slammer, dear boy. I don't quite get what the Hell you did... but enjoy it, nonetheless.
Do they hand out male diaphragms for free in jail? :P

Enough of the sick jokes...bye!
Remember, if you drop it, leave the soap where it is...
Its better you drop the soap and be dirty, then pick it up and be DIRTY.

Or whatever.. I dont know.
Whats your prospects then? Jailking!

Nah sorry to hear it man..don't suppose your going to any jails around the northwest england? my mum works in one and so does my step dad. I could tell you there names but i'd have to kill you :P
Alig said:
Whats your prospects then? Jailking!

Nah sorry to hear it man..don't suppose your going to any jails around the northwest england? my mum works in one and so does my step dad. I could tell you there names but i'd have to kill you :P
im from northwest, so possibly :P

how long will you be gone?
thats harsh as f**k

possibly a year under :p
Ritz said:
Its better you drop the soap and be dirty, then pick it up and be DIRTY.

Or whatever.. I dont know.

I would say it sounds like you're talking from experience, know, its just not practical really. Well apart from on Channel 5, but thats it.
Well my mum transfered to Stoke-Heath young offenders jail for under 21's or something and my step dad works at Risely but i know loads of my mums mates (where she worked for 10 years) from Strangeways in manchester.

Thinking about soap...did anyone just watch Max and Paddy on 4 :laugh:
Alig said:
Well my mum transfered to Stoke-Heath young offenders jail for under 21's or something and my step dad works at Risely but i know loads of my mums mates (where she worked for 10 years) from Strangeways in manchester.

Thinking about soap...did anyone just watch Max and Paddy on 4 :laugh:
maybe if i end up there, you can make it easier for me :P

tbh my little brothers in prison for armed robbery, rofl ;P and his prison is **** all, its a farm called

lancaster farm

and i beleive u work in farm to earn dough, u have gym... feckin not bad, except the food..
Easier? Yeah! much i get? :P

My mum thinks jail is too easy going...the government has made it almost impossible to teach convicts a lesson. You got the works in there, only problem is jail :P
yea well... i dont think jail really makes a difference, plus if they didnt provide thos facilities i would most likely commit suicide, iremember being locked in a police cell for like 5-6 hours and i was brain dead... ****ing brain dead..