Seeing people


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I always think I see somebody out of the corner of my eye. Sitting next to me, walking down the stairs, or maybe even just their shadow behind me.

Then I look and there's nothing there.

WTF, it gets irritating. Makes me want to lose my peripheral vision.

I used to get it in my old (haunted) house all the time, but not since.

It wasn't just the sights either... it was the smells (tobacco pipe smoke to fresh roses or perfume) along with the rapid temperature drops. Do you get those too?
I get that too! And do you also get that voice in your head telling you to kill everyone?
... so, do these people you see all bare a strange resemblence to Cousin It?

I don't understand...
18 Hz sounds causing the corners of your eye to vibrate probably o_o
A skeleton with glowing red eyes used to watch me go up the stairs to my bedroom at night.

Serious. I always hurried up them because it creeped me out.
This happens to me constantly, as do I randomly hear my name being yelled...
I saw a skeleton on a car roof once with no drugs involved, I was shitting myself for the rest of the week thinking "that was my first moment of a life long psychosis, if this fear doesnt end tommorow I have gone mad." I also felt very light headed for the whole week. After that I know not to take drugs, I got a taste of insanity, theres no way anything's worth that.
Have to admit, ive woken up numerous times and could swear ive seen someone standing in the corner of my room in my house back home (im in Uni halls now though). Was weird, everytime id freak out, turn on the light and nothing would be there.

Used to see movement in the corner of my eyes when my hair was long, its always nothing though.
Sometimes I feel like there's someone right behind me, watching me.
I have amazing peripheral vision, it's about 220 degrees. To see directly behind myself, I can usually turn my head about 50 degrees and just look slightly to the left/right.
why do people think skeletons are scary? like they have no muscle so you can just easily destroy them with anything lol..
why do people think skeletons are scary? like they have no muscle so you can just easily destroy them with anything lol..

It's scary when they randomly appear as a definite pattern on a car roof stareing right at you, actually moveing, that wasn't there before.
Sometimes I feel like there's someone right behind me, watching me.
That's because you are paranoid someones watching you look at prOn.


There was a bicycle in my hallway for a couple days, and the dark hallways with heavy shadows played some tricks on me. Every time I passed the hallway, I thought someone was there. It even happened when I was ready for it, and purposely walking past to see if it still did it, and it did. Someone was there, instead of that 1950's bike. It was really freaking me out, so I moved the bike. Problem solved.

Plus, I live in a historical building built in 1863, and there is a tombstone outside my window about 6 feet. I'm not worried though, as I don't believe in paranormal activity, but I'm not looking for trouble or weird dreams, so I don't investigate it. In fact I've never read the weathered inscription on the tombstone.

Sometimes I can hear people telepathically say things about me, but I can't really hear it, I just feel them think it, so usually it's sorta in my own voice when I 'hear' them say it. It's only if they are within a certain distance, like say, as far as the eye can see, but I don't have to see them, I can even be in a closed room, I just have to know they are there. I might hear them think nice things or a negative thought about me. It might be a special power, or everyone might have this ability but not know how to use it, or I could just be imagining it, but It won't stop, even though I tell myself it's bullshit - my imagination. It could be real though.

Did you know that water reacts to it's environment, like it's alive. There has been tests where they put glasses of water in different environments, and they test a patern, (I forget what) and the water that was exposed to anger was much different than the water that was in a peaceful environment. Look it up. This world is so amazing.

Click and follow some of these links for more info:
search link (rough search, will find irrelevant info),GGLJ:2006-41,GGLJ:en&q=water+react+to+feelings

I think this is the right link (this is my first time reading it, I saw something on TV about it that was very interesting)
After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed.


I have Bipolar disorder though, so it's probably just my mind is ****ed. They say people with this often feel they have special powers and also can have borderline schizophrenic moments. It's not a very useful special power, and often makes me feel like shit (since I can hear a part of what people are thinking about me, it's usually bad things that they wouldn't say to you.), it's not like I can make money, turn invisible, or have x-ray vision. ;) lol
Sometimes I feel like there's someone right behind me, watching me.
/me taps dfc05 on the shoulder.

I don't get any of this weird psychosis shit. You're all goddamn loons.
It's scary when they randomly appear as a definite pattern on a car roof stareing right at you, actually moveing, that wasn't there before.

bah, skeletons lol...if anything they're funny in a "WTF LOL" kinda way..

but if i were to see a skeleton in my closet in the middle of the night, yea i'd be startled completely, but i'd obviously try to punch it or something..because come on it's a skeleton, what's it gonna do to me? LOL
I always think I see shadows moving by the door when I'm facing the comp. I'm always situated at an angle where I can just barely see outside the room. Freaks the shit out of me when the lights are out.
remember guys just because your paranoid doesn't mean someone is trying to get you.
I used to hear chime-like voices when I moved into the basement, and it really freaked me out. And then I found out it was just my TV echoing off the walls. Was I ever relieved!
That reminds me, are you paranoid if they are out to get you?
Bubba Nosferatu! D:

Hey stop making fun of uncle Nosfy!

we're moving into a new age folks, get used to it

What, the age of random people being out to get you? Sounds like fun....

Also this thread reminds me of something weird that happened a year ago. One night I just woke up suddenly out of a weird dream, it was about 4 am. Then I heard sounds on the floor of my room, like a giant grasshopper jumping back and forth. I quickly turn on the lights, but nothing's there. I get out of bed to take a look around and I hear it again right in front of me! I pick up a pillow and throw it right at that spot and then I hear a deep buzzing sound going from that spot to the ceiling! WTF attack of the invisible bugs from outerspace?! I was so freaked out I couldn't go back to sleep:|
Jesus and I thought I might have gone mad, you guys are all off the nut.