Seeing people


I always think I see somebody out of the corner of my eye. Sitting next to me, walking down the stairs, or maybe even just their shadow behind me.

Then I look and there's nothing there.

WTF, it gets irritating. Makes me want to lose my peripheral vision.

I get the random calling of my name too, but does anyone else see everything breathing or bubbling all the time? also, lately I have been seeing random shadowy stuff happen. just a couple days ago I saw this shadowy dog thing just appear directly ahead of, it walked towards me for about a block then turned down the street out of my vision, and when i got to that point, gone. And I know that wasn't a dog, or a large feline, or an animal for that matter. just...just a shadowy thing.....maybe I should take up drinking.
but does anyone else see everything breathing or bubbling all the time?.

If this happens only while you're at home you might want to consider moving

also, lately I have been seeing random shadowy stuff happen. just a couple days ago I saw this shadowy dog thing just appear directly ahead of, it walked towards me for about a block then turned down the street out of my vision, and when i got to that point, gone. And I know that wasn't a dog, or a large feline, or an animal for that matter. just...just a shadowy thing.....maybe I should take up drinking.

So let me get this straight, you're seeing things and your first reaction is to start drinking? :laugh:

Steven said:
Do I count as insane if I am Putin?

Especially if you are Putin.
Jesus and I thought I might have gone mad, you guys are all off the nut.

You mean you both independently thought that you might've gone mad, or did Jesus suggest you that?
You mean you both independently thought that you might've gone mad, or did Jesus suggest you that?
I was useing Jesus as a curse word.

This reminds me, the whole thing ended after I walked into a church. I just felt then that if I had gone mad I could always rely on the "good spirits." to help with all the bullshit.
the breathing/bubbling happens everywhere. when I am drunk, I just don't give a damn, and It's like someone gave me an injection of happy. just ask pitz. YATTA

By a shot of happy, he means a "Shot of Vitamin P"

Giggidy Giggidy!!
There was seperate incidents when me and my sister saw somebody lying on my parents bed when they were away. We both thought it was each other lying on it, until we suspected it was something else.
Is it the same voice yelling your name, or different ones? It's always teh voice of my mother that is yelling at me. And no, she's not dead. It's just freaky weird.

Yeah its always my mum, and shes not dead either. Of course its just my head playing tricks on me, and it doesn't happen very often (about three times a year at the worst).
There was seperate incidents when me and my sister saw somebody lying on my parents bed when they were away. We both thought it was each other lying on it, until we suspected it was something else.

OK, now that's disturbing...
I went ahead and checked out that tombstone outside of my bedside window. It says something like "Here rests [illegible without a good rinse off and studying] April 29, 1818" The anniversary will be 2 days from now! :eek:


I hope he/she stays resting :bonce:

Man, that grave has been there for 189 years. Almost 200 years old. Like I said, this house was built in 1863.... so they choose to build right next to a tombstone. How quaint!

I think I'm going to buy a digital camera tomorrow along with my new KB To photo :

Turbo Eclipse
Handmade (by me) ultimate cherry computer desk (for up to 3 large monitors and peripherals)
My iguana
My house
cool stuff

This is going to be fun. My first digital camera. weee
Enjoy your camera. It will be the first and last day you will ever get to enjoy it.
This morning I woke up and saw something quite disturbing. I live on the second floor of my dorm, and I always keep my blinds pulled up halfway because I keep plants on the windowsill. I know it's possible to see through my window from outside, but my plants need sunlight? Anyways, I wake up and hear this noise outside my window, turn around and look, and there is a ladder. I'm just glad the guy on the ladder had already passed my window before I turned around, otherwise I would probably be forever paranoid of guys on ladders outside my window, watching me sleep? :(
bah, skeletons lol...if anything they're funny in a "WTF LOL" kinda way..

but if i were to see a skeleton in my closet in the middle of the night, yea i'd be startled completely, but i'd obviously try to punch it or something..because come on it's a skeleton, what's it gonna do to me? LOL

If there's a skeleton movin around ,there's obviously something there that's making it move that isn't gonna be helped by a punch.

This happens to me constantly, as do I randomly hear my name being yelled...

Yes! I'll be thinking of people, or remembering scenes from earlier that day and I'll hear someone call my name, but it's not as if they're in the memory, almost like they're down the hall in another room calling my name. I always ignore it, but someday I might go "what?" and see what happens.
This morning I woke up and saw something quite disturbing. I live on the second floor of my dorm, and I always keep my blinds pulled up halfway because I keep plants on the windowsill. I know it's possible to see through my window from outside, but my plants need sunlight? Anyways, I wake up and hear this noise outside my window, turn around and look, and there is a ladder. I'm just glad the guy on the ladder had already passed my window before I turned around, otherwise I would probably be forever paranoid of guys on ladders outside my window, watching me sleep? :(

It was the sandman D:

One time I had a really bad hangover and when I closed my eyes I thought I could see all kinds of scary shit, and I saw them as well in the dark. That was absolutely terrifying and weird.
Enjoy your camera. It will be the first and last day you will ever get to enjoy it.
The only true thing in this thread :)

Idunno, I've never really experienced any weird phenomena. I think there used to be a church where my house is though... that or my house was moved from a site which is now a church. Never really given off the haunted vibe though (not that I'd know).

There was that one time I was hearing weird noises from the attic. Then I found out we don't have an attic. D:
Enjoy your camera. It will be the first and last day you will ever get to enjoy it.

Yes it was nice knowing you VirusType2

Bad^Hat said:
There was that one time I was hearing weird noises from the attic. Then I found out we don't have an attic. D:

LOL this reminds me of that thread were someone posted a conversation with a dude that thought there was a gremlin/lepricon whatever on the roof of his house:laugh: . Someone post the link
One time I had a really bad hangover and when I closed my eyes I thought I could see all kinds of scary shit, and I saw them as well in the dark. That was absolutely terrifying and weird.

hmm my guess is that you were prolly on the line of alchololololo poisoning and dieing so your body was telling you to not go to sleep.. lol guess you made it though! way to go trooper :D

ill be damned if this thread isnt a bit creepy even at 7:30 in the am.. and i havnt slept tonight. :O lol
Our basement stairs has the PERFECT design to resonate the footsteps you make, reappear right behind you. So incredibly creepy. I used to think that it was only me, but me and my entire family stumbled across the subject during a family bbq, and each and every one of my family members has noticed the same thing. My mum even said that sometimes she still scoots up the stairs, just to get away from that paranoid feeling. :laugh:
I swear im going insane, I keep getting random fear, never anything visual, just random fear that I'm mad and my whole life is a dream. That I could be tripping so hard and not have a clue.
You could be witnessing a form of time travel only known to exist in the 24th century. You are not going insane, far from it. What you are witnessing is a humanoid de- cloaking before activating his or her receiver for time travel.

You should be honoured that you being visited, your life whole or part has been catalogued for future generations

I always think I see somebody out of the corner of my eye. Sitting next to me, walking down the stairs, or maybe even just their shadow behind me.

Then I look and there's nothing there.

WTF, it gets irritating. Makes me want to lose my peripheral vision.


I see dead people


get fresh air, and have a nice day with some girl
I'm always scared Shasta will find out about my Emporio w4rez-h4x HL2 version.

Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

Oh, that's naaaaaasty.
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
Dying alone terrifies me. But that's not an especially embarrasing fear.

But I'm unnerved by matchsticks. I'm sure the veterans of the forum remember the story, but I'll reiterate it here anyways. It must've been five years ago now that this happens. Still scares me thinking about it.

Basically, I got out of bed one morning on a dreary summer's , to find that everyone else in my household, bar my mother had gone swimming. So, I threw on some clothes and went downstairs to see my mother watching daytime television. I hate daytime television, so I decided to go upstairs to get a book to read.

How strange - the door had closed in my five minute absence. So, I opened the door to see something that'll haunt me to this day.

The entire room was covered in burnt-out matches. Everywhere. On the floor. On my bed. IN my bed. In my drawers. In my closet. The place absolutely reeked of sulphur.
So, I was rather unnerved that in my five-minute absense that someone had struck a couple of hundred matches and spread them around my room. Still, I had to find the source of it. Now, in my room at the time, my bed had a sort-of crawlspace beneath it that was always ominous-looking. If anyone had been in my room, they'd be hiding under there. So I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say this cab is rare
But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air'
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air

What the hell happened here?