Self esteem?

How does your expected self esteem compare to your actual self esteem

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This kind of links with your score doesn't it :P But there's no need to think so little of yourself. Not to say you should think your the best, as that will probably mean that your an arrogant bastard :laugh: Druckles dude, what actually makes you think like that?

I'm actually a very modest person - When asked who's better at what out of me and someone else, I'd say the other person was, even if I knew I was better.
i got 60, 2 weeks ago i would have scored 12
hooray for unexpected circumstances! :D
I got a 58.

I was very certain that I'd get a far lower score.
Don't forget you have to deduct 50 points for actually taking an interweb self esteem test.
I am a vain, egotistical creature. My score was 92, mortals.


"According to this test, you have very high self-esteem. You recognize your inner value and it shows in your personal life, relationships and career/school success."
Darkside55 said:
"According to this test, you have very high self-esteem. You recognize your inner value and it shows in your personal life, relationships and career/school success."

Or you're just a very arrogant and vain SOB. ;)
Darkside55 said:
I am a vain, egotistical creature. My score was 92, mortals.


"According to this test, you have very high self-esteem. You recognize your inner value and it shows in your personal life, relationships and career/school success."

Really? That's all it says?
I would've though something that close to 100 would suggest actually recognising your problems or something
Every week my ego goes on a town-smashing rampage, killing hundreds and racking up billions in damages. Once or twice it has punched a planet out of orbit. People call my ego a monster, but I blame society.

To be honest, most people actually think me a shy person unless they get to know me, or see my being more outgoing around my close friends. I tend to be reserved around people, and I'm a usually very nice guy, not a haughty ass.
Well, if you seem kind've shy, and you got 92, are you sure you answered right?
Yeah, I took my time and answered them all correctly. As I said, I just seem shy; probably because for one, I don't go around talking to people out of the blue for no reason, and for two, I'm usually not interested in getting to know people anyway. I'm choosy though, not antisocial. If people come up and talk to me I'll strike up a conversation with them, or if I notice someone has a common interest I might talk to them.

And most of the questions on the test I could strongly agree/disagree with. I'm always myself around other people, I don't fear being rejected by my friends, I feel that I deserve respect and adoration...

Like I said I can socialize with people, just picky about with whom if I'm the one who's going to be initiating the conversation. I don't think I'm a failure at all considering how I've overcome a lot of hardships in my life, and from that I know I'll be a successful person. That last question about realizing one's capability, I'm always striving to do that. These questions were really easy for me to give definite answers to, rather than "somewhat," or "I agree/disagree a little."
One question I had to think on was whether my opinion of myself was more important than other peoples' opinion of me. I have an extremely strong sense of self, but on the other hand I love getting compliments from people and I want others to have a good opinion of me. That was one of the questions I couldn't give a "completely agree" answer for.
your score = 0

This likely comes as no surprise to you, but you have very low self-esteem. Your answers on the test showed a lot of doubt about your own abilities, lack of self-love and some attitudes and beliefs that are contributing to your confidence problem.

(i hate my life :()
Sai said:
your score = 0

This likely comes as no surprise to you, but you have very low self-esteem. Your answers on the test showed a lot of doubt about your own abilities, lack of self-love and some attitudes and beliefs that are contributing to your confidence problem.

(i hate my life :()

Look arround you in this thread mate, there have been alot of people that have got pretty high scores and have said that there was a time when they would have got alot lower. I'm one of them and trust me things can be a hell of alot better. :)

Just remember that if it happens to others there is no reason why it shouldnt happen to you too. :)
For once I agree with you there badgy :P. You go from high to low to high at usually the same points in life as everyone else, its normal.
I expect I will be ~50 or less. I have no self esteem.

Pfft.. I was partially right. I thought less and I was right..

I got a 28..
This likely comes as no surprise to you, but you have relatively low self-esteem. Your answers on the test showed a lot of doubt about your own abilities, lack of self-love and some attitudes and beliefs that are contributing to your confidence problem.
Im not the lowest? Well, that's a good start, and Im inspired to look better at myself :D
Now I know you can't have answered all that correctly and gotten a zero, brother. You have to at least have a little self-confidence. I think you just need a hug.

*hugs Sai*

Actually now that I think about it, everybody who got under 60, I'm giving you all hugs.

*hugs everybody with a score of 60 or below*

You guys need to believe in yourselves more. Think about all the good things you have. Accentuate the positive, as they say.

Aw hell, ninja edit, everybody who's in this thread gets a hug. I won't be picky and leave people out.

*hugs everybody*
I got a 78 when I answered it to my beliefs, and then when I tried to answer it how I believed they wanted them all, I got a 97! YES...I still wanna know which one(s) I got wrong...
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