"Selling Son's Beloved Play Station 2 For Punishment!"

Good for the parents, nice to see that some parents still know how to punish their children :).
Why didn't he just sell his son on eBay and keep the PS2 for himself?
Pobz said:
Why didn't he just sell his son on eBay and keep the PS2 for himself?

One 13 year old 6'3" son for sale, slightly soiled but still road worthy, two previous owners.
Pobz said:
Why didn't he just sell his son on eBay and keep the PS2 for himself?

Would have fixed all his problums.Or sold them both and bought a new Comp. to play HL2.

"Its not worth much but the Sentimental values through the roof!"
That's quite funny...but...you should never take away your own child's game system...that's just...like...against the Ten Commandments or the law or something. :angel:

In the end, it's actually the parents fault for their son's disobedient behavior...their children is their responsibility. They should have taught them right from wrong a long time ago.
Finally, because quite frankly I see so many damn spoiled kids these days. In my time, we used to walk to the school in 8 foot snow, with nothing buy thin jackets on.
Thats what they're doing now. :D
No garuntees thats his only one anyway.
User Name said:
That's quite funny...but...you should never take away your own child's game system...that's just...like...against the Ten Commandments or the law or something. :angel:

In the end, it's actually the parents fault for their son's disobedient behavior...their children is their responsibility. They should have taught them right from wrong a long time ago.

I'm guessing you don't have kids.

As for teaching him right and wrong, what do you think they're trying to do? Kids at that age often do crazy and stupid stuff no matter how responsible their parents are. It just happens sometimes. However they need to learn that there are serious consequences to their actions. Frankly, if he was my kid he would be losing a lot more privilages then just a PS2.
Kids are getting way worse.

I'm only 15 but when I was 6-7 you didn't mess with the older kids, or get in their way. Now, jesus, it's insane they're not scared at all!
I know what ya mean Baal.Im in 6th year(Well 5th but last day of the year tomorrow)
And the first years are perhaps the smallest(They get smaller every year) cheekiest bastards I have ever met.One of them threatens to kill me every day,and from storys I've heard they do stuff most college students wouldnt dream of.They make me feel ****in old and at my age that aint right.Though my cynacism may play a part in that also.
Um, what he did calls for more punishment then "loelz no more games hehe :] "

Why hasn't this kid been backhanded for the first thing he did and or sent to the school counselor thing.

That's what my parents would have done, and it's what I'll do for my kids. Spanking is not abuse. Abuse is abuse, discipline for your child is GOOD PARENTING.

Although selling that is a good thing for what he did, his punishment should be MORE than that is what I'm saying.
/me sighs

Some people really don't know anything about parenting. Doing something like that only makes your child hate you even more, causing him/her/it to do more stuff to hurt you.

Stupid bastard.
MaxiKana said:
/me sighs

Some people really don't know anything about parenting. Doing something like that only makes your child hate you even more, causing him/her/it to do more stuff to hurt you.

Stupid bastard.
Aint that the truth.
Mr.Reak said:
Finally, because quite frankly I see so many damn spoiled kids these days. In my time, we used to walk to the school in 8 foot snow, with nothing buy thin jackets on.

In my time we cut the grass with our teeth. And we didn't have no nintendo, we just poured salt on snails! :E
MaxiKana said:
/me sighs

Some people really don't know anything about parenting. Doing something like that only makes your child hate you even more, causing him/her/it to do more stuff to hurt you.

Stupid bastard.

The kids not going to like you for any punishment. But he still has to be punished. Not saying that selling his PS2 is the perfect solution, but he brought it on himself by acting stupid and disrespectful.
We don't know the whole context though, so its tough to judge.
MaxiKana said:
/me sighs

Some people really don't know anything about parenting. Doing something like that only makes your child hate you even more, causing him/her/it to do more stuff to hurt you.

Stupid bastard.

Yeah, but Neutrino, I can say this much.

I've never really been punished, and i've never really done anything stupid. So I think there's some kinda connection between that.
MaxiKana said:
Yeah, but Neutrino, I can say this much.

I've never really been punished, and i've never really done anything stupid. So I think there's some kinda connection between that.

Well, I don't mean punishment as in some sort of physical discipline or anything like that. And I'm not sure what exactly I would do if my kid did something like that. I would hope they never would in the first place. But what I mean by punishment is consequence. Children have to learn that there are consequences to their actions is all I'm saying.
Ok, I think i missunderstood your previous post then :P

I agree that children(we) need to learn that things have consequenses, but there are indeed nicer(much more nicer) ways of doing it then selling ones most prices possession.
MaxiKana said:
Ok, I think i missunderstood your previous post then :P

I agree that children(we) need to learn that things have consequenses, but there are indeed nicer(much more nicer) ways of doing it then selling ones most prices possession.

Perhaps your right. I guess it's hard to say unless your actually the parent in that particular situation and know the details about the kid. The only thing is I hardly consider the loss of a PS2 some horrible thing that will scar the kid for life. He'll survive just fine without it.
MaxiKana said:
I've never really been punished, and i've never really done anything stupid. So I think there's some kinda connection between that.

Same deal here. I've never been grounded, ever. Same goes for my 4 other siblings, and they're all calm, rational people. Never really done anything stupid, always respected elders/authority figures/etc.

So yeah, I agree with Maxi

..and, on another note, I never thought this topic would turn serious
Yeah, a discussion as serious as this on this forum is pretty rare.
When I saw the parents were selling their kids PS2 I felt bad for the kid, then I read what he did and now I completely understand. That kid was a complete twat and deserved having this happen.

Unfortunately this may only make the the situation worse, the parents should probably have done something alot earlier (not this big mind you) to prevent something like this from happening.
i hate kids... and i practically am one. i dont think he should have sold that piece of shit. he should have smashed it right in front of the stupid kids face. that kid did some shit that if my 13 year old did... i dont know id definatly do something worse than sell his ps2 (no, not hit him or anything, though he might recieve a few summary bitch slaps).

on second thought, maybe id go buy a 24 pack of bud light, and force feed all of them to him and he will never drink again. thoughts?
:flame: See shit like this is what makes kids go crazy! Games do not make kids do crazy stuff, it's the parents that take away the games to make them do crazy stuff! Just you watch the guy's same kid lock him and his wife in their basement.
gh0st said:
i hate kids... and i practically am one. i dont think he should have sold that piece of shit. he should have smashed it right in front of the stupid kids face. that kid did some shit that if my 13 year old did... i dont know id definatly do something worse than sell his ps2 (no, not hit him or anything, though he might recieve a few summary bitch slaps).

on second thought, maybe id go buy a 24 pack of bud light, and force feed all of them to him and he will never drink again. thoughts?
Just make sure your kid doesn't know about childs aid, but if he does then make sure you tell him something like "Well it would take them about 5 minutes to get here... That should be enough time to dispose of your body". Of course thats only to scare them, I don't want to hear about you in the news later on gh0st. :o
ailevation said:
:flame: See shit like this is what makes kids go crazy! Games do not make kids do crazy stuff, it's the parents that take away the games to make them do crazy stuff! Just you watch the guy's same kid lock him and his wife in their basement.

the point isnt that hes gaming, its that hes taking a prized possession. like taking my car or something, or something of a lot of value.
It's like taking my mp3 player :o

Oh wait.. she does that ;(

Curse me and my pussywhipped nature :E

Anyway, I don't think it's right to physically punish a kid, but I think the kid was way over the line with his actions.
ComradeBadger said:
Anyway, I don't think it's right to physically punish a kid, but I think the kid was way over the line with his actions.
I agree with no severe physical punishment, no spanking, or using a belt or anything like that. However I will probably give a few light "bitch" slaps to my kid (only if its a boy) to set him straight whenever he does something stupid. Nothing meant to hurt him though.
The Mullinator said:
I agree with no severe physical punishment, no spanking, or using a belt or anything like that. However I will probably give a few light "bitch" slaps to my kid (only if its a boy) to set him straight whenever he does something stupid. Nothing meant to hurt him though.

we have so much in common
That’s right my 13 year old son drank a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne- 1995. PUT IT BACK IN THE FRIDGE WITH PART OF A CORK AND THE LITTLE METAL THING BACK ON TOP! -$120.00.

OWNED rofl!
I think physical punishment is a neccesity. That kid won't learn anything. It was a lousy PS2. He could easily get another one if he wanted, plus there is no physical or emotional attachment to the PS2. If you physical punish him (not abuse him) it will get into his head that doing bad stuff has a painful consequences.
User Name said:
That's quite funny...but...you should never take away your own child's game system...that's just...like...against the Ten Commandments or the law or something. :angel:

In the end, it's actually the parents fault for their son's disobedient behavior...their children is their responsibility. They should have taught them right from wrong a long time ago.
Unless the kid bought it for himself, they can do whatever they wan't with it....damn spoiled kids...and they all have their own TV's too