"Selling Son's Beloved Play Station 2 For Punishment!"

The purpose of pysical punishment is only a way of letting your child know you are upset with them, which, to a certain point and age, is more effective than any other punishment you can give a child. However, to those who would use physical punishment as revenge*, I suggest you come and see me, spend a few weeks living in the fear of a beating that children who are "revenge" punished, and you will change your idea of "disipline". As I stated above if you do it enough to let your child know your are very cross/upset/disappointed, then that is a fair and effective point of disipline. If you do it for another reason, you are a child abuser, and you deserve to die. Your childeren are not punchbags to make you feel better.

To whoever it was who said "Teach your childern not to do things like that as a child" - -I see your point. However I am one of the most responsible people I know, but during my time as a 13-16 year old, I did things that that endangered others (and mine) lives. I knew then, and I know now it was was wrong, but back then, people at that stage will do whatever.

Final point - $6 dollars worth of beer and they are wasted enough to drink a $120-ish bottle of champers??? AFAI am concerned, that is proof that a strict drinking limit is a piss take.

*You can tell the difference, because after a few hours to calm down, a "letting your child know you are upset with them" light smack is identical as when you initially planned to do it. If its harder at the time of the offence, then its revenge
torso boy said:
Unless the kid bought it for himself, they can do whatever they wan't with it....damn spoiled kids...and they all have their own TV's too
No, even if it was a gift given to him from his parents, they still shouldn't take it away/sell it. That was his and taking it away is just downright wrong. Giving someone a gift and then deciding to take it back is...or should...be against the law. Now, if it was his own money and he bought the PS2, the parents still shouldn't sell it...that was his own hard-earned money (if you could call it hard-earned). And if they go through with selling it, if it was either he or the parents purchase, the parents definitely have some serious problems.
User Name said:
No, even if it was a gift given to him from his parents, they still shouldn't take it away/sell it. That was his and taking it away is just downright wrong. Giving someone a gift and then deciding to take it back is...or should...be against the law. Now, if it was his own money and he bought the PS2, the parents still shouldn't sell it...that was his own hard-earned money (if you could call it hard-earned).

How do you suggest a child should be punished if that child deserves punishment?
User Name said:
No, even if it was a gift given to him from his parents, they still shouldn't take it away/sell it. That was his and taking it away is just downright wrong. Giving someone a gift and then deciding to take it back is...or should...be against the law. Now, if it was his own money and he bought the PS2, the parents still shouldn't sell it...that was his own hard-earned money (if you could call it hard-earned). And if they go through with selling it, if it was either he or the parents purchase, the parents definitely have some serious problems.

you are legally your parents bitch until your are 18, and even if you are 18, as long as you live in your parents house you are their bitch unconditionally. if the kid didnt act like such an assmaster his precious ps2 wouldent hve been taken away.

jesus christ you are the kind of person that would punish their kids by giving them a bunch of pills arent you. i hate your new age hippy solutions. sometimes kids just need a good firm beating to get their asses back in line. i never got beat because i never needed to, i dont act like a homo like that kid does.
blahblahblah said:
How do you suggest a child should be punished if that child deserves punishment?
Well, if the child deserves punishment then he/she obviously did something wrong...and if he/she did something wrong then it would most likely be because of the parent. No child should be disobedient if they are treated right and the parents have excelled in their parenting skills. Now, if for some reason a child is disobedient and the parent hasn't excelled in their parenting skills, then the child still shouldn't be disciplined because it is, ultimately, the parents fault. Now, if for some reason the child is disobedient, then they should be punished by...none other than...mental discipline. Just like when you are sent to Boot Camp or the Military. That, I think, is the best form of discipline...no physical abuse or taking of personal belongings, just what our army does...mental punishment.
User Name said:
Well, if the child deserves punishment then he/she obviously did something wrong...and if he/she did something wrong then it would most likely be because of the parent. No child should be disobedient if they are treated right and the parents have excelled in their parenting skills. Now, if for some reason a child is disobedient and the parent hasn't excelled in their parenting skills, then the child still shouldn't be disciplined because it is, ultimately, the parents fault. Now, if for some reason the child is disobedient, then they should be punished by...none other than...mental discipline. Just like when you are sent to Boot Camp or the Military. That, I think, is the best form of discipline...no physical abuse or taking of personal belongings, just what our army does...mental punishment.

I take it you don't have kids or you've never worked with kids before...
It's funny, I come from a family that taught me respect for others at an early age. It is a fundamental thing in my house. You are to treat others with respect, and others are to show you respect in return. My parents don't hit, and I've never been punished or grounded by them. What's the reason for that? I don't **** up because they have taught me well. I have disagreements with them of course (some major ones actually), but in the end, we are always able to work it out together in a civil and adult manner. They don't take that "You are my child and therefore my bitch!" route. Old friends of mine had parents like that. Parents who never taught their kids the proper lessons in life, but punished them for doing the wrong things anyway. One of those guys is in jail now, the other is a total nut case and the ring leader of a little neighborhood gang. Which method works better I wonder?
What people are missing is that he sold the Playstation not only to discipline the kid, but to replace the shit his kid wasted. Still... I hope his mate's parents are being notified too.

I hope nobody sends E-mails sympathising with him and telling him his parents are wrong etc. While I agree that sometimes parents are stupid/wrong, it's not your f'kin kid, so don't be a dick.
ComradeBadger said:
Anyway, I don't think it's right to physically punish a kid, but I think the kid was way over the line with his actions.

after reading what the kid did.. the punishment is deserved.

as for Shuzer and Maxi, some kids don't have a problem understanding right from wrong and what is acceptable and what isn't while other kids struggle with these things.

i have relative who has very bratty son.. now part of the problem is the parents never properly punished the kid so every time he does something hes not supposed to.. he gets off with a "don't do that again!!" and clearly it hasn't worked.

the family visited a few weeks ago and when i had the chance, i blew a gasket on that kid.. lol
needless to say the kid does not do stupid things around me anymore.
Kid's lucky if that's his only punishment...

But I know I'd be weary to buy that PS2... :laugh:
Don't come hunt me down all drunk and armed with an empy bottle of expensive wine! :O
MaxiKana said:
Yeah, but Neutrino, I can say this much.

I've never really been punished, and i've never really done anything stupid. So I think there's some kinda connection between that.

Your the exception...not the rule.

Im tired of all this lovey duvey crap..... kids need guidance...and if that means punishment once in a while so be it. My parents always let the stupid things go and only came down on me whenever i screwed up big.
User Name said:
That's quite funny...but...you should never take away your own child's game system...that's just...like...against the Ten Commandments or the law or something. :angel:

In the end, it's actually the parents fault for their son's disobedient behavior...their children is their responsibility. They should have taught them right from wrong a long time ago.

Yeah, but if they seem to be able to punish him like this now, they probably have been strict enough on him in the past. The kids is just a freakn' jack ass. I'd smack him in the head with the 120 dollar bottle of wine he drank part of.
crabcakes66 said:
Your the exception...not the rule.

Im tired of all this lovey duvey crap..... kids need guidance...and if that means punishment once in a while so be it. My parents always let the stupid things go and only came down on me whenever i screwed up big.

nicely put crabby :)
i think parents in general now are just too leanient.. and im not talking outta my ass here.. i have seen this personally.. stuff i'd get in trouble for as a kid.. seems kids nowadays get off almost scott free if not totally.

it might have something to do with the laws society has against child abuse now..compared to back then.. but still.. i just don't know what to think of kids these days.
When I was little (10 and below) if I did wrong things that I knew were wrong, after being told to stop. I got a spanking. I know that if I did something like that now I'd get a very good smack in the face or something, but I don't do anything to make my parents need to do that, because I know what's right.

That was not child abuse what my parents did to me, it was RAISING A CHILD. Anybody who thinks that spanking is an abuse has serious issues.

My parents taught me to be a good person. A 13 year old is old enough to realize what they're doing. HE DRANK, UNDERAGE. That alone merits a hard smack across the face and a grounding/punishment.

I'm glad that I'm a good person who knows the difference between right and wrong because my parents were wise enough to discipline me when I was younger.
Yes, he drank underage, so beat him, because its so terrible. What if he, for example, went joyriding? Do you kick him in the head? Obviously not. If the worst you will do to your child is your punishment for everything, then they will come to see all crime as equal. You could extend this to the point where he considers murder to only be as bad as underage drinking, and I should imagine most of his friends do it sometimes. See where I am going.

That is compounded by the fact that the child will learn that violence is an exceptable way to deal with people who annoy it.

Back OT, the PS2 is leagally the property of the parent, whether he paid for it or not. Life may indeed be a bitch, but that is the way it is. Deal with it.
Personally I think its a good way to punish him. It will teach him that there is responsibility for actions, something no amount of beating will do. Besides, a slap will hurt for a few minutes, lossing the PS2 will be a punishment for a long time, thus more effective.
Well, I was never punished or smacked or anything when I was young.

And I'm not going off the rails, but I do drink :E but my parents know, and are fine with it :)
To play Devil's Advocate: this isn't even necessarily real. Might just want to draw attention to their listing. It's clever either way.
I don't see why parents can't be harsh and loving.

And none of that "I'm only *spank*doing this *spank* because I *spank* love you!"
Bad^Hat said:
I don't see why parents can't be harsh and loving.

And none of that "I'm only *spank*doing this *spank* because I *spank* love you!"

it hurt me *wack* more than *wack* it hurts *wack* you
Voodoo_Chile said:
Poor kid you gotta pity him.He shoulda tried to out bid them :D

LOl outbid the parents with the mom's credit card... would have been classic!
ComradeBadger said:
Well, I was never punished or smacked or anything when I was young.

And I'm not going off the rails, but I do drink :E but my parents know, and are fine with it :)

The problem is that kids are banned alcohol all their lives, hit 18 and can go and drink as much as they like. So they do, but have no idea of how much they can handle, so they just keep going untill they can't get off the floor, and get themselves into trouble. Having been allowed fairly unlimited access to booze from the age of 8, I knew what my limits were a long time before I hit legal drinking age, as such I have never gotten myself into any real trouble due to alcohol. If parents allow drinking, they can control how much you have, and you learn what your limits are.

The side effect is that it takes a lot more to get drunk, so it costs me a lot :(


As the saying goes, "He is not drunk, who from the floor, can raise his glass and ask for more"
Link, thats why they let me drink, toughens y liver up, and I know what my limits are ...

Yeah, my parents are rather fond of the artsy way of life, so that meant champagne and socialising from a very early age :)
blahblahblah said:
I take it you don't have kids or you've never worked with kids before...
No...and Yes :thumbs:
ComradeBadger said:
Well, I was never punished or smacked or anything when I was young.

And I'm not going off the rails, but I do drink :E but my parents know, and are fine with it :)

So...Your parents let you break the law? What does that say? (Yes, i know drinking isnt illegal but buying it is.)
Can you do wrong if they set their rules differently?

I think each child is different, you cant just say "Smacking is wrong" or "Smacking is right". It depends on the cirumstance. I know that my parents hit me whne i was younger it it only did me good. Sure i was upset, but it was more because i knew i had made them mad and upset them first. I was disobedient because my parents weren't any good (As someone said before, which in fact i thought that rather ignorant) but because of outside factors. The people at school, friends on my street. Also, they werent necessarily bad kids but they didn't know they were doing anything wrong, and sometimes their parents had different rules.

You can't reason with most children, some are different (No, not better, just different) and you can but generally you have to be harsh and make it obvious you don't like something they have done and you are angry.
Link said:
The problem is that kids are banned alcohol all their lives, hit 18 and can go and drink as much as they like. So they do, but have no idea of how much they can handle, so they just keep going untill they can't get off the floor, and get themselves into trouble. Having been allowed fairly unlimited access to booze from the age of 8, I knew what my limits were a long time before I hit legal drinking age, as such I have never gotten myself into any real trouble due to alcohol. If parents allow drinking, they can control how much you have, and you learn what your limits are.

The side effect is that it takes a lot more to get drunk, so it costs me a lot :(


As the saying goes, "He is not drunk, who from the floor, can raise his glass and ask for more"

Your parents let you drink from age 8? Erh..

Also if they're drinking at age 18 it's still illegal. And just because people go out on the town and have a few drinks doesn't mean they should get extremely drunk either. That's why there's a legal limit to how drunk you can be in public.
Its not illegal to drink everywhere at 18. In England you can drink all you like at home at any age, so long as your parents agree :)