Senior pranks

Strange, I would have thought that you'd lead a comunist uprising.
Strange, I would have thought that you'd lead a comunist uprising.

That was his communist uprising...

"The pen is mightier than the sword", he wrote on the wall of the girls' toilet, as he got stabbed in the back by a katana.
Bah, one of the years in my school dressed a mannikin in school uniform and threw it in the pond.

The school got closed that day.

-Angry Lawyer
Tell the teachers and other school personel you want to make a group picture. Hide a couple of people with fire hozes. Line them all up and then hoze them, while making pics off course. That prank actually got into my hometown paper a couple of years ago.
Another story that got published was a prank gone bad. Seniors gave teachers cake, laced with hashish. Two of 'em got really sick and were rushed to the hospital. Great prank but beware of serious litigation.
If you use overhead projectors or anything of the sort, draw little penises on a clear piece of tape and put them over the lenses of all the projectors. When they are turned on, a giant boner will appear on the screen.
Two years ago our seniors at the time burnt a huge picture of a naked lady into the grass. It didn't grow out for well over a year.
I'll ask around some school friends on MSN. Someone should have a photo of it somewhere.

They also drew chalk outlines of bodies everywhere walls, floor, ceilings etc., a la Lethal Weapon 2.
Got a strongly religious RS (religious studies) teacher? Ever seen the film Wicker Man?

Not that great a prank, but it does say something about our school...
My friends dad got a bunch of bean bags and found the principals car, which had a sunroof. They cut holes in the bag and filled the car. He never cleared it out of the airconditioner. Give that a shot. Also, water bombs worked heaps well back at my old school, I'm not senior for another couple of years, but they still rock. Also, try making some Harmless explosives, I mean like a bunch of sparkelers in a bundle or the likes, but never put it in a can or bottle, they frag, badly. Back at my old school, some dickhead put it in a can in the toilets and fragged the crap out of the door. Also, nothing that resonates (makes the ground shake) that scares people, but do it on the oval. Definently.

Another option would be to wire up some cheap and easy circuit that produces a mooing or something, then wire it up so that when the receptionist lifts his/her phone then it triggers it to make the noise, a simple pressure based switch should work. That way, infinite mooing, and lots of fun. I did that once, damn it was funny. In fact, you could make an I/R jammer and plant it in the teachers lounge, so the remote doesn't work. They work, I found some designs on the internet and made it.

Anyway, enjoy :D

Oh god I made a handheld one and brought it to class once :D
Got a strongly religious RS (religious studies) teacher? Ever seen the film Wicker Man?


Build one of these, set it on fire, and start yelling "there is a christian in there!!!!"
Some people in a school near mine actually wrapped a teachers car completely up in gladwrap.
I seem to remember someone putting gladwrap over all the toilets, apparently it all just sprung back up!
Apparantly my friends parents year gladwrapped their whole library. :|
squirt superglue inside all of the keyholes on the locks so noone can get in
*Sigh* Oh, how I wish my school would allow wanten destruction for children my age. :<
Me and some friends got access to a teacher comp and went into DOS. We sent a message accross the entire district network that said "I'm watching you". We didn't know at the time that it would go to every computer in every school of the entire disctrict. The FBI showed up a few hours later.

At my dads school some kids in auto class dissasembled a teachers car and over night they re assembled it on top of the schools giant dome. Must have been a bitch to get down.
Me and some friends got access to a teacher comp and went into DOS. We sent a message accross the entire district network that said "I'm watching you". We didn't know at the time that it would go to every computer in every school of the entire disctrict. The FBI showed up a few hours later.

At my dads school some kids in auto class dissasembled a teachers car and over night they re assembled it on top of the schools giant dome. Must have been a bitch to get down.
'net send * I'm watching you' ? And what happened, did you get busted?
Some guys in my school cemented the gate shut a few years ago.
They can pin it to a computer, then look at who is/has logged in. :P
I netsended lol to the whole school once.
Someone else got in trouble for it.
I netsent 'There is a bomb in the toilet.' Then left, and another kid logged on...

I'm not sure what happened...


Edit: No as I said, it tells you where it's from, not who sent it.
Trouble is, it tells you who it's from.
libstation26 or something. Our technicians came in, found some kid on games and just blamed him and made him delete everything from his folder.
Tell me how to netsend something NOW!
Open cmd.exe from run. type in netsend * hello.

Alternatively, copy this into notepad

@echo off
set /p msgto=Send msg to?:
set /p msg=Message:
net send %msgto% "%msg%"

save it as anything.bat double click it, put the name of the station you want to send too, or * for all,then message and away you go.
At my dads school some kids in auto class dissasembled a teachers car and over night they re assembled it on top of the schools giant dome. Must have been a bitch to get down.

Yeah somehow I'm just not seeing a group of "kids" able to disassemble a whole car in a few short hours and move THOUSANDS of pounds worth of stuff onto a giant dome... :bsflag:
Open cmd.exe from run. type in netsend * hello.

Alternatively, copy this into notepad

@echo off
set /p msgto=Send msg to?:
set /p msg=Message:
net send %msgto% "%msg%"

save it as anything.bat double click it, put the name of the station you want to send too, or * for all,then message and away you go.

hmm.. i tried to send it to myself and it didnt work :\
Open cmd.exe from run. type in netsend * hello.

Alternatively, copy this into notepad

@echo off
set /p msgto=Send msg to?:
set /p msg=Message:
net send %msgto% "%msg%"

save it as anything.bat double click it, put the name of the station you want to send too, or * for all,then message and away you go.


I'm gonna try this at school asap. :D

Btw, I figured the command is 'net send' and not 'netsend'.

Edit - Hmm I just tried this on our LAN here, but it doesn't do anything. What do other computers see when you send it?
Edit2- I just tried the something.bat, but it closes after I enter the message.
Yeah somehow I'm just not seeing a group of "kids" able to disassemble a whole car in a few short hours and move THOUSANDS of pounds worth of stuff onto a giant dome... :bsflag:

Well they were college students in auto class...pretty sure if anyone could pull it off it would be them.
i have also done the net send * i'm watching you thing, and several other times its happened at my school as well

i never got caught, i was on a pc in a class full of people changing pcs a lot and it wasnt me logged on