Sentence game

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jabberwock95 said:
...himself to a mental hospital when the police find out. Meanwhile...

errr. My post^
...with fluffy bunnies nailed to the end of sticks...
...meanwhile, Pesmerga has flash backs of Doom II ending...
...and a computer game-inspired killing spree begining...
...with the decapitation of Jack Thompson...
...and the consumption of large quantities of cake. Then, suddenly...
....Jackass Thompson turns into a zombie, as well as 500 other people.
But Pesmerga does not hesitate and takes out his 25 inch penis and begins to slap the zombies with it.
Beerdude26 said:
But Pesmerga does not hesitate and takes out his 25 inch penis and begins to slap the zombies with it.

Seeing that his digit has been infected, he is forced to remove it, and continue on with more important things like...
Including Pesmerga. It was at that very moment that nw909 walked in, after ten years in the arctic wastes, and was much befuddled by...
Sulkdodds said:
Including Pesmerga. It was at that very moment that nw909 walked in, after ten years in the arctic wastes, and was much befuddled by...

the strange rise in the average iq of the forum when Foxtrot was banned.
However, when the_monkey enter, it dropped to a new minimum.
"You're being too hard on yourself," said the great, snow-bearded nw909. "Remember," spake he, the wisest of ye olde forumites, "if you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything!
The_Monkey took that too literally, after watching the re-run of the Matrix and remembering Neo and Morpheus jumping from building to building, and throws himself out the window
nw909's words were, of course, lies, since nw909 had grown senile over the years, and had no clue whatsoever what he was speaking about. However, the Almighty Shuzer descended from the skies, but too late, since the_monkey had already jumped. He was about to hit the ground when...
Edit: Bah. Disregard this. the monkey ruined it by posting before me :-P
Short Recoil drive by in a Rubbish truck and The_Monkey landed right in the back in a big pile of
Razor said:
Short Recoil drive by in a Rubbish truck and The_Monkey landed right in the back in a big pile of

Half-life 2 DVD's, incidently tossed in there. Seeing that he has destroyed every last one with his gigantic impact, he...
...gets insane, and jumps out of the truck into a crowd of....
Spammer zombies, who moaned and groaned and shivered like a moaning groaning horde of old people. The_Monkey backpeddled up against a wall, as the unearthly horde closed in around him. Suddenly...
Short Recoil seeing what's going on, jumped out and gave the zombies a menacing look and they all drop down and turn to dust
The_Monkey, however, thinks that Short Recoil is a zombie, and attacks him with...
Razor said:
The_Monkey, however, thinks that Short Recoil is a zombie, and attacks him with...

a wadded up newspaper, proving that...
...he actually reads the Times. Monkey realizes his mistake too late, since Short Recoil...
Raziaar said:
a wadded up newspaper, proving that...

...Raziarr can't quote the right person :dozey:.

rips The_Monkey's head off spewing blood and guts all over a passer by, who just happens to be.
So The_monkey comes back as a headless spammer zombie, and Short Recoil gets banned. Again. Meanwhile...
they decide he is actually a sex tourist and then all of a sudden, he realised Shodans sentence was going nowhere and saw....
Sulkdodds said:
So The_monkey comes back as a headless spammer zombie, and Short Recoil gets banned. Again. Meanwhile...

How does that follow on from my sentence? :(.
Shodan said:
Is actually a sex tourist and then all of a sudden, he realised Shodans sentence was going nowhere and saw....
he white light, and walked towards it. He was promptly hit by a train, sending him to...
How does that follow on from my sentence? .

I was conned into thinking you had finished your sentence, due to full stop.
Raziaar said:
he white light, and walked towards it. He was promptly hit by a train, sending him to...
Hell, where TDE was feasting on Sulkdodds, who had...
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