Sep. 30th we will all experience Gaming Bliss!!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
How many times have ya'll had "the gaming bliss"?

It happens every once in awhile when a game comes along that is first of it's kind in the gaming world.

Examples of my own gaming bliss:

-playing goldeneye multiplayer on the n64 with some buddies
-the 1st time I played GTA3

Let's here some more before the 30th when we all will get our gaming bliss fix:)
Playing CS killing 3 people in a row with AWP then 2 with deagle and a mid air shot with AWP and winning. :)
Playing AVP2 on hardcore as Marine :x

That it?
playing counter-strike for pc and getting my first headshot... playing delta force for pc and using the SAW... anyone remember delta force?

My first gaming bliss.

It had too be when i first played HL1.
It was just perfect.

And ofcourse GTA3 and GTA:VC.
I had big eyes hehe hehe. I diddent put my controls down for many many ours.

And I know il get a BIG bliss with HL2.

oh why do I know this week will be so long :bounce:
Playing the original Half-Life, and then playing CS beta 1 :)



Why is it that so many old games were so good, and lasted so long, yet the new ones are boring and get old quick? Is it just because of my lack of attention span or have games gotten worse since I was like 10?

this week is going by long... this whole month is going by long! aw crap i want hl2 now before i sue valve and vivendi and the fat gabe himself!

Originally posted by wowyouareacow
My first gaming bliss.

It had too be when i first played HL1.
It was just perfect.

And ofcourse GTA3 and GTA:VC.
I had big eyes hehe hehe. I diddent put my controls down for many many ours.

And I know il get a BIG bliss with HL2.

oh why do I know this week will be so long :bounce:

the closer it gets to the release date the slower time goes.
when I first started playing QuakeWorld TeamFortress, when I first started playing Counter-Strike, when I first started playing Thief, and when I first started playing Grand Theft Auto 3.
Gaming bliss:
-DooM SP and MP
-Duke Nukem 3d SP
-Half life SP and MP
-Worms armageddon MP

ah good times
First time playing:
Mario 64
Age of Empires
Starcraft (my first online gaming experience)
Mario RPG

Each Time:
Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Secret of Mana
Super Mario World

There's prolly more I can't remember...

BUT, as you see... it's been a while since a REALLY good game for me has been released...
Deus Ex - The entire game
X-Com - Getting scared shitless of tiny pixelated cartoony aliens
Fallout - Running into my first super mutant
Myth: The Fallen Lords - Owning the ladder with my 24 year old partner at age 13
Everquest - Completing the Staff of the wheel quest
Everquest - Quitting the game after so much drained time

There's just too many of them.
Sam and Max
day of the tentacle
Kings Quest
Duke nukem
Diablo II
Metroid Prime
Majoras Mask
My first gaming bliss had to be the awesome "loads every 3 minutes" Black Mesa express in the beggining of halflife had to be the reason why I played through it the very first chance I got </sarcasm>

Anyways that made me drop half life for a while till everyone started saying it was so good and I decided to play it through.

Anyways my first gaming bliss probably was DooM and how amazing it was back then
I'd have to say, on Zelda: Ocarina of Time, in the Forest Temple (The first one after you've grown).
The music in that level... oh so creepy, and to go with it, there is one room where you look down the hall, and it does a 90° twist, and as you run down it, it twists with you.
Man, I loved that creepy feeling. But, the main part was the music. I get chills thinking about that part.
Goldeneye DEFINETLY...the first time I rented it...I was, I need this game.

Counter-Strike.....coming out long A as a T in dust2 and killing 4 guys with colt/deagle and killing the last one at B in cal-im playoffs semi-finals, that was good times.

GTA3...very fun game!

Classic Concentration on my old 386...I played that game non-stop.

NHL 94 Shootout for SNES (I loved that game)
Godamn you are all newbies. My first gaming bliss was playing Zelda one, totally rad, shinobi, blades of steel, final fantasy, punch out.
Originally posted by Rubeus
Godamn you are all newbies. My first gaming bliss was playing Zelda one, totally rad, shinobi, blades of steel, final fantasy, punch out.
Those games made me mad more than anything... out of the ones I've played there...
1st time) Playing Duke Nukem 3D against a friend on a LAN with a HUGE desert city map. I saw my friend running by on a land bridge a good distance away from me. On a whim, I fired a RPG round off into the distance twards a tiny window on the other side of the map, in his general location. The RPG traveled for about 15 seconds before it got to the window. in the same instant, my friend appeared in the window only to have his ass blown off with a direct hit. It was awsome, I was laughing SO hard.

2nd time) I was playing CS on militia as a CT. Our team was getting owned. At the start of a round, I said "Screw this" and ran head long straight into their base with my knife in hand and no armor. When I bust in the door, the Ts were still screwing around buying weapons. I Killed three with my knife. The third guy dropped a Para. I wasted 2 more with the para then went up to the roof and came up behind a sniper. I switched back to my knife and stabbed him in the back winning the round for us. I was at 2 health when I was done, and it only took 45 seconds. I just wish I had a demo so people would believe me.

3rd and last time) Also in CS when, on a fully manned server of 16 people, on siege I got a kill/death ratio of 72/1 with the AWP. Keep inj mind that this was back in beta 4 when the awp fired much faster and had crosshairs unzoomed.

The stories that I will tell when Half-life 2 is released.....*drool*

Deus Ex and System Shock 2 the whole time. My first Doom 2 coop over the internet, the original Hitman, Perfect Dark on N64.
I plan on walking down to EB from school that day, and HOPEFULLY buying HL2...and if not....*sigh* Halo.
Originally posted by Baal
I plan on walking down to EB from school that day, and HOPEFULLY buying HL2...and if not....*sigh* Halo.

I plan on calling in sick or going home sick on the 30th
Again, you guys can't be sure that it will come out. I really hope it does, especially since I called off work from Tues through Sat for "family reasons." Meh.
Originally posted by spicoli420
I plan on calling in sick or going home sick on the 30th

I'm sick right now.....sooo........ :bounce: :flame:
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
Again, you guys can't be sure that it will come out. I really hope it does, especially since I called off work from Tues through Sat for "family reasons." Meh.
I figured I just wouldn't sleep... :bounce:
First night I played Everquest on April 16th, 1999. Best gaming experience of my life.
My first moment of gaming bliss was Super Mario World. The first level, who get this green egg that becomes Yoshi! Then you get to fly when you had the cape, those were good times.

The next was Goldeneye and the sniper rifles. Poor Russians on the dam never had a "dam" chance.

And let's not forget the lightsaber in Jedi Knight, my dream come true! And force pull-ing some poor trooper while he ran away. Hahahaha.

I love video games.
9 pump shotty kills in one round of cs, starting out with 19 life from a stupidass teammate tker who promptly went off and got killed with the rest of your team.

Thats bliss baby.
Diablo 2 and Worms Armageddon bring back great memories of pure bliss, and they lasted for so long! I should break out the cds and install them again. :D

Morrowind will be timeless for me as well. It is just so big... and I'd go to school every day and talk about what we'd found, caves we liked... holy crap am I a nerd. :dork:
Originally posted by spicoli420
the closer it gets to the release date the slower time goes.
Oh shit.
If that theory is correct, then 9/30 is infinitely far away, and the 30th will never come to pass. We'll all be frozen in time at 11:59pm, September the 29th. Noo!!!
Originally posted by ZoSo
Oh shit.
If that theory is correct, then 9/30 is infinitely far away, and the 30th will never come to pass. We'll all be frozen in time at 11:59pm, September the 29th. Noo!!!


"there all going to laugh at you"
Adrenaline rushes from cs...I'm not kidding. You can actually feel the blood pumping in your head, knowing everyones watching you.

First time I killed 3 people with an AK47 in one spiraling clip spray was just so beautiful for me. I remember the exact spot I was standing in.
Examples of my own gaming bliss:

-playing goldeneye multiplayer on the n64 with some buddies
-the 1st time I played GTA3
*Agreed -- GTA3, first session
*Thief 2, level 2
*Ultima 4, becoming an avatar :cheese:
*And, to stay on-topic, watching those Half-Life 2 E3 movies
GTA3, realizing all the different things you could do
GTA:VC, realizing how much bigger it was than GTA3
wizardry, the bard's tale, the gold box ad&d games on the c-64, wolfestien 3d, doom, x-wing....

am I dating myself yet? :)
I don't get the big flap over GTA3. I got the PC version and went through it in a week. Am I missing something? There were very few missions, and aside from those, what else is there to it? I seriously wondered if there was some major portion of the game hidden in the menu somewhere. To me its just a mild upgrade from where Midtown Madness left off (the graphics engines look very similar; they seem to be based on the same techniques). In all it suffered 'consolitis' (shallowness)--especially as a FPS (or rather 3PS). I returned it.
Noooo! i can feel the nostalgia creeping in! Must not talk about, GoldenEye, neahreasjfjebfjbaj!

But really, Halo was a trip for me. I didnt really like it until... those first five seconds of driving the Warthog, oh god if Halo was a racing game it would have still kicked ass!
-Halo Warthog races in co-op.
-Beating HL, finally talking to the G-man, and getting that shitty ending still felt good. It was the first game i've ever beaten legit.
-Solving my first interactive puzzle in Zelda: Ocarina of time ( the one with the torch in the great deku tree)
-Killing ganondorf, even though the other bosses were so much harder, he still creeped me out.
-Who ever said the thing about the forest temple, u are so right! People thought that the shadow temple was scary, lol.
-Playing my first ever D2 character, no, watching D2 install.
-Killing diablo with my barbarian.
-beating Wc3 TFT, if anyone else has played thru it, they know what a bitch the last level is, god!
-Cracking open Black&White (yeah, everyone hates it, but i found it incredibly interesting)
-PLaying ninja gaiden on the famicom. GOOD TIMES! "im gonna be teh tigre!"

damn nostalgia! ;( thingking back this far makes me feel old ;(