Sep. 30th we will all experience Gaming Bliss!!

First.... Mario Brothers before school nearly everyday for the first month or so i had it...
NHLPA HOCKEY 93 on sega=godly, beat at least 20 times.
Walter Payton football on nintendo,
Double Dragon on sega-WATch THE #@%#ing BLOCKS,
that one ganster game.. what was it called.. you got to use the sega gun... god that was good stuff.
of course goldeneye, duke3d, Unreal Tournament Sniping on Facing WOrlds ":D!!!,
hmmm...hmmmm.. several thousand starcraft/broodwar games and tournaments.
wolfenstein on our old mac.
and recently counter-strike.

4 ts left, all at a; i'm coming through the doors down long a from t spawn, i know they are coming, i hear the bomb about to blow and the footsteps running closer_ one flash down the hallway, 4 hs in one clip - reload as i slowly walk down the ramp and the bomb goes off behind me.... Cs just has a godly feel.

and going 49-8 tonight on italy w/ a mix of friends and pubs.
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
I don't get the big flap over GTA3. I got the PC version and went through it in a week. Am I missing something? There were very few missions, and aside from those, what else is there to it? I seriously wondered if there was some major portion of the game hidden in the menu somewhere. To me its just a mild upgrade from where Midtown Madness left off (the graphics engines look very similar; they seem to be based on the same techniques). In all it suffered 'consolitis' (shallowness)--especially as a FPS (or rather 3PS). I returned it.

I know your type.

If something is a huge, huge hit then you don't like it.
beating the third best team in cal-im central, when everyone predicted your team to lose.

'cept for good old anomoly.
-Original Doom shareware version
-Monkey Island
-Simon the Sorcerer
-Final Fantasy VII
-Half-Life ;)
Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, Deus Ex, Half Life, in that order. Amazing. Dark Forces especially I loved that game dearly, and to this day, nothing has scared me more in a game than the Phase 1 and II DT's... System Shock 2's enemies came close, but still...
Infinity, you did remind me, EQ was bloody amazing that first couple of months. That first night I was blown away, and horribly addicted all at once. SWG is pure trash compared to the atmosphere that that game had.
Lords of the Realm II, my first strategy game, was a blast.

Myth:TFL, my first RTS, oh man , excellent story, FUN gameplay, gory too.

Die by the sword/Blade of darkness - these games are tied, both are excellent medieval action games. Gory and fun as heck to play.

Dark earth, lands of lore, sanitarium - excellent adventure games.
-Deus Ex, my favorite game ever.
-Max Payne, the first game when I first played it I didn't want to stop. The story, and gameplay made me want to continue for hours on end until I had finished it.
-Half-Life, ah its awesome stuff
-Playing Zelda OoT
-Playing Eternal Darkness, still my favorite gamecube game.
-Goldeneye, I mean come on, still the best console FPS ever, Halo what? Yeah Halo sucks.
-Getting better and better at CS.

And Its my opinion that EQ is crap compared to SWG. SWG is infinitely better. But EQ2 might change that... but I doubt it could top World of Warcraft.
Originally posted by spicoli420
I know your type.

If something is a huge, huge hit then you don't like it.

No, GTA3 is just not replayable. People talk about all this crap you can do but the streets looked pretty damned bare to me. One week, then game over.
1st pc game i ever played was Doom1, that was pure bliss....i'll never forget my first few minutes with doom :D

playing HL just blew my mind---for the second time :).
playing GTA 3 for the first time.

Playing Max payne over and over and over


seeing the tech demo for HL2
Gaming blisses:

StarCraft (omg, good game)
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Duke Nukem 3d

Very Good Games:

*the three above*
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Final Fantasy VII
The Dig

that's all :) aaahh, games ;)
Originally posted by spicoli420
the closer it gets to the release date the slower time goes.

yah, just wait guys. the 29th will most likely be the longest day any of us have ever had :(
Gaming bliss, eh?

I'd have to say my top ten would be:

1. Metal Gear Solid
2. Legend of Zeldas (all of them, best of course is Zelda64 OT)
3. Max Payne
4. Half Life
5. System Shock 2
6. Deus Ex
7. Splinter Cell
8. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
9. Wing Commander 3
10. Metroid Prime
Goldeneye multiplayer + Zelda:OoT - man i loved my N64 ^^
-Huge CC Generals game with my friends two days before Christmas.
-Playing DC 0.40 on the map Basrah's edge and hearing the M2A3's cannon hitting the wall about 3 feet from me.
-Playing Goldeneye on the N64 couple years back.
-Zelda: Ocarina of Time, played that with a good friend for like a day or two straight between Christmas-New-Year's.

All I can think of right now.

Let's hope that September 30th is indeed the day that we can all add another memorable moment in our experiences of gaming bliss.
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
No, GTA3 is just not replayable. People talk about all this crap you can do but the streets looked pretty damned bare to me. One week, then game over.

I have a friend JUST like you.....I say how awesome HL2 is gonna be..he says how awesome this game out already is and how it's so much better than HL2....every game that is popular...he hates. And graphics are EVERYTHING to him....gameplay = 2nd.
My very first moment of gaming bliss was when I found the warp in stage 1-2 in Super Mario Bros. when I was 5. My second would be when I actually beat that game. My thir would be beating that game's hard mode (with all of the buzzy beatles instead of goombas). SMB was the only game I had for a looong time. I remember that the whole experience from Final Fantasy I was amazing. God, there are so many now that I think about it. I suppose that I could name all of the classics, but I won't take the time. More recently, Clive Barker's Undying was a great "dark themed" game. That is to date, the only game that has ever made me jump. The first Silent Hill was very creepy. StarCraft will ALWAYS be one of my favorites. The most recent gaming bliss moment was playing through Morrowind and realizing that it has THE best story of any game that I've ever played (and I've played many games). If you have a decent rig (by todays standards), and you are a fan of RPG's, then you need to go pick this game up. It's slow for the first couple of hours, but it gets better and beter until you can't wait to finish the main quest. Sorry I rambled off topic.
gaming bliss for me and a friend was the first time we fired up the half life 1 demo and wondered what would happen (while we had the mp5 from the training lab) if we shot the scientist who was describing how all your stuff works. so my friend hit the mouse button and the scientists head/body flew into a million pieces and put this massive blood splat on the window. both of our jaws dropped.. we'd never seen anything like that in a game before. to make it more outrageous, suddenly barney came running over to shoot us, the ceiling mounted turret popped down with an alarm and since he was in the line of fire, got obliterated. pretty crazy.
Playing HL for the first time,
playing Halo in Co-op mode for the first time (nonstop gaming bliss)
playing Delta Force 1&2 in 2Computer - LAN with my brothers (grade A gaming bliss)
First time i played B&W.
The night i spent playing Splinter Cell on Xbox for the first time.

The days i used to play Rouge Spear.
The first time i played Rouge Squadron (pure fun game)
The first time i got to play Tiberian Sun.
Playing in a BattleField 1942 64 person LAN stuntfest
LANFests in general
First playing Descent1 SP and MP for the first time (first 360 degree game)
Having a tetris marathon
Deus Ex
NeverWinter Nights
Comander Keen 1,2,3,4,5,6 and Keen Dreams

Wheel of Time...

and definately one part in UT2k3, user created map, was absolutly STUNNING, I spent almost 40 minutes just walking around in that sweet.
To the guy that played SMB...

what was the record for beating the game? (Excluding level transitions?)

mine was 5 minutes 17 seconds. :D
God its gotta be pacman or that wierd ladder game where u got to avoid monsters i used to love that
Originally posted by A2597
To the guy that played SMB...

what was the record for beating the game? (Excluding level transitions?)

mine was 5 minutes 17 seconds. :D

I honestly don't know, I was only 6 when I finally beat it. I was too young to even care about timing it. I could, at the top of my game, beat Super Mario 64 in about 10 hours. That was back in '96 when it came out (and before I realized that girls could be so much fun).
First/Best/Still my Gaming Bliss:

Final Fantasy 7

Other gaming bliss's:

Goldeneye 64
Rainbow Six 64
Perfect Dark 64
Final Fantasy 8
Mario Party 2
Super Mario RPG
Metal Gear Solid 2
GTA: 3
GTA: Vice City
Soldier of Fortune II
First time playing Starcraft online, lol what a noob i was.
and of course....
CS...many many memories over the years with CS
Ultima Online.. I spent maaaany hours playing that game!

Edit: How could I forget FFVII on the PSX?:bounce:
Original Rouge Squadron

Super Mario

Pacman (lol)

Goldeneye (N64)
My gaming bliss is any FPS I can get my hands on.Well it was Q3 but that got boring.But I only play FPS titles on pc.