Sept. 30 date starting to seem farfetched



given that september is right around the corner, and we dont have nearly as much media as promised before release, and all this speculation from the publisher/press

and valve's track record as far as delays go... its not looking up for all of us hopeing it comes around Sept. 30 as announced by valve

please dont flame me, I think this post is timely as sept. seems to have snuck up on us :eek:
*pulls out a gun*
See you in hell!

*shoots the messenger*

I'd hate to admit it, but you might be right. :-/
i also stuck to sept 30 th but as snafu said you may be right :(
"starts to cry"
I still say its Sept. 30th and all the media comes out soon and where all happy joes
I'm predicting that on Sept 1st (1 month 'till release) Valve will crack open the hype machine, showering us with new screens, movies, interviews, etc. I'm still confident of the Sept. 30th release date, because they have had 5 years to work on the game.
Just because we havn't seen anything new doesn't mean it isn't being made on schedule. Why wait 5 years of silence and then annouce a set date you might not make. Personally i think the game was in a pretty much releasable state at E3 and we're waiting on updates to include new technolgoy and getting steam working properly.
they were playtesting over a month ago, to 'fix the final few bugs' that could be still in the game. I won't believe any delay stories until Erik or Gabe tells me when it'll be released and why they'd announce the sept. 30th shipping date
I remember seeing a thread saying they believed media well be released every other week. And if you include tech demo then it works out that a week after the last E3 movie is released it is sept 30th (so next week we have buggy movie, 2 weeks later we have strider video, 2 weeks after that we tech demo/maybe new media/maybe the piece at the very end of E3 demo if it isn't included in strider video, and then finally the game. May seem far fetched but we can still hope
I remember when it was everwhere that new steam vids would be released on a daily basis! :bounce:
Ok that's enough. So what if the game is delayed? sure it'll piss me off too but hey I can live with it. Stop worrying about it, everyone knows there's a chance it might happen. THERE'S NO POINT IN DISCUSSING YOUR WORRIES.
those speculations about release are no good and remain just speculations and gossip. let's just wait for official annoucment and see. sigh.
Its too close to release date to suddenly throw a wrench in the works.

If it wasnt gonna be here on time we would know about it for certain by now.
I posted this in the sticky about the delay threads:

When all these delay threads first started popping up with all the "no comments" from Gabe, I initially figured that they were simply at a point in developing the game where they would finish by Sept. 30 if everything went according to schedule, but if some things took longer than they should, that the game might be delayed a little. But now it's August 22, and if the game is gonna come out on Sept. 30, then that's only 38 days away. Since it's such a short period when you consider the overall length in developing games these days, you'd think that they'd have to be able to tell us if they're gonna make it or not. It just seems strange that all they'll tell us is "no comment," and the longer they refuse to say anything, the more I'm gonna think that we're in store for a huge delay, possibly up to 6 months or so. Obviously, I'm completely speculating on this, but you think they'd want to counter all this speculaton by fans, stores, etc., but they don't. I'm just starting to let it sink in for myself that (I believe more and more) as time progresses without any confirmation of the Sept. 30 date that this game has been delayed. I hope I'm wrong, but I keep finding it harder to just accept the "no announced delay is no delay" argument...

Edit: Also, if the game ends up not being delayed and I now expect it to likely be delayed, then I'll be in store for a pleasant surprise. Plus, if it's delayed I'll have more time to upgrade, not that I don't have the money. I just want to wait for the 9900 or possibly the R400? BTW, does anybody know any possible release dae for ATi's R400? Thanks
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Its too close to release date to suddenly throw a wrench in the works.

If it wasnt gonna be here on time we would know about it for certain by now.

bs, wouldnt be the first time a game gets delayed close to the release date :dork:
I dunno. I am in denile i guess but gabe said a while bk that the game was in its polishing stages. Final development cycle.

They must of either:

Hit a Major snag with something in the game.

Found that the polishing is gona take far longer than they first thought.

Found that vivendi wanted it out nearer christmas and are talking to them right now trying to sort out the release date.

cant think of many more right now but meh, just opinions
Lots of people keep saying a delay will give them time to upgrade. makes no sense to me. Play the game with your old hardware and then upgrade later and it'll play better or just wait till you can upgrade and buy the game, release date shouldn't effect you.
valve is getting ready for ECTS. next person who posts

I am [worried | anxious | doubtful | bitching] about the sept 30 release date...

should be dragged out on the street and shot.
Its funny actally

"Oh the game might be delayed 2 days, I'm worried...(does the alex curl up thing she does in the kliener video)
I'd have to agree with doubts about the 30th because:

1. No new media [Darnit! I got this Steam thing running all the time...]
2. No new info -- which is why it's so hard to find things to talk about on the boards and why every time someone posts something "new" 40 people gripe about how we've known that "forever" :)
3. No official Website (worth visiting)
4. No new previews of the game from any of the major websites/mags. just scattered, short interviews with mostly terse answers
5. Gabe's "No Comments," which, I think, mean no game on the 30th. If he felt confident on the 30th, I think he would say so
6. No SDK release for modders which was supposed to happen a month before release (in August -tick tock tick tock).

It just doesn't FEEL like a game coming out soon. Major games being released in a month or two have all kinds of activity associated with them. It feels like Valve has submerged themselves and have been too busy to come up for air. They don't even list HL2 as a project on their corporate Website...

But, by all means, let them take the time to finish and get it right. I'm hoping that something will come out of ECTS to let us gauge where they are at. If it's the same vids and info as E3, then I think we're screwed for the 30th.
I agree with you in some way democritus. Although I am still confident about the Sept 30th date, there is no new media, no SDK which will probably be next week(probably), no coments, and nothing new at all. The PC Gamer interview was crap. And everything is old now. But, on September 5(?) we hopefully will know if the game is delayed or not IMO. Case Closed.
Geeze, I would rather have HL2 in November with less bugs or an added feature or two, than have it in September unfinished/unpolished. If they have a reason, they will do it.
Originally posted by Marauder
Geeze, I would rather have HL2 in November with less bugs or an added feature or two, than have it in September unfinished/unpolished. If they have a reason, they will do it.

I 100% agree with you, and I think most people here would too. My problem is that they won't even tell us when to expect it though. We're just stuck here waiting, not knowing when it may or may not come out, but I guess that's what we'll have to do till they tell us.
Originally posted by Diablo2k
bs, wouldnt be the first time a game gets delayed close to the release date :dork:

Name one that changed within a month of its release.
Originally posted by Marauder
Geeze, I would rather have HL2 in November with less bugs or an added feature or two, than have it in September unfinished/unpolished. If they have a reason, they will do it.

Less bugs? are you crazy those antlions are the shizzle!... Oh you mean bugs as in glitches? nevermind then :)
Originally posted by alb1221
:dozey: heh thats not even a funny joke

Ok then, here's a worse one:

"What are you talking about guys! Half-Life 2 isn't being made, it's just a mod for doom 3!" :p

Someone on these fourms said that about a week ago in the off-topic forums. Pretty funny joke actually.....:cheese:

As for the media, I do believe that the next vid will be released next week, then followed by a week of nothing, then will have the strider vid, then another week of nothing, then maybe some new media..

Anyway, I'm not completely sure that Valve will hit the date, I think they might miss it by a few weeks, and as much as a month (1 month being the worst case scenario in this event). But if they do meet the release date, I'm happy too.:cheese:
valve is terrible with there websites... its there only unprofessional side... and its such a small thing... maybe they dont know web desighn lol
they still will not tell us:

what multiplayer will be... (30 days before release you would think they could let out some info)

the release date... (that they told us before so why cant they say it now?)

where all the new non-e3 media they promised us is...

I cant understand why they wont just release all the high res e3 even if it is going to be delayed. The car one is next and it doesnt look great on the low res e3 because its blurry, like docs was but it turned out awesome when they showed the high res.
Well, I went over to the official HL2 message board, just to see if they're as antsy as we are about the release date, but the HL2 board isn't there anymore. There used to be a board just for HL2, but it's gone; weird...

I was really hopin HL2 would come out Sept 30 because I need a new game to play, but I guess I may get Halo or something else to hold me over until it does.
im still think we can play this game end of september, begin october :)
Originally posted by Marauder
Geeze, I would rather have HL2 in November with less bugs or an added feature or two, than have it in September unfinished/unpolished. If they have a reason, they will do it.

unless its something extremly, EXTRMELY huge, they should release the game on time. thats wat steam is for, guys.
I'm pretty sure the reason for the media drought is because Valve would like to keep most of the game a surprise until it's actually released.
Originally posted by Lyrids
I'm pretty sure the reason for the media drought is because Valve would like to keep most of the game a surprise until it's actually released.

We've seen all the videos except for the ones that come after, I don't think they care if we see a highres e3 movie, they even put an easteregg in it!
I would rather have a glitchy POS Half-Life 2 where it can be modded to our liking and patched later than wait another 2 months or so and start not even caring when it comes out because its taken 5 years already....................sheesh u would think thats long enough and they even bought most of the games physics anyway, in my point of view it should have been done in 2001 if they where serious about it

I only say this is because if we dont like something about the game we will change it outselves. I dont like to rely on companies
i agree...five godamn years is enough time, and valve really endorsed that sept. 30th date like pimps, "o, it'll be there..."

**** steam atm, its all been seen before. it is not like these vids are benchmarks; they are pre-rendered movies. big ****ing deal.

i bet the snag is the aa for the damn nvidia cards...ffs.

big negative on valve and their "no comment" if and only if HL2 is delayed.

5 years.