September 1st is it?

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hey, is the official releace date for HL2 september 1'st? :sniper:
OMFG, why the **** dont they just put it out, its already begining to leak!!
more commonly TBA.......September 1st is what like 50 different stores are saying it will be released...possible....I doubt it will be the 30th like some people say, seeing as how the 30th would be after the end of Summer.
ohh, yah somtime this summer i herd, but if those ****ers dont i will be sooooo ****ing pissed, im dieing!!
well we think anywahre from augest 1'st threw anytime in sept, but they will rpboly just **** it up again and releace it 2004 ;(
thx d00d, i hope they dont **** up it again...i hope its releesed b4 oktober....gabe is teh noob el oh el!!!!111one111
SaltyCrackers said:
thx d00d, i hope they dont **** up it again...i hope its releesed b4 oktober....gabe is teh noob el oh el!!!!111one111

i swear to all that is holy, if you do not learn how to spell, i will cut your fingers off with spoon.
the game cannot come out on the 1st or in that week.
it has to be the next tuesday which is the 7th..

MOST games come out on a tuesday.. well the major ones.. (recent: sims2. doom3

just like every movie starts on a friday.
hemm, well if they releace it after doom 3, im just gunna buy doom3, i want hl2 more but if they realace it after ill just be like "Phuck it" :dozey:
Pitbul said:
i swear to all that is holy, if you do not learn how to spell, i will cut your fingers off with spoon.

Would you like to borrow mine? *sharpens spoon*
Could You Learn To Write Before Posting! This Is Annoying God Damn It, Plus You Are Not Supposed To Be Swearing Half Of The Sentence.
ShadowFox said:
The official release date for HL2 is TBD.
TBD=To Be Delayed? lmao nice.
The game will probably be released at the end of september. Do something productive with your time til the game comes out, like learning how to spell.
heh, its spelling guys, i mean if it pisses you off, go suck a dick ;)
Pitbul, I was mocking the original poster. See my second post, where I tried to make it painfully obvious by writing "i cant read forums". This has to be one of my favorite threads; not only does the original poster make a new topic about a release date, he does so when there are at least 3 threads pertaining to the release date on the first page alone (Doug Lombardi's Estimated HL2 Release Date, HL2- September, and Doubtful HL2 Release Date). Also added into this fine mix was the obligatory insult to Valve for delaying the game.

Well done, 5lug.
He also believed you couldnt read forums... :dozey: as for suckin a dick..grow up.

and learn how to spell
sorry, i just dont realy tihnk it matters, as long as you know what he means.

and for all the stuf i missed :..,.,,..,.,!./..,.
Yeh man, its time for maturity. You'll find you'll 'fit in' better if you were mature.
Pitbul said:
i swear to all that is holy, if you do not learn how to spell, i will cut your fingers off with spoon.

ummm....Its A spoon.....learn to spell :p

5LUG said:
OMFG, why the **** dont they just put it out, its already begining to leak!!

People like you are ****ing anoying! Why should he release it now f*s. Its not finished! Go and buy Doom 3, keep you ocupied. Besides, I'm confident that HL2 will come out in the next 3 months .So stopp yaping! **** ***** ****** :flame:
5LUG said:
heh, its spelling guys, i mean if it pisses you off, go suck a dick ;)

First you make a post that is an example of laziness, bad spelling and all.

Then you start swearing like a mother######.

What the hell are you doing here? Please crawl back under that AO-farking-L rock you came out of.

Thank you.

p.s. I normally don't do this but this guy pisses me off. Mods feel free to remove this post if needed.
This is descending into Stupid. Closed.
(although let's face it - it didn't really have very far to descend)
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