September is near, Is your computer ready for Half Life 2 yet?

I'll be upgrading to an
ASUS P4P800 mobo
Intel Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz 533 fsb

And i will be adding my radeon 9700 pro and 256 pc-2100 ddr to it, then i will be set i think :D ( i will upgrade memory when my new money comes )
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
He didnt say evey aspect. Each card does better in some things then others. In the end the 9800 is on top. Try doing a search on google, for "9800 pro vs. FX5900" or somethng.:dozey:

From the way your talking it sounds like you think I'm a noob to PC gaming. Thats hardly the case and I know my hardware pretty well. You guys may wanna reconsider your position on the 9800 pro after looking at these benchmarks. Of course I'm assuming that you allready have seen these. :dozey:

And don't just look at the doom3 benchmarks on there, look at all of them because the 5900 Ultra is clearly the supreme card.

Edit: Heres some more tests that clearly show the 5900 Ultra winning in the majority of the tests. And you'll also see that due to poor drivers ATI cards cant' even do AA/AF in Splinter Cell.
your forgetting that gabe keeps mentioning how the ATI 9800 pro is not only faster, but better image quality for halflife2.
Originally posted by jbscotchman
From the way your talking it sounds like you think I'm a noob to PC gaming. Thats hardly the case and I know my hardware pretty well. You guys may wanna reconsider your position on the 9800 pro after looking at these benchmarks. Of course I'm assuming that you allready have seen these. :dozey:

And don't just look at the doom3 benchmarks on there, look at all of them because the 5900 Ultra clearly hte supreme card.

ahaha...the nvidia fanboys with the doom3 benchmarks.....

its funny..the 5800 is faster than the 5900 in splinter cell....

when i see the image quality comparisons i see how much better the 9800 looks
Sure call me a fanboy. But the same thing can be said about all the people who jumped on the ATI bandwagon ever since they found out that HL2 was running a radeon card at E3.
JB, why did you buy an intel board? You got a 2.4c, on an intel board. Not smart considering the 2.4c is probably the best OCing chip out there, and intel boards are terrible for OCing.
Originally posted by jbscotchman
Sure call me a fanboy. But the same thing can be said about all the people who jumped on the ATI bandwagon ever since they found out that HL2 was running a radeon card at E3.

why must i repeat myself. Its not just cause hl2 used ati....

The maker of hl2 gabe keeps mentioning how the ATI 9800 pro is not only faster, but better image quality for halflife2.
Originally posted by subs
why must i repeat myself. Its not just cause hl2 used ati....

The maker of hl2 gabe keeps mentioning how the ATI 9800 pro is not only faster, but better image quality for halflife2.

So, i wouldnt buy a 9800 pro just because gabe said its good. He probly never used a 5900, maybe if he did it could be different. But still i do believe the 9800 is superior in many ways to the 5900, and reviews prove that.
but he specifically stated 9800 over 5900 several times. IM sure he tried both. I DOUBT he is guessing.
9800 and 5600, both good cards...

Can someone say that?!
My computer might as well be ready for HL 2, because I'm still saving up for a new one...
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
JB, why did you buy an intel board? You got a 2.4c, on an intel board. Not smart considering the 2.4c is probably the best OCing chip out there, and intel boards are terrible for OCing.

I've just never been into overclocking. Granted the 2.4c chips are probably the best overclocking cpus out right now, but I'm happy with mine running stable and cool right where its at. As for the intel board, I've always had good luck with them so I figure why change.
^^Nah man, Intel boards don't allow overclocking but mine has quite a few things you can tweak in the bios to improve performance. I haven't messed with them yet though. But anyway lets not turn this thread into a flame war, I'l admit I overreacted earlier.

My plans are to get a:

ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe i875P
Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 2.8GHz -C Hyperthreading 800MHz
Corsair TWINX1024-3200LL 1024Mb (2x512Mb) DDR PC3200 CAS2 400Mhz
ATi Radeon 9800 pro 128mb
SB Audigy2

The cost of thi stuff is really too much, don't like to think about that ^_^.

I already have a water-cooled Lian-Li PC-70 aluminum case. It should do.
Originally posted by jbscotchman
^^Nah man, Intel boards don't allow overclocking but mine has quite a few things you can tweak in the bios to improve performance. I haven't messed with them yet though. But anyway lets not turn this thread into a flame war, I'l admit I overreacted earlier.


Dude, Intel boards you can overclock easyly! Ever try an Abit mobo? OMG, it let's you overclock to 5.8ghz no joke! But, you would have to use extreme peliter to get it that high. Even though it would probaly crash! Anyways, I got an Abit IS7-G with an P4 2.4ghzC processor and I can o/c it like a biatch!
My new comp which i'm gettin soon

AMD 2400XP (2.0ghz)
ATI Radeon 9600 pro

Thats should run it at medium with no probs
Originally posted by Pressure
Not upgrading 'til 9900 Pro.

You must be one of these:

1. A kid with his father's money.
2. Too freaking rich.
3. A bad decision maker.
Fock HL2 :), I am going to upgrade for doom3.

and yeah 9900 is a bad choice, just a overcloaked 9800pro. I am even suprised that they charge money for it

anuwau. i will upgrade around janauary for doom3 (as i said) bythen i will have enough money to buy me the Leetest RiG evah!!

I wont need to upgrade for doom3. Cause i would haev already upgraded for hl2. I wanna play hl2 at really high rez/settings.

and why do u all asume a 9900 is a little faster than9800. I heard thats its very faster.
Really? Where from?

The peformance increase is probly less then going from a 9700pro to a 9800pro.
Originally posted by subs
I wont need to upgrade for doom3. Cause i would haev already upgraded for hl2. I wanna play hl2 at really high rez/settings.

and why do u all asume a 9900 is a little faster than9800. I heard thats its very faster.

not enough to warrant upgrading if you already have 9500pro class card or better......