Serenity 2 in the works?

Apr 11, 2006
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The ever-lovable, wonder-writer/director Joss Whedon needs to get a few projects on the go. After running himself ragged with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, he brought the world a small helping of Firefly, a pretty kick-arse movie adaptation Serenity, almost made Wonder Woman, and continued the story of the slayers in comic form. Having handed over the reins on that, what's left to do? It's not like Veronica Mars is still around for him to guest on! Well, he's still working on his supernatural Goners script after getting a bunch of studio notes, but Whedon never takes it easy, so it's not a surprise that after reviving his first beloved series, there's rumors of a Serenity 2.

Oh yes, the Browncoats might come back -- not necessarily to the big screen, but to DVD. While the film's box office didn't live up to expectations, it has, unsurprisingly, had a heck of a stint on disc. Moviehole recently chatted with Alan Tudyk (Wash), and he said: "They had to put [the new DVD] out because they've been selling out of the other one, and so Universal's like 'So, let's do another one.' And now... there's now a chance there's going to be another movie." Well, this is just about the most solid Whedon rumor you can get. While he always has a million potential projects swimming in his head, it's big news if the studios can see an audience and get interested in the idea.

So, does this make you giggle with schoolgirl-like glee? If so, keep picking up those DVDs and we might just see Serenity fly again! But heck, they could even keep the ship docked the entire time and show a lot of Summer Glau butt-kicking. Who wouldn't be up for more of that!?

I noticed Yorick mentioned this in the Serenity DVD thread, but no one has reacted for two days, so I'm making a more obvious announcement.

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I am not the sort of boarder who smashes his head on his keyboard, hurls forth a stream of incomprehensible verbal diarrhea, or spams emoticons to the point that they lose all meaning, but damn, if this is real...
I am not the sort of boarder who smashes his head on his keyboard,
tytyysdjhdbcvx fsaxcnx
hurls forth a stream of incomprehensible verbal diarrhea,
or spams emoticons to the point that they lose all meaning,
but damn, if this is real...
That'd be cool.
Wash will still be dead. I have nothing to live for.
That's true, I'd prefer an extension of the series that ignores Serenity... because without Wash and Book it's not the same.
I noticed Yorick mentioned this in the Serenity DVD thread, but no one has reacted for two days, so I'm making a more obvious announcement.

I couldn't believe the severe lack of attention. <3

Wash will still be dead. I have nothing to live for.

Whedon mentioned having a semi-plausible way to bring him back, once upon a time.
That doesn't make sense to me, but Whedon better do it anyway if there's more Serenity/Firefly on the horizon.
If it's straight to DVD that'll be disappointing.
I couldn't believe the severe lack of attention. <3

The people had to know. Credit still goes to you for first announcing it.

I also think Wash and Book can appear in flashbacks. Hopefully frequent flashbacks, as they were both superb characters, though I remember disliking Book for whatever reason when I first saw the movie. I then got the series on DVD and ammended my opinion.
Can someone please explain why serenity is so good? I watched it last year and all I saw was a generic outer space laser-blaster star-fighter movie. The characters fight with ninja swords. NINJA SWORDS. IN THE FUTURE. IN OUTER SPACE. Also, they carry guns from the 90s.

I've never watched firefly, which I guess is a prequel series or something - so maybe some of that stuff is explained. But does that really matter? I heard so much good stuff about this movie and upon viewing it, was floored by the lack of imagination and general flimsy atmosphere. They could have at least color corrected the sky on the planet they landed on to make it not look 100% like Earth.
Can someone please explain why serenity is so good? I watched it last year and all I saw was a generic outer space laser-blaster star-fighter movie. The characters fight with ninja swords. NINJA SWORDS. IN THE FUTURE. IN OUTER SPACE. Also, they carry guns from the 90s.

I've never watched firefly, which I guess is a prequel series or something - so maybe some of that stuff is explained. But does that really matter? I heard so much good stuff about this movie and upon viewing it, was floored by the lack of imagination and general flimsy atmosphere. They could have at least color corrected the sky on the planet they landed on to make it not look 100% like Earth.

Why should you be required to watch a prequel series to enjoy a movie? That pretty much goes against a fundamental rule in the entertainment industry of making sure that any and all installments of a series or storyline are self sufficient. Sure, you will get quite a bit more understanding and more enjoyment if you've kept up with it since the beginning. However, like I said, the rule essentially dictates that new viewers should always be able to jump into the story arc without much trouble. How else would you gain new fans? Personally, I feel that serenity failed completely in this regard. Did they expect new viewers to just understand why they're using combat oriented technology that was invented before christ was born? Besides that, why does that one guy have an HK MP5? At least star wars pretended that their sword fights were futuristic. I would have thought they'd learn from Equilibrium that modern day technology and products look really really stupid in movies set in the future.

But that's just me, and I like to hate on sci fi that isn't based on hard science.
Why should you be required to watch a prequel series to enjoy a movie? That pretty much goes against a fundamental rule in the entertainment industry of making sure that any and all installments of a series or storyline are self sufficient. Sure, you will get quite a bit more understanding and more enjoyment if you've kept up with it since the beginning. However, like I said, the rule essentially dictates that new viewers should always be able to jump into the story arc without much trouble. How else would you gain new fans? Personally, I feel that serenity failed completely in this regard. Did they expect new viewers to just understand why they're using combat oriented technology that was invented before christ was born? Besides that, why does that one guy have an HK MP5? At least star wars pretended that their sword fights were futuristic. I would have thought they'd learn from Equilibrium that modern day technology and products look really really stupid in movies set in the future.

But that's just me, and I like to hate on sci fi that isn't based on hard science.

Because the movie is based on the series, not the other way around, and the storyline actually has some substance to it, unlike most TV shows these days.
@ Glo-Boy - The storyline for the movie is self-sufficient. Seeing the series first only helps you appreciate the characters and background a whole lot more. For my own part, I watched Serenity first, and loved it. Then I watched Firefly, and watched Serenity again, and loved it more. I could mention that the movie was meant as a conclusion to the series that fans never got, but you're obviously not very concerned with that.

As for pretty much everything else you said, budget constraints. If you're that nit-picky about things then I'd suggest you skip the series, where they have characters using revolvers and G36s as though they were laser weaponry. You'd be missing out, but obviously you've already missed what's great about it to begin with, so why bother.

Oh, and it's not science fiction, not strictly. It's more like a western in space, just like Star Wars was more like a fantasy.

SERENITY NOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just plain Want Moar...

Would love to have a mini-series during the Unification Wars.
As long as River is there, all the other characters could be dead, but as long as she is there, it's awesome.