

Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
If anyone remembers, a few years ago the show Firefly aired on Fox for about 15 episodes before promptly being cancelled (as Fox enjoys to do). For those that never saw it, it was a strange hybrid of western meets space sci-fi. One of the aspects I liked about it was that in shots of space, there was no sound. No engines, no explosions, nothing. It was quite refreshing in the face of stereotypical sci-fi tv shows and movies. I had always thought it was a shame that the show was never picked up by a cable network, as it was a quality show that was simply too unique for a major network. Imagine my suprise when I saw a trailer for the movie Serenity, the incarnation of the show. As far as I can tell the entire origonal cast is in the movie, which is good because all of the characters were likeable. Even if this movie ends up getting bad reviews I will still see it, for nostalgia's sake.
hmmm... umm my bad? lol Guess I didn't expect this to get a sticky!