Serious Network Problems


Jul 9, 2004
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Alright, so since early on this summer, the network in my house has been having some serious problems. (We have 3 computers on a Linksys router, Earthlink ISP) First, it started out and there would just be "hitches" where the internet would randomly disconnect for about 5-10 seconds. This really sucks with online games, such as CS. So, we have tried getting a new router, updating the firmware, using IP config through DOS to release/renew the connection, and get a new DSL modem and such. We are STILL having the problem. (We also checked on each computer for spyware and other problems that would be stealing bandwith and there are none) Is there ANYTIHNG else I can do?
Does Earthlink require you to install phone filters? If so, make sure EVERY phone you have plugged into the wall is plugged in through a phone filter. I had the same problem and went to check if my filters were plugged in and one phone that was not plugged into a filter but in the wall was causing me to disconnect.
I just checked and I am pretty certain that every phone in the house has a filter. Could it maybe be something messed up with the way dynamic ips are being assigned?
We have the exact same problem, it's terrible.

Wireless = not for gaming, unfortunatly I live in an apartment, so wire is not an option :(
Wireless is OOOOOOOKKK for gaming, took me forever to configure it at my cousin's house. Physical connection is 100% easier than wireless...minus the hole drilling :D
No, it's not wireless. But yes, the problem is absolutely enraging...