SERIOUSLY f*cked up IRC murder plot

Heh, banned from solo-internet browsing for 3 years.
Wow...that's not so much a murder plot as a suicide plot. Make up an alternate identity and use it to trick a third part into killing you. That shit's twisted.
DarkStar said:
Wow...that's not so much a murder plot as a suicide plot. Make up an alternate identity and use it to trick a third part into killing you. That shit's twisted.

That boy needs serious psychiatric help and he deserves to spend a lot of time in prison.
That is bad he did it on IRC.

If he did the plot on AOL then it would be okay.
Razor said:
That boy needs serious psychiatric help and he deserves to spend a lot of time in prison.

yeah like prison really helps teens become productive members of society :rolleyes:

Thats the exact opposite of what you want to do with a kid.....
crabcakes66 said:
yeah like prison really helps teens become productive members of society :rolleyes:

Thats the exact opposite of what you want to do with a kid.....

Well, i hope he gets the help he needs to become a productive member of society. But what he did too that poor boy was beyond disgusting.
He'll actually probably be sent to Juvenile Detention, which is more focused upon rehabilitation than punishment.
Razor said:
Well, i hope he gets the help he needs to become a productive member of society. But what he did too that poor boy was beyond disgusting.

Poor boy? He was obviously willing to stab someone for sex and cash. I don't have a whole lot of pity for either party here.
I say we release them both and let the stupid people clear THEMSELVES out. :D
"There is nothing you would see in these boys that is different from any other middle-class family..."

Dear god? nothing different? Then WHY THE HELL DID HE DO IT!?
That's.. scary. I'll remind myself not to listen what people named "spy" order me to, despite the reward.
apparently Boy A doesnt age cause when he stabbed boy B, he was 15. and 3 years later, he is now 15, lol.
:O Damn, that is crazy- soccer moms going to blame it on video games!
ailevation said:
:O Damn, that is crazy- soccer moms going to blame it on video games!
The sad thing is that your probably right....
Hmm...that was pretty weird. Then again, lots of weird stuff goes on in IRC.
boy a's like "so there is no seXXor!!!one!2"

no seriosly, thats pretty ****ed,

.....well boy A wasnt hahaha...ha...ha.. i leave now :(
Wouldn't you like to get one of these bloodsamples under a microscope?

DarkStar said:
Poor boy? He was obviously willing to stab someone for sex and cash. I don't have a whole lot of pity for either party here.

I am sure, given the right motivation, you would be willing to do anything at all. For some people, it is money, for others, it is sex with a beautiful woman, for someone else, it is power.
Since when do the Secret Service offer to pay with "sex & cash"?... dumb tee derr ti dumb!
)[eVo]( Para said:
Since when do the Secret Service offer to pay with "sex & cash"?... dumb tee derr ti dumb!

SPY'S TELL ME TO DO THINGS IN RETURN FOR SEX ALL THE TIME OVER IRC, IT DOES HAPPEN !!onebillion!!!!!!!!onehundredandelevenmillion!!!!!!!onehundredandeleventhousand!!!!!onehundredandeleven!!!stringofonesandexclamationmarks
tI can't believe that the other kid believed him
apparently Boy A doesnt age cause when he stabbed boy B, he was 15. and 3 years later, he is now 15, lol.
Then he might had been 12 at time and it was an error on the behalf of the bbc. Probably just naive and stupid. But really this is just discusting. :O
Razor said:
I am sure, given the right motivation, you would be willing to do anything at all. For some people, it is money, for others, it is sex with a beautiful woman, for someone else, it is power.

There is nothing you could give me that would make me murder a fellow human being.
Judge David Maddison said:
Skilled writers of fiction would struggle to conjure up a plot such as that which arises here

I would commend the guy b4 sending him to the firing squad. This guy is an amazing manipulator and has a skilled imagination. Possibly he would do a great job for the Secret Services anywhere in the world.

Using his skills for something like this is dumb thou....
Sprafa said:
I would commend the guy b4 sending him to the firing squad. This guy is an amazing manipulator and has a skilled imagination. Possibly he would do a great job for the Secret Services anywhere in the world.

Using his skills for something like this is dumb thou....

The guy who he was manipulating must have been a little slow in the first place. I'm sure people high up in intelligence forces around the world would be a little more suspicious of a 'Spy' on an internet chat room offering sex for 'top secret info'.

It wasn't as though the guy he manipulated was a young child either, he was 16, and even 16 year olds have a bit more common sense than this guy appeared to have.
qckbeam said:
Hmm...that was pretty weird. Then again, lots of weird stuff goes on in IRC.
You only need to be a regular visitor of #halflife2 or to know how weird IRC can be.