Seriously Tom Cruise, What the ****?


Jan 15, 2004
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Actor Tom Cruise has said he plans to eat the placenta of his new baby.

"I thought that would be good," he told GQ magazine. "Very nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there."

It is the latest in a series of unusual revelations by the 43-year-old about the child he is expecting with his fiancee, actress Katie Holmes.

The couple, who have been engaged since June 2005, plan to marry in late summer or early autumn, according to Cruise.

The Mission Impossible star has also claimed he knew Holmes, 27, was pregnant even before she told him.

Last week Cruise said on US television that Catholic-born Holmes has already joined him as a follower of the Church of Scientology.

'Silent birth'

In the GQ interview, Cruise defended the religion's doctrine that childbirth should be completed in silence.

"It's really about respecting the woman," he said. "It's not about her not screaming."

Cruise said earlier this month that their baby was due "any day now".

The baby will be the first for Holmes, while Cruise has two adopted children from his marriage to Nicole Kidman.



OK This is just going too far.....
He's a cannibal. The whole 'church of scientology' are cannibals. We must exterminate them from the face of the Earth. Justice will be done to these criminals.

-George Bush

how ****ed up is that?

Oh, and if Katie Holmes screams during childbirth, she will be killed on the spot.

No lie. They like their silent childbirth.
Whoa that is just too weird, I can't believe he actually said he was gonna eat the placenta of his new born, plus saying that he knew she was pregnant before anyone else. So I guess he's developing psychic abilities now:LOL: . Oh yeah, and what the hell is the Church of Scientology anyway, I'm a Christian-Orthodox myself and I've never heard of that.
Redneck said:
Whoa that is just too weird, I can't believe he actually said he was gonna eat the placenta of his new born, plus saying that he knew she was pregnant before anyone else. So I guess he's developing psychic abilities now:LOL: . Oh yeah, and what the hell is the Church of Scientology anyway, I'm a Christian-Orthodox myself and I've never heard of that.

Its a super-fundamentalist cult bent on world domination.
Tom Cruise can do whatever he wants now, he's slowly on his way down the drain
If you've seen any of the interviews with Tom Cruise regarding Scientology you'll know how much of a fruitcake he really is. They're surely floating around youtube or somewheres. It's a shame because if he wasn't such a nutbag he'd probably fall under the pretty-boy-who-can-actually-act-so-he-gets-my-respect category.

John Travolta's in with the scientologists too, but he has better PR people so the world doesn't know about his craziness.
Is that a joke? I didn't think he was that much of a nutcase.

Is scientology all that stuff about beings from other planets and that?
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :x :x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x
Aaa..... no coment!
The jews may have been a people, but they have never been human.

-Tom Cruise

The mother is meant to eat that to waste nothing in survival situation!

Not a multi millionaire actor who can eat anything whenever he wants.
What a tit.
Come out of the closet Tom, no one is judging you, but you need to come out of the closet
Laivasse said:
It's a shame because if he wasn't such a nutbag he'd probably fall under the pretty-boy-who-can-actually-act-so-he-gets-my-respect category.
Agreed. He seems to do it all just for attention too, making him 'a c*nt' as opposed to 'a crazy'. Although I still maintain that he's a good actor. Then again, you could argued that he's really only good at playing Tom Cruise.
I just noticed that I can't find those old Cruise/scientology interviews anywhere :O Me suspects lawyers got involved...
Raziaar said:

how ****ed up is that?

Oh, and if Katie Holmes screams during childbirth, she will be killed on the spot.

No lie. They like their silent childbirth.

Actually, the woman is allowed to scream in agony, but any talking or shouts of anger against people are not allowed.
Reginald said:
Actually, the woman is allowed to scream in agony, but any talking or shouts of anger against people are not allowed.

He's with them...zap him!
Oh son, I ate your placenta,
It came from your mummy,
Now it's in my tummy,
It was
That sick bastard.

Why in the living hell is Katie Holmes still marrying him?
Skaadi said:
That sick bastard.

Why in the living hell is Katie Holmes still marrying him?

Because she is harvesting pint-sized Tom Cruises in her womb. If she leaves him, Tom presses a button and hundreds of miniature Toms explode out of her. If she stays, they will congeal into one form and be born naturally!
Murray_H said:
Because she is harvesting pint-sized Tom Cruises in her womb. If she leaves him, Tom presses a button and hundreds of miniature Toms explode out of her. If she stays, they will congeal into one form and be born naturally!

Sounds like how I was born
Rupertvdb said:
He's with them...zap him!

Actually, Radio 2 told me. Not that I listen to Radio 2, it was on in my Dad's car. :afro:
Boycott MI3 and every other Tom Cruise movie. I'll never give that douche bag a penny of my money.
eating the placenta isnt all that uncommon

the fact that it's disgusting aside, the placenta carries spinal chord blood that is often harvested so that should the child have a life threatening blood disease such as sickle cell anemia, white cells collected from the blood could be used in treatment's a very expensive process but for parents of children born with problems it could be lifesaving. But of course since Cruise is a looney, he'd rather eat it than save it should his child ever need it
CptStern said:
eating the placenta isnt all that uncommon

the fact that it's disgusting aside, the placenta carries spinal chord blood that is often harvested so that should the child have a life threatening blood disease such as sickle cell anemia, white cells collected from the blood could be used in treatment's a very expensive process but for parents of children born with problems it could be lifesaving. But of course since Cruise is a looney, he'd rather eat it than save it should his child ever need it

Yep. Cruise wants it for the nutritional content... good eats.