Seriously Want to Learn C++


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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I really would like to learn C++, and eventually start modding and stuff, once I have the skills. I'm great at maths, which I think might help, and I have the time.

If some people could give me some advice and tell me how they started it would be much appreaciated.

Grab yourself a "Sams tech yourself C++ in [x amount of hours]" book.
Sams are usually really good.
you can learn a lot from browsing sdk's.... at least from my experience
I'm crap at maths, but I'm good at programming

Do some tutorials, and just dug down on some code.

The best way I find is too get straight in there, fiddle around, and learn from the mistakes
I can handle c++ pretty well and I have never ever picked up a book about it or had a lession about it, the internet is your friend.

You can find a decent free compiler at
sHaDdoW said:
I'm crap at maths, but I'm good at programming

Do some tutorials, and just dug down on some code.

The best way I find is too get straight in there, fiddle around, and learn from the mistakes
Programmers need to be good at maths. Good luck in your career as a progger :p .

I suggest you go to and make a search on C++: "The C++ Programming Language" If you are like me, you probably also prefer to learn reading a textbook rather than an online tutorial. But the online tutorial is free $ :)
I keep hearing from several people that you don;t need to be good in math to be a good programmer.
Yeah thats a constantly debated topic. I think you need to understand basic algebra and the concept of logic (if, or, and, etc) just to be able to code, and past that can only help. Coding in my experience usually has a lot more to do with logic, hence the reason you draw a flow chart of code and not an equation.
AKIRA said:
I keep hearing from several people that you don;t need to be good in math to be a good programmer.

that sort of depends on what your doing.. if you're like me you're mostly just modifying and inherting a lot of code, barely any real work, just meshing stuff togther and modifying it... if you're gonna be a professional coder making a lot of your classes and functions from scratch, I'm guessing you need to be good at math and logical problem solving.. ( I can't tell you how many times I haven't been able to solve a coding problem, then had a real coder help me, solve the problem in 2 mins, and have me feeling like a dumbass :D )
speaking of C++ books. I found an old C++ book inside a box in my garage. Do you want it? :)
Is C and C++ programming the same when making mods? I mean if I were to read a book about C++ in general, would I be able to use that information to make a mod? Or is C++ different when modding/making games.
Knowing the Win32 API or Open GL API for instance wont do shit for you and mods.
Now knowing variable types, functions, pointers, etc... thats what will help you.

You don't really need to be amazing at math you just have to have an understanding of the language and the API your working with.