Setting the competition for HL3: FarCry cinematic demo

I never liked the look of the FarCry engine. To me it's graphics relies too much on novelty effects rather than focusing on creative direction. Just look at Blizzard, none of their games have been technically revolutionary form a graphic engine standpoint, but the graphics in their games are timeless due to great art direction.
:Rex Saw: said:
It looks good, but it is absolutely no match for the new unreal engine, and obviously we know nothing about HL3 but it will also be much, much better.

Well duh. HL3 is probably three to four years away.
WhiteZero said:
I dunno, if you've seen the U3 techdemo video, it would seem that Source won't be able to adapt to quite that level.

I guess we'll have to wait and see...

That's true, but the power to adapt lies in the hands of the coders. Anything can be changed and improved through hard work. But yes, U3 so far has the msot amazing graphics ever created in a real time software simulation. So if Valve is ready, they have their work cut out for themselves.
fluX said:
Having said that IMO the Morrowind 2 pics even outpace Unreal 3 in terms of photorealistic imaging. :)

Link to these pics by any chance?
I don't think Half-Life has ever been about graphics, the first game was outdated even for its time and so are certain aspects of Half-Life 2. But I find beauty in simplicity, and to be honest I prefer HL2s graphics to Far Cry or Doom 3. It doesn't have the fancy effects of the other two but it still looks better simply due to excellent art direction. I also just like the feel of the engine. Every game that uses a certain engine has a certain feel to it, and Half-Life 2 feels like the first game. There's an inexplicable quality to the way things move and just come together overall that makes me like Source better than Far Cry and Doom 3. Plus, it's a less taxing platform for multiplayer as far as system specs go.
hl2 pwns all

you know why because it has a awsome story

and to those who say it has now story your retards and dont deserve to live
OK, we all know (or should know) that HL3 will most likely be done on Source (based on VALVe comments). Personally I do not care at ALL if they improve the graphics one bit! Half Life1 was about story and AI for me. Half Life2 was about Story, Characters, Physics and AI for me (although it does look beautiful). I would be happy if VALVe worked to make Half Life3 have better physics (airflow, more physics puzzles, truly deformable terrain/buildings, etc.), better story, etc. Graphics have never been why I came to the HalfLife party -- realisim, great gameplay, and the AI outsmarting me (or trying to) are why I play.
I got 5 frames per second on the EXE you download...My computer sucks, I guess...
MajorPayne said:
Graphics have never been why I came to the HalfLife party -- realisim,

... like playing baseball with a 20 foot mech.... :)

MajorPayne said:
great gameplay,

... very much agreed ....

MajorPayne said:
and the AI outsmarting me (or trying to) are why I play.

I found the AI in HL2 is rather standard, nothing special.. (ok cry foul here :) ) I missed the 'swarm' and the 'aim for f* sake' routines of the AI a bit.

Maybe the most important thing is not the absolute measurable quality of the graphics engine, but the ability of the engine to suck you into its virtual world. And that's for sure more than stunning graphics, I agree.
Well I personally will not worry about the “who is going to be better than who" deal, in the end the winner is the gamer themselves.

Within the next 2-3 years, I see the progression of cinema visuals within gaming to be outstanding. With all the competition within the gaming industry, it shows that the computer gaming industry is still an extremely viable and growing business, even with all of the console options out there. This bodes extremely well for the games we will be playing in the future; whether it is Unreal 3, Half-Life 3, Quake 4 or the next BIG game. Remember, competition creates ingenuity and innovation.

Granted, this will push most of the lower end computer owners to invest in some pretty meaty hardware, but if you are a serious gamer, that will not be a real issue. I can’t help but be excited in how the industry goes concerning how close to cinematic visuals go.

Game on
im not bothered who has the best looking graphics, i just know i wont be buying any of them if they use the same steam activation as hl2 so i doubt very much i'll be playing hl3, roll on u3
Until more is realized, we cant really say whos engine is gonna do what.

I've been reading and seeing pictures on UR 3 engine for some time. Its awsome looking stuff, then again, so were the cinematic concepts for nvidias 5700 cards back in 2001-2002.
Until this technology is coded and intergraded within viable platforms, were just shooting quaters.

Unreals new engine is very nice, cryteks is nice but not as impressive (as far as tech demo/pics go) and HL3 is basically invisable and tastless.

Of course, being on this forum, id like to hope HL3 can beat them or match them in terms of visuals, though i would rather it used a silightly advanced version of the source, with A.I and physics lifted high to there potential.

People jock the farcry A.I. Its was good, but it used similar algorithims that the MGS series uses, involving the flank nodes/backup spawn with advanced flank nodes. Good stuff but not as suprising as many found it to be.

Anyhow, we'll see what happens...
Demo runs like shit on my computer. I don't know. Far Cry doesn't excite me much anymore. It was just a game to play around with while waiting for HL2. It was good though. I noticed that the demo had the same cheesy voice acting and same idea... trigens who break loose and kill everything.

Don't get me wrong though, FC was really cool.