Seven Deadly Sins...

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
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Well, this is politically related, but not in the way that this forum usually deals with (you know; Left vs. Right in an increasingly poisonous "debate" which degenerates into slinging rubbish at one another whilst we all stick our fingers firmly in our ears and shout at the top of our internet voices), but what the hell, let's give it a whirl anyway.
I've been racking my brains trying to find the political equivelant of the Seven Deadly Sins are. Let me illustrate what I mean.

1. Wrath: War-mongering (Leave it alone... Just keep reading...)
2. Lust: The constant sleazey reports that come out about politicians' sordid affairs, etc.
3. Greed: Bribes, backhanders, etc.
4. Jealousy: Personally, I was thinking internal conspiring against other members of the same party.
5. Sloth: Lazy decisions with dangerous ramifications.
6. Pride/Vanity: I suppose (and this is where I get more shakey than the others, which is saying something) making decisions solely to serve themselves, which is something politicians already do, but I can't think of any specific examples...
7. Gluttony: This is where I really get stuck. I imagine it'd have to be "metaphorical", that is to say, politicians feeding off the state (ie: not paying taxes, skimming money off the top of government-funded schemes like education or the NHS), but as I said, it's fairly tenuous.

Anyway - do any of you feel you've got any better examples? Or perhaps that I should shut the f*ck up?
Ummmm, don't really know why you attempted that tbh, you can't exactly compare single human sins with a governments, it is a different kettle of fish.
It's a metaphorical comparison, dear boy...
With the original 7 sins I never really got what the difference between gluttony and greed were... they stem from the same kind of thing, as opposed to the others. Maybe.
Eeeeenteresting. But not eeeeenteresting enough to amuse my alchohol-doused attention span.
kirovman said:
With the original 7 sins I never really got what the difference between gluttony and greed were... they stem from the same kind of thing, as opposed to the others. Maybe.
The "Greed" part concerns specifically, avarice - greed for money/posessions etc. Gluttony's all about food, I think.

jondyfun said:
Eeeeenteresting. But not eeeeenteresting enough to amuse my alchohol-doused attention span.
I applaud you for being drunk, sir :)

I understand this thread may seem a little obtuse, so sorry about that. It appears to be going nowhere fast.
Gluttony - refusal to help 3rd world countries overcome starvation, while we all have our £3.99 all you can eat buffets?

Not very good, but gluttony is hard to compare with politics in this case.
Actually, that's not half bad... They're fairly tenuous as it is, but that could work.
This is a fairly self-serving thread, as this is basically aimed towards a piece of writing I'm trying to do :) So cheers!
I always thought of greed as the drive to acquire for the sake of owning and gluttony to be the drive to consume purely for the gratification. So, if you were to horde food you would be greedy, but if you were to consume far more than you needed to satisfy your hunger, you would be gluttonous.
"3. Greed: Bribes, backhanders, etc."

Well if any politiccian does that he/she must be forced to resign. So it's not officially part of politics, but sureit happens.
That's my point - sins one can give a political angle or would be associated with politicians in the matter of their profession. That is to say, a politician being extremely over-weight wouldn't, in this instance, constitute gluttony.